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  • 18. Переведете существительные с суффиксом - tr , образованные от гла­голов

  • 19. Переведите словосочетания с приставкой «я

  • 21. Определите значения выделенных слов по сходству нх корней с кор­нями соответствующих слов в русском языке: command economy; centrally-directed economy; resource

  • 22. Прочитайте текст Б и расскажите, каковы особенности рыночной тор­говли минералами. Чем определяется структура таких рынков и какие минера­лы доминируют в мировой торговле

  • 23. Ответьте на следующие вопросы

  • 24. а) Назовите русские эквиваленты следующих слов и словосочетаний

  • 26. ») Просмотрите текст Б. Расположите пункты приведенного нижеплана в соответствии с содержанием текста.

  • 27. а) Познакомьтесь с приведенной ниже схемой и назовите три основ­ных типа экономических систем по-английски и по-русски и кратко расскажи­те, в чем суть каждой из них.

  • Подготовьте краткое сообщение на тему «Что такое рыночная эконо­мика». а) Прочитайте текст без словаря. Кратко суммируйте его содержаниепо-русски.

  • Слова для понимания текста coincidence

  • Английский, Баратова. Unit 1 Mining Education in Russia

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    participate [pa:'tisipeit] v участво­вать (in); syn to take part (In); par­ticipation [pa:,tBi'pei/эп] n учас­тие, соучастие

    pursue [pa'sju:] v преследовать (цель, интерес); проводить политику

    18. Переведете существительные с суффиксом -tr, образованные от гла­голов:

    to buy —

    to consume —

    to sell —

    to supply —
    to manufacture —

    to trade —

    to explore —








    19. Переведите словосочетания с приставкой «я-:

    unknown resources unprotected environment unloaded coal
    unacceptable increase in cost unchanged policy undeveloped mineral deposit unlimited raw material unreal project

    20. Прочитайте следующие сочетания слов и переведите их:

    scarce resources

    resource allocation

    market participation of producers and consumers

    the possibility of price fixing

    the emergence of international mining companies

    to determine prices

    to be replaced by petroleum products

    to influence the production • of minerals

    to exercise considerable influ­ence of international trade companies

    free-market economy

    mixed economies

    free competition

    mineral commodities

    nonfuel mineral resources

    to interact in markets

    the development of seabed minerals

    to be regarded as world markets

    to determine the structure of any

    particular market to be confined to determining the

    number, size and market position

    of the buyers and sellers to imply competition

    Unit 10249

    21. Определите значения выделенных слов по сходству нх корней с кор­
    нями соответствующих слов в русском языке:

    command economy; centrally-directed economy; resource allocation; mixed economies; mineral market; several stages of production; various types of petroleum products; international trade; oil-exporting countries; the structure of any particular market; structural analysis; communication and competition between producers and consumers; geographic conditions; the sum of all factors; market position; economically efficient price; price fixing; industrial minerals; business cycle; technological advances; to play the central role; to pursue one's own interests; to effect resources allocation

    22. Прочитайте текст Б и расскажите, каковы особенности рыночной тор­
    говли минералами. Чем определяется структура таких рынков и 'какие минера­
    лы доминируют в мировой торговле?

    ТЕКСТ Б Mineral Markets

    Market is a place where buyers and sellers of a given commodity meet to determine price. Mineral markets are material goods markets, and many are regarded as world markets.

    Strictly speaking, markets for any particular mineral exist at several stages of production and for several levels of quality. The petroleum market, for example, is divided into:

    • a market for light petroleum

    • a market for heavy petroleum

    • a market for low-sulfur petroleum, etc.

    The importance of various types of products in international trade, however, varies continuously. Now that the oil-exporting countries are increasingly building up their own processing facilities, for instance, crude oil is less important in international trade and is being replaced by petroleum products.

    Supply and demand determine the structure of any particular market. A structural analysis must thus consider the number, geographic distribution, and market participation of producers and consumers as well as the communications and competition between them. The production of minerals is influenced by geologic conditions and therefore market analysis needs to be conducted by mineral economists with good geologic inside knowledge.

    The form of market is defined by the extent of free competition. It constitutes the sum of all factors influencing

    250 Unit 10

    competition and hence pricing. Empirical investigations on market structure are usually confined to determining the number, size and market position of the buyers and sellers. It is assumed that a large number of producers and consumers implies competition resulting in an economically efficient price: a small number, imperfect competition, where the price can be influenced; and one single producer or consumer, the absence of competition and the possibility of price fixing.

