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  • Best approaches to investment

  • AWARENESS RAISING AMONG GENERAL PUBLIC: Raising awareness at national level

  • Raising awareness at local level Municipalities raise awareness by organizing local energy days through their Sustainable Energy Action Plans.DEVELOPED AND FINANCED PROJECTS

  • Government programmes and funds

  • Technical assistance for development and implementation of projects


  • Selected secondary legislation


  • Best practices in project development


  • Етическойэффективности и исполь

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    Best policy practices
    Approval and update of the EE and RE action plans at all levels.
    Best practices in project
    Implementation of IPA CBC ALTERENERGY project in small rural communities of Čajniče and Bosanski Petrovac, where MOFTER and municipalities, developed and implemented the following projects: sustainable action plans, development of the project proposals and implementation of the proposed infrastructure projects.
    Best approaches to investment
    The IPA CBC ALTERENERGY project, where small rural municipalities have capacity and knowledge to develop and implement the projects in the following areas: replacement of heating system, switching to wooden biomass, window and insulation replacement, lighting.
    Raising awareness at national

    Organization of workshops, seminars and conferences on raising awareness on EE and RE through various projects;

    Campaigns for EE in buildings implemented and supported by the UNDP;

    Information on EE to general public by NGOs, such as REIC which holds annual summer school dedicated to EE and RE promotion;

    Promotion of EE as part of project implementation in partnership with the chambers of commerce (especially active is
    Sarajevo Chamber of Commerce) and regional development agencies;

    Seminar programmes on the efficient use of energy sources and their environmental impact initiated by consulting companies and supported by the UNDP, GIZ, and USAID.
    Raising awareness at local
    Municipalities raise awareness by organizing local energy days through their Sustainable Energy Action Plans.
    Main incentives for
    development and
    implementation of projects
    The Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina:

    Provision of subsidies and incentives in the form of non-refundable financing from the budget spending programme with allocation criteria “Current transfers to other levels of government and Funds for the projects of thermal insulation of buildings aimed at energy savings”;

    The Environmental Protection Fund of the Federation BiH which allocated a total of 9.1 million BAM for EE projects;

    The Green Economic Development 2014-2018 programme which provides grant co-financing for EE projects. The end user must contribute at least 50 per cent of the project value. Funds are allocated to buildings owned by the public sector.
    The Republika Srpska:

    The Environmental Protection and Energy Efficiency Fund founded by the Republic of Srpska and responsible for fundraising activities and financing preparations, implementation and development of programmes, projects and similar activities in the area of conservation, sustainable use, protection and improvement of the environment EE and use of RE sources.
    Regulatory authority for activities in production of electric power from RE, including issuing of licences for electric power production and granting of the eligible RE producer divided between the entities. Having received the eligible producer status from the relevant entity regulatory boards, eligible RE producers become eligible for the following incentives:

    Feed-in tariff or guaranteed purchase price – in line with the tariff system for the period of 12 years in the Federation of BiH and 15 years in the Republika Srpska;

    Feed-in premium, in case of production for personal use or free market trade (Republika Srpska);

    Advantages in connecting to the grid;

    Priority in the dispatching system;

    Guaranteed takeover of produced electric power by the grid.

    Government programmes
    and funds

    Environmental Protection and Energy Efficiency Fund of the Republika Srpska is responsible for fundraising activities and for financing preparations, implementation and development of programmes, projects and similar activities in the area of conservation, sustainable use, protection and improvement of the environment, and in EE and use of RE sources. In addition, it is a host and administrator of the Energy Efficiency Information System for the RS jurisdiction.

