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  • Unit 8

  • Unit 16

  • School Conversation Questions

  • My School Life I.

  • A Student’s Life Warmer I.

  • It’s important to come to your lessons on time so that you don’t miss anything. That’s right. If you’re late you can miss something important. Why do you think it’s important to…

  • Running Dictation 1.

  • Учебное_пособие_КП_профессиональный. Учебное пособие по английскому языку для студентов педагогического колледжа по специальности Коррекционная педагогика в начальном образовании

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    Министерство образования Белгородской области

    Областное государственное автономное профессиональное образовательное учреждение «Белгородский педагогический колледж»

    (ОГАПОУ «БПК»)

    Учебное пособие по английскому языку

    для студентов педагогического колледжа по специальности «Коррекционная педагогика в начальном образовании»

    Белгород, 2022 г.

    Учебное пособие публикуется по решению научно-методического совета областного государственного автономного профессионального образовательного учреждения «Белгородский педагогический колледж»


    кандидат педагогических наук, доцент кафедры иностранных языков БГИИК Чернявская Н.Э.


    преподаватели иностранного языка ОГАПОУ «БПК»

    Захарова Н.В., Москаленко С.В., Лысых В.И.
    Ответственный редактор:

    преподаватель иностранного языка ОГАПОУ «БПК» Захарова Н.В.

    Настоящее учебное пособие по английскому языку по дисциплине «Иностранный язык в профессиональной деятельности» составлено в соответствии с требованиями Федерального Государственного образовательного стандарта общего среднего профессионального образования. Данное пособие предназначается для студентов педагогических колледжей по специальности «Коррекционная педагогика в начальном образовании».

    Для будущих специалистов, подготавливаемых в ОГАПОУ «БПК», принципиально важным является приобретение компетенции в правильном, точном переводе методических и педагогических публикаций на иностранных языках, в особенности английской и американской педагогической литературы.

    Настоящее учебное пособие разработано с целью расширения словарного запаса и развития навыков чтения и перевода литературы профессиональной направленности на английском языке. Учтены рабочая программа курса, требования к результатам освоения дисциплины; включены материалы по основным темам курса, ключевые слова и выражения, упражнения к текстам.

    В основу пособия положены следующие принципы: принцип коммуникативной направленности, обеспечивающий реализацию основной цели обучения английскому языку в СПО – создание условий для формирования у студентов общих и профессиональных компетенций; принцип посильности и доступности; принцип профессиональной направленности. Тематические тексты с заданиями отобраны с целью совершенствования навыков функционального чтения студентов, при наличии которых обучающиеся могут свободно использовать навыки чтения и письма для получения информации из текста для его понимания, сжатия, преобразования и т.д. При разработке многих тем пособия использовались полу-аутентичные тексты, то есть основанные на оригинальном материале, но лексически или синтаксически адаптированные для программы обучения. Это позволяет воссоздать условия естественного речевого общения, стимулировать речевую активность, служить средством дистантного погружения в естественную профессиональную среду на всех этапах обучения, тем самым частично компенсируя её отсутствие.

    Пособие состоит из семнадцати разделов, включающих следующие темы: «Школьная жизнь», «Образование в Российской Федерации», «Система образования в Великобритании», «Система образования в США», «Великие педагоги», «Выбор профессии», «Профессия учителя», «Личность учителя», «Роль школы в развитии ребёнка», «Родители и дети», «Учителя и ученики», «Учителя и родители», «Являются ли родители хорошими учителями для своих детей?», «Дети с особенными потребностями», «Психология и образование», «Специальное образование», «Работа с проблемными детьми в начальной школе».

    Разработанное учебное пособие рекомендуется для самостоятельной работы студентов, но также может оказать помощь преподавателям в подготовке и проведении групповых аудиторных занятий.

    Материал пособия прошёл активную апробацию в течение ряда лет в Белгородском педагогическом колледже.


    Unit 1 “School Life” 6

    Unit 2 “Education in the Russian Federation” 12

    Unit 3 “Educational System in Great Britain” 22

    Unit 4 “Educational System in the USA” 33

    Unit 5 “Great Teachers” 42

    Unit 6 “Choosing a Profession” 51

    Unit 7 “The Profession of a Teacher” 54

    Unit 8 “The Personality of a Teacher” 60

    Unit 9 “The School’s Role in Influencing Child Development” 66

    Unit 10 “Parents and Children” 69

    Unit 11 “Teachers and Pupils” 73

    Unit 12 “Teachers and Parents” 75

    Unit 13 “Are Parents Good Teachers of Their Children?” 81

    Unit 14 “Children with Special Needs” 86

    Unit 15 “Phycology and Teaching” 97

    Unit 16 “Special Education” 104

    Unit 17 “Working with Difficult Children in Primary Schools” 110

    Список использованной литературы 114
    Unit 1

    TopicSchool Life

    Education is not a preparation for life, but is life itself”.