    World trade in mineral commodities is dominated by petroleum, natural gas, coal, metals and some industrial minerals. There is, also, a substantial amount of trade in copper, lead and zinc concentrates.

    World markets for minerals are generally quite competitive and most metal prices are subject to a high degree of fluctuation over the business cycle.

    As for nonfuel mineral resources it should be stressed that over the past half-century continuous exploration aided by technological advances has increased reserves of most nonfuel minerals faster than they have been depleted. Besides, the development of seabed minerals could provide large supplies of copper, nickel, manganese, cobalt and other minerals for many generations to come. International trade in nonfuel minerals is important to hold down raw material costs in industrial countries.

    23. Ответьте на следующие вопросы:

    1. What is a market? What is a mineral market?

    2. What is more profitable to sell: crude oil or oil products?

    3. What determines the structure of any market?

    4. What is the role of structural analysis?

    5. Who is responsible for conducting mineral analysis?

    6. What is the role of competition in free-market economies?

    7. What is world trade in mineral commodities dominated by?
    8.What do you know about nonfuel resources and seabed

    minerals and their role in international trade? 9. Do you know what industrial minerals are?

    1. Do we have large reserves of nonfuel minerals?

    2. Why is international trade in nonfuel minerals important?

    24. а) Назовите русские эквиваленты следующих слов и словосочетаний:

    market (free) competition

    commodities geologic conditions

    buyer mineral economists

    Unit 10



    mineral markets

    stages of production

    levels of quality



    oil-exporting countries processing facilities crude oil

    petroleum products supply and demand geographic distribution of

    producers and consumers to hold down raw material costs

    empirical investigations

    economically efficient



    price fixing

    natural gas

    trade in copper, lead, etc.

    competitive markets

    prices are subject to fluctuation

    nonfuel mineral resources

    technological advances

    reserves are depleted

    seabed minerals

    for many generations to come

    б) Дополните ваш список экономических терминов к тексту Л терминами
    из текста Б.

    в) Сделайте письменный перевод текста.

    25. Найдите в левой колонке определения следующих терминов:

    1.Spending money on projects that will generate goods and services for future consump­tion.(Import)

    2.The existence of people who want to work, but are unable to find a job. (Centrally-directed economy)

    3.Goods and services sold to another country (Mixrd economy).

    4The use of labour, equipment,materials

    and energy to pro­duce goods and services. *(Investmen)

    5An arrangement between two or more

    countries. (Common market)

    6Goods and services bought from another country. (Free-market economy)

    7A market economy with pri­vate and public sectors of eco­nomic enterprises. (Unemployment)

    8An economic system in which the basic questions of what how and for whom to produce are resolved primarily by governmental authority.(Export)

    9An economic system in which resources are allocated by supply and demand mainly without government regula­tion of markets.



    Unit 10

    26. ») Просмотрите текст Б. Расположите пункты приведенного ниже
    плана в соответствии с содержанием текста.

    1. A characteristic feature of a market and especially of a mineral

    2. The function of structural analysis of markets.

    3. The problem of siting mineral resources in free-market economy.

    4. World trade in minerals (fuels, nonfuels, seabed minerals).

    5. Competition in free-market economy.

    б) Суммируйте содержание текста Б о рынке минералов, используя план и активную лексику.

    27. а) Познакомьтесь с приведенной ниже схемой и назовите три основ­
    ных типа экономических систем по-английски и по-русски и кратко расскажи­
    те, в чем суть каждой из них.











    are economic

    are economic

    are economic

    are economic

    systems in which

    systems in which

    systems In which

    systems in which

    the basic questions

    the basic questions

    the basic questions

    the basic

    of what, how and

    of what, how and

    of what, how and

    questions of what,

    for whom to

    for whom to

    for whom to

    how and for whom

    produce are

    produce are

    produce are

    to produce are

    resolved by buyers

    resolved primarily

    resolved by a

    resolved primarily

    and sellers

    by governmental

    mixture of market

    by custom and

    interacting in


    forces with




    direction and/or

    custom and


    б) Определите, к каким экономическим системам относятся следующее утверждения:

    1. Prices function to allocate resources when buyers and sellers

    2. Basic economic decisions depend on authority direction and

    3. Production is controlled by the government.

    4. A system in which resources are allocated by supply and
      demand. Buyers and sellers interact.

    Unit 10253

    1. A system where production through the economy is
      coordinated by the authority.

    2. A system in which the basic questions of what, how and for
      whom to produce are decided by market forces and government.

