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  • Pushing boundaries

  • Text 4 Coal mining in English speaking countries

  • Coal mining in English speaking countries

  • Английский язык для направления гороное дело. Облова И. Учебное пособие СанктПетербург 2020 удк 811. 111 (075. 8) Ббк 81. 2Англ я73 О18

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    НазваниеУчебное пособие СанктПетербург 2020 удк 811. 111 (075. 8) Ббк 81. 2Англ я73 О18
    АнкорАнглийский язык для направления гороное дело
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    Text 3 Pushing boundaries

    1. Discuss

    What is haulage equipment?

    1. Learn to pronounce the words given below. Use them in the sentences of your own.

    headframes; haulage; equipment; surface; capacities

    1. Match the English words and word-combinations given below with their Russian equivalents.








    тормоза с колодками




    многоканатный подъемник

    offset hoist


    multy rope hoist

    уравновешенный подъемник





    caliper brakes

    вводить в эксплуатацию

    4. Read the text and choose the sentences that best summarise its main idea.
    Pushing boundaries
    In the specialized field of ultra-deep mining, the South Africans lead the way. Two current developments are pushing the boundaries of hoisting technology, Andlodold’s Moab Khotsong shaft and Western Areas’ South Deeps twin shafts.

    South African based Fuller-Vector has a rich history in the design and supply of mine hoists. Its designs cover all types of hoists including Koepe friction, conventional single and double drum and Blair multirope (BMR) hoists. The applications for Fuller-Vector hoists have ranged from hoisting from shallow depths at low speeds to heavy deep hauls at speeds of up to 19 m/sec.

    A current major project for Fuller-Vector is a contract completed in 1999, at Anglogold’s Moab Khotsong shaft. The order is for a twin 5.7 m diameter by 2.2 m wide electrically coupled BMR hoist. Once installed, this machine will hoist 13.5 t payload of men and materials from a depth of 3.150 metres to surface in one lift at a maximum speed of 19 m/sec. This is believed to be the world’s deepest single wind from surface. Two ropes will be used, each of 42 mm diameter with a maximum static pull. The hoist will be powered by two forced ventilation electric motors, each delivering 7.239 kW. The BMR will complement two Fuller-Vector hoists already installed, a 6 m by 2.2 m double drum hoist fitted with disc brakes and a 5.5 m by 2m double drum hoist fitted with caliper brakes.

    Recently, Fuller-Vector successfully completed the installation and commissioning of a twin 5.1 m diameter by 1.9 m wide mechanically coupled offset BMR hoist for the Western Areas’ South Deep mining project, again in South Africa. The BMR will hoist a 25 t payload of rock from a depth of 2.800 metres at a speed of 15.25 m/sec in a single haul from loading station to surface, making it the world’s deepest rock-hoisting system to surface in one lift. Two ropes are used, each of 49 mm diameter with a maximum static pull. The motor for this hoist is a forced ventilation unit currently delivering 7.283 kW, though this will need to be upgraded for its full duty.

    5. Work with your partner. Think of two questions for your partner about ultra-deep mining projects. Then take turns to ask / respond to each other’s question.

    6.  Prepare to give a short talk about hoisting technologies.

    Text 4 Coal mining in English speaking countries

    1. Discuss

    What countries are most dependent on coal for energy?

    2. Learn to pronounce the words given below. Use them in the sentences of your own.

    colliery; techniques; surface mining; permanent; predetermining; explosion

    3. Read the text. Which paragraph is about:

    a. The oldest colliery in the world

    b. First coal cutting machines
    c. Picks and shovels
    d. Permanent convict settlements

    e. The largest coal port in the world
    f. Political activity of the miners
    g. Danger at the deep mines
    Coal mining in English speaking countries
    UK. The oldest continuously worked mine in the UK and possibly the world is Tower Colliery at the northern end of the South Wales valleys in the heart of the South Wales coalfield. This colliery was started in 1805 and at the end of the 20th century it was bought out by its miners rather than being allowed to be closed. Tower Colliery was finally closed in January 2008. Britain certainly developed the main techniques of underground coal mining.

    America. Coal mining was evident in colonial America in the early 1700s and the first commercial coal mines in the United States were started around 1730 in Midlothian, Virginia and near Richmond. In the 1880s, coal-cutting machines became available, prior to that, coal was mined underground by hand using a pick and shovel. By 1912, surface mining was underway with steam shovels specifically designed for coal mining.

    Australia. In 1984 Australia surpassed the US as the world’s largest coal exporter. 1 / 3 of Australia's coal exports were shipped from the Hunter River region of New South Wales, where coal mining and transport had begun nearly two centuries earlier. Coal was found there in 1795. In 1804 the Sydney-based administrations established a permanent convict settlement near the mouth of the Hunter River to mine and load the coal, predetermining the town’s future as a coal port by naming it Newcastle. Today Newcastle is the largest coal port in the world.

    Canada. Canada had a small coal industry concentrated at Cape Breton in Nova Scotia. At its peak in 1949 25K miners dug 17 million metric tons of coal from mines. The miners lived in company towns and were politically active. Westray Mine closed in 1992 after an explosion killed 26 miners. All the mines were closed by 2001. Now Canada chiefly imports energy from the U.S.
    4. Look through the texts given above and complete the chart.



    5. Find in the text phrases, which mean the following:

    a. непрерывно работающая подземная шахта

    b. быть выкупленным
    c. технология подземной разработки

    d. дальнейший прогресс
    e. шахта промышленного значения

    f. врубовая машина
    g. обогнать (США) по …
    h. мировой экспортер угля

    i. одна треть
    j. предопределять будущее (города)
    k. быть политически активным

    l. закрыть шахту

    6. Find in the text phrases and translate them into Russian.
    a. in the heart of the coalfield

    b. became available
    c. use a pick and shovel

    d. specifically designed for
    e. coal exports were shipped
    f. name given by

    g. mouth of the Hunter River
    h. established a settlement
    i. by naming it …

    1. concentrated

    1. at its peak

    1. chiefly imported from

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