    Environmental Fund of FBiH is a non-profit financial institution formed by the FBiH Government charged with mobilizing and distribution of funding for environmental programmes (including EE and RES), projects in the Federation of BiH.
    In the domain of EE, the Fund finances infrastructural EE projects primarily in the public sector, detailed energy audits, continuously delivers training for end users of public buildings and education for professionals, and raises public awareness through media campaigns, through design, and distribution of promotional materials and publications for the general public. In 2016, the Fund has created the Revolving Fund for financing of EE projects and open to all interested parties in the building sector (private and public sector), industry, public lighting and utility services. The FBiH Fund is a host and administrator of the Energy Efficiency Information System for the FBiH jurisdiction. In its operations, the FBiH Fund closely cooperates with the Development Bank of Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
    Financing schemes

    The new Law on the Environmental Protection and Energy Efficiency Fund foresees that the Fund collects fees pursuant to the Law on Energy Efficiency in the Federation BiH.

    Air protection fees: both entities collect air pollution fees from polluters (for air emissions of SO2, NO2 and solid particles).
    These fees are collected by entity Environmental Funds and then channelled to environmental and EE projects.

    Environmental fees: both entities collect a special environmental fee with each registration of motor vehicles. These fees are collected by entity Environmental/Energy Efficiency Funds and channelled to appropriate projects. According to the Law on the Environmental Protection Fund of FBiH, the funds are automatically distributed as follows: 70 per cent to the cantonal account and 30 per cent to the Fund. The Fund’s available funds are then channelled to environmental and EE projects.
    Commercial financing

    Loan products placed through local banks and microcredit foundations, offer end users a more favorable option than standard commercial loans with regard to interest rates. Certain banks participating in these credit lines offer loans under standard interest rates but with other advantages not offered to clients in standard commercial loans (conditional partial loan write-off, free preparation of documentation).

    EBRD Regional Energy Efficiency Programme-WEBSEFF 2 credit line where Raiffeisen Bank and UniCredit Bank Mostar are the partners in this project. Loans are available to both public and private sector. Interest rates are equivalent to commercial interest rates and potentially negotiable. The programme offers incentive bonuses of 10 per cent of the loan value for achieved energy savings, as well as free technical assistance.

    KfW credit line where Raiffeisen Bank is the project partner and operates a 1,000,000 EUR credit line for EE projects. Loans are approved for a maximum period of 7 years, including a grace period of up to three years. The additional advantage for clients (investors) is that the cost of preparation of project documentation is included in the cost of the loan.

    The Bosnia Energy Efficiency Project (BEEP) is being implemented with the support from the World Bank. BEEP is the largest
    EE project with total planned investments over the next three years of 19 million USD in the Federation of BiH and 13 million
    USD in the Republika Srpska.
    Technical assistance
    for development and
    implementation of projects

    GIZ supports the Open Regional Fund for South-East Europe - Energy Efficiency, which promotes regional cooperation between owners of reform processes in the energy sector, with the goal to achieve national objectives defined in the action plan. GIZ also supports activities to create preconditions for improvement of the framework conditions for increasing use of
    RE in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

    USAID supports the Energy Investment Activity programme which aims to improve EE of distribution system operators and suppliers with the goal to reduce CO2 emissions and energy costs. This project provides active technical assistance to address the legal obligation to establish the EE obligation scheme.

    UNDP implements projects aimed at policy development and infrastructural improvements through strengthening and development of human and financial capacities of local, entity and state authorities in order to create a favorable environment for activities in the fields of energy and environment.

    EU supports the Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA) cross-border programme which promotes nature conservation,
    EE and RE. Activities are focused on the organization of workshops for public administration employees.
    Energy service market
    The existing laws recognize ESCO, but implementers are seeking to change some of financial laws. The trial project with the ESCO model is being implemented in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The EBRD Western Balkans Regional Energy Efficiency Programme supports the following ESCO projects:

    District heating biomass ESCO project in Sokolac with investment up to EUR 7,5 million;

    Building efficiency refurbishment project prepared for Cantonal hospital in Zenica (up to EUR 5-7 million) and Mostar hospital (up to EUR 0,5 million)

    Banja Luka indicated interest in street lighting ESCO project.
    Framework legislation

    Energy Efficiency Act. (Promulgated SG No. 35 of May 15, 2015, amended and supplemented, SG No. 105 of 30 December
    2016, Suppl., SG 103 of 28 December 2017);