    (John Dewey, an American philosopher, psychologist, and educational reformer)
    School Conversation Questions

    Warm-up Task:

    I. With your conversation partners, make a list of the different subjects which students study at school.

    II. Work in pairs. Choose 5 questions you’d like to ask your partner and ask them. Choose 5 questions you’d like to answer and answer them.
    1. When did you start school? Do you remember your first day?

    2. Did you enjoy school life? What did you like and dislike about it?

    3. Who was your favorite teacher? What do you remember about him or her?

    4. What was your favorite subject at school? Why?

    5. Did you have to wear a uniform to school? If so, what did yours look like?

    6. What are the pros and cons of uniforms for school kids?

    7. How many children were there in your class? What is the best number of students for a class?

    8. What did you and your classmates do during your lunch break?

    9. Did you get a lot of homework? Do you think it helped you learn?

    10. How much sport did you do at school? Is sport important for school kids?

    11. Was art a significant part of your schooling?

    12. Did you learn any practical subjects like woodwork or cooking? What do you think about that kind of practical education?

    13. Were your schools single-sex or co-educational? Which style is better?

    14. Were you involved in any musical or theatrical performances at school? What memories of these events do you have?

    15. When students behaved badly, how were they punished at your school?

    16. What do you think about physical punishment? Is it effective?

    17. Did you ever skip school? What did you do instead of going to school?
    III. What questions would you like to ask your group mates about your schools and school life?

    IV. Express your opinions about school.

    Opinions about School
    1. Where did you first go to school?

    2. Describe a favorite teacher you had before.

    3. Now, read the sentences below. Circle the numbers that best express your opinions.

    Then, compare your answers with your group mates. Give reasons.

    1. Studying is fun.

    1 2 3 4 5

    2. Getting an “excellent” on a test is easy.

    1 2 3 4 5

    3. Students have too many tests.

    1 2 3 4 5

    4. Going to school is easier than having a job and going to work.

    1 2 3 4 5

    5. It would be great to be a teacher.

    1 2 3 4 5

    6. There should be more school holidays.

    1 2 3 4 5

    7. Students should go to school six days a week so they can learn more.

    1 2 3 4 5

    8. Teachers should give their students less homework.

    1 2 3 4 5

    9. In the future, students will stay home and study by the Internet.

    1 2 3 4 5

    10. It’s OK to cheat on tests sometimes if you don’t know all the answers.

    1 2 3 4 5

    11. You don’t have to get good grades in school to find a good job.

    1 2 3 4 5

    12. Students have to carry too many heavy books.

    1 2 3 4 5

    5 I agree completely.

    4 I mostly agree.

    3 I’m not sure.

    2 I mostly disagree

    1 I disagree completely.

    My School Life
    I. Read the essay. Try to guess the words underlined from the context. Then use the dictionary to check these words.
    The school life is the best time in the life. A man, who has been the student, knows what school life is. The importance of school life can never be negated. The school life is important both for children and for grown up students.

    We get good learning experience, the self-confidence, motivation and the will to do the best. It is the school life that blesses with best ever friends for the rest of our life. The school life friends are like your old and sincere friends for the rest of your life. The school days are the best days of our lives. I have the best school life memories. The joys of school life are invaluable.

    My first day school life memories are still vivid. I can still feel how warmly I was welcomed at the school. That truly defines the importance of school life for a child. As a child, I learned, cooperated, got myself motivated and groomed under the best company of my best friends. I remember the first year love and wishes from my teachers. That is why I always regard my primary school life memories as the treasure for my life.

    I have the best friends today and the learning experience that I got from my high school. The high school life memories are invaluable. I did a lot of blunders and mistakes. But thanks to my sincere friends and true teachers I was always rescued. That is how I learned from high school life the true meaning of cooperation and love.

    I had a lot of shortcomings. I still remember how ignorant I was during my school days.

    The high school life days are filled with excitement. During high school life period, one becomes matured enough to understand the value of time. My high school life is a wonderful chapter in my entire memories. In that period I learned truly. I directed myself. I learned dedication, hard work, motivation and self-actualization.