    1. Подготовьте краткое сообщение на тему «Что такое рыночная эконо­

    2. а) Прочитайте текст без словаря. Кратко суммируйте его содержание

    б) Сделайте письменный перевод части текста, описывающей экономиче­скую теорию Адама Смита.

    Слова для понимания текста

    coincidence — совпадение

    gospel — проповедь

    genesis — возникновение

    solely — только, исключительно

    guess — догадка, предположение

    rival — конкурирующий

    opulence — изобилие, богатство

    bedrock — основной принцип

    Today, most people have a hard time understanding what
    economists are talking about, but everyone knows what an
    economist is — a specialist in a recognized branch of academic
    knowledge. At the beginning of the nineteenth century the term
    was nothing like as specific. In England it was applied to anyone
    who a^prcteched problems by putting0every argument and doctrine
    on wMtever subject tojhe test of facts.

    It was nor coincidence that England gave birth to the first
    industrial revolution and what has since-become known as the
    classical school of economics at the same time. The three most
    important gospels of this school are Adam Smith's Wealth of
    Nations (published in 1776), David Ricardo's Principles of Political
    Economy and Taxation (1817), and James Mill's Political Economy

    Of these books, the most important is that by Adam Smith. It is the first great classic of economic theory and one of the first known

    attempts, to describe economic life as at whole.

    The^rgenesis of The Wealth of Nations exactly mirrors the industrial revolution. Adam Smith was born in 1723, and was a

    254 Unit 10

    student at Glasgow University ia Scotland from 1737 to 1740. Between 1764 and 1766 Smith 'toured Europe. While in France Smith met Voltaire and was greatly influenced by a group of philosophers. On his return from France, Adam Smith sat down to write his great book.

    The first key question the book Addresses is what is, wealth? Real wealth mVasured' by the availabiliti consumable goods, and the labour, which produces them. Дп inciease in wealth» equals an increase in goods., and plenty means heap goods. Anything that restricts the availability of goods iteoucei a nation's wealth. National wealth can only increase as trade dees between and within^ nations. For trade to grow you need a market and how the market works is the cdre of Smith's book.

    What.makes markerscsuch important creators of wealth is that

    they enccmrage the 'drvision'of labour and specialisation.

    ? An effective market reconomy andn the civjsed society that it

    supports — depends on^a ^erwdrk^o^cb-oper^pn tiiat is neither

    ""planned ^^.directe^by^a political power. The operation of market

    force^lilce^trje dlytsjon of labour, brings great Benefits to society

    and 'raises lhet sianaa'rd^.pf living, but this benefit ^cannpt be

    planned. Buyers and lifersЪ,a market are motivatedjilmost solely

    f inten'ded 'it' If the seller is the sole producer of a popular product,

    . J^P/t.o 7 r ^jJ-Zc* ^ЭТ-оыlic^

    push its price up as high as the market will bear. But, a his

    he wnl push yits price up Д8 high as Ле market will bea^. But:,a high price ^wm^attract^Hv^ prb^uper^'dnce^tfieir goods are available in the market, the price will naturally fall. Thus the market is a self-regulating mechanism ^uiqecl not by a government, but by what Smith called "the invisible hand".

    One of the bedrocks of ^Smith's philosophy is that no government or group of men is'Wile enqugh tp do a better job at managing trade than a market which reflects the guesses and knowledge of millions. Sn^i^i,didn't believe that governments would ever allow trade !p^ercpmpietely free and he wrote that the interests of national idefence are always "more important than

    7Tf-> in "ГгТ ^ - 9 Q f Qfn «7,F,.*

    opulence . Under the^ final heading Smith was thinking, of infrastructure projects like rpadj,bndges; canals and^ajrbours which are expensive and often unprofitable to build but lead to an increase in trade and hence of national wealth.

    Smith's achievement was Immense: the science Smith discovered was called the modern economy.

    by sel.f-interest, but serve "uje public interest without Having

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