    This is the period when I started working hard. I believe, what you learn during high school life or college life, it truly impacts the rest of your life. One of my best high school memories was the day when I won prize in annual science contest for schoolchildren. It was the moment of great pride for me, my parents and for my school.

    I remember the days we celebrated, the extracurricular activities we took part in. That’s the best part of my school life. It never let me be bored.

    They say that a person always remembers his first day at school and the last day at school. The first day a child remembers because he came there weeping. And the last day a student remembers because he left the school weeping again. In my case, I remember them clearly. The joys of school life are surely countless. Indeed, the school days are the best of our lives.

    II. How do you say these in your language?

    • your old and sincere friends;

    • I regard my primary school life memories as the treasure for my life;

    • My first day school life memories are still vivid;

    • a lot of blunders and mistakes;

    • my sincere friends and true teachers;

    • a wonderful chapter in my entire memories;

    • it truly impacts the rest of your life;

    • extracurricular activities.

    III. Write “My School Life Essay” using the words and phrases from the text. Follow the plan.

    What I learnt at my school?

    School life memories: good friends

    School life gives you the best ever friends who are with you the whole life.

    Discipline and character building

    School life helps you build up your character. It strengthens your career goal.

    Cooperation and competition

    Competition is a part and parcel of our life. We learn how to compete and how to achieve our goals. Competition is a must thing to achieve our intended goals. Therefore, we learn cooperation and mutual help at school.

    Mentorship and sacrifice

    True leadership and sincere mentorship are provided by school life. We take our ideals and work hard to achieve the goal set by our ideals. We learn to give sacrifice to protect our core values.

    A Student’s Life


    I. School rules

    1. Work in pairs. Complete the two lists. Write as many ideas as you can.
    Things a good student does Things a bad student does

    Comes to the lessons on time doesn’t listen to the teacher

    _______________________ _______________________

    _______________________ _______________________

    _______________________ _______________________

    _______________________ _______________________

    _______________________ _______________________

     Here are some suggestions:

    do homework, talk to friends, eat in the lessons, revise lessons, speak English in lessons, play with phone, etc.

    2. Work in pairs again. Look at the things a good student does. Discuss why they are important.

    Student A Student B

    It’s important to come to your lessons on time so that you don’t miss anything.

    That’s right. If you’re late you can miss something important. Why do you think it’s important to…

    II. Opinion corners

     There is a notice in each corner of the room, each of, AGREE, DISAGREE, COMPLETELY AGREE and COMPLETELY DISAGREE. And there is one DON’T KNOW in the middle of the room.

     Read the statements, translate them, then walk to and stand by the response of your choosing.

    Suggested statements:

    • School uniform is essential

    • Pupils are not given enough homework

    • A good teacher is a strict teacher

    • Exams are getting easier

    • Teachers should receive salary according to exam results

    • School should be three days a week

    • Education should be free at the college and university

    • All pupils should study cookery and sewing.

    Running Dictation

    1. Студенты делятся на группы (команды), выбирается текст и раздаётся по одной копии этого текста для каждой группы. Лексика к тексту прилагается.

    2. Текст прикрепляется на стене, и каждая группа выбирает первого «бегуна».

    3. «Бегун» подбегает к тексту, читает его, возвращается к своей группе и начинает по памяти диктовать прочитанный текст. После того, как первый «бегун» продиктовал все, что он смог запомнить, читать текст отправляется следующий бегун.

    4. Побеждает группа, которая справилась с диктантом первой. Эта группа получает 100 баллов; группа, закончившая второй – 90 баллов; следующая – 80 и так далее.

    5. Студентам вручается текст, и группы проверяют диктанты своих соперников. За каждую ошибку снижается определенное количество баллов и по результатам проверки определяется победитель.

    6. Необходимо воспроизвести тексты заново по памяти, работая в группах или индивидуально.

    List words

     different experiences (phr) – разные переживания, опыт

     irrelevant (adj) – неуместный, неподходящий, несоответствующий

     science (n) – естественные науки

     technology

     discipline

     depends on (v) – зависит от

    Running Dictation


    It seems people have very different experiences of school. Some find it good preparation for life; others find the exams difficult and the subjects irrelevant.

    Maths and English are the main subjects but it is also important to study practical subjects like science and information technology.

    There can be a lot of homework and many pupils dislike the discipline and the uniform.

    But with a good teacher, lessons can be interesting and educational. It all depends on the people in the classroom.

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