    Law on Renewable Energy. (Promulgated SG No. 35 of May 3, 2011, amended many times, last amended SG, issue 58
    of July 18, 2017).
    Main policy documents

    Energy Strategy of the Republic of Bulgaria until 2020, adopted by a decision of the National Assembly dated June 1,
    2011 (State Gazette, issue 43 of June 7, 2011);

    National Energy Efficiency Action Plan 2014 - 2020. Ministry of Economy and Energy, Sofia, July 2014;

    National Energy Efficiency Action Plan 2014 - 2020. Ministry of Economy and Energy, Sofia, July 2014;

    Second National Energy Efficiency Action Plan 2011 - 2013, adopted by Council of Ministers Protocol No 36.14 of
    28 September 2011;

    First National Energy Efficiency Action Plan 2008-2010, adopted by the Council of Ministers of 4 October 2007;

    National long-term energy efficiency program up to 2015, adopted by the Council of Ministers on 4 July 2005;

    National Renewable Energy Action Plan under the Renewable Energy National Renewal Action Plan as referred to in
    Directive 2009/28 / EC of the European Parliament and of the Council. MEET, December 2012;

    National Long-Term Program to Promote the Use of Renewable Energy Sources 2005-2015, MEE / EEA, December 2005.
    Selected secondary legislation
    Decree No 18 of the Council of Ministers of 2015 on the adoption of a National Energy Efficiency Program for Multifamily Residential
    Buildings, on the Terms and Procedure for Granting the Program Grant and on Determining the Bodies Responsible for its
    Implementation (Prom. SG No. 10 of February 6, 2015, SG No. 18 of 10 March 2015, amended and supplemented, SG No. 35/15 May
    2015 No. 82 of 23 October 2015 No. 11 of 9 February 2016 and No. 12 of 3 February 2017);
    Decision of the National Assembly of June 9, 2017 on the policy of the Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works for the implementation of the National Program for energy efficiency of multifamily residential buildings. (SG, No. 48 of June 16, 2017);
    Decision of the National Assembly to Support the Continuous Implementation of the National Energy Efficiency Program for
    Multifamily Residential Buildings and the Action of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Bulgaria to Increase the Financial
    Resources to BGN 2 Billion (SG No. 8 of January 24, 2017);
    Decree No 339 of 2 December 2016 of the Council of Ministers approving additional expenditure on the budget of the Ministry of
    Regional Development and Public Works in 2016 for the implementation of the National Energy Efficiency Program for multifamily residential buildings. (Promulgated State Gazette No. 97 of December 6, 2016).
    Norms and standards

    Ordinance № E-RD-04-1 of 22 January 2016 of ME and MRDPW for Energy Efficiency Audit, Certification and Assessment of
    Energy Savings of Buildings;

    Ordinance № Е-РД-04-3 of 4 May 2016 of the Ministry of Energy on the eligible measures for realization of energy savings in final consumption, the ways of proving the achieved energy savings, the requirements for the methodologies for their evaluation and the ways of their confirmation;

    Ordinance on the methodologies for the definition of the national energy efficiency target and the definition of the common cumulative target, the introduction of an energy savings obligation scheme and the allocation of individual energy savings targets among the obligated persons adopted by Council of Ministers Decree No 240 of 15 September 2016;

    Ordinance № RD-16-317 of 27 February 2013 of the Ministry of Economy and Energy on the procedure for issuance of certificates and entry in the register of the persons who carry out installation, maintenance, repairs and reconstruction of facilities in energy sites for production of electricity from renewable sources.

    Specialized Methods for Assessment of Energy Savings adopted by Decree No 36 of 15 February 2013 of the Council of

    Ordinance № РД-02-20-19 of 29 December 2011 of the Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works for designing the construction structures of the constructions by applying the European system for designing of construction constructions;

    Ordinance No RD-16-869 of 2 August 2011 of the Ministry of Economy and Energy for the calculation of the total share of energy from renewable sources in the gross final energy consumption and the consumption of biofuels and renewable energy in transport;

    Ordinance No. 5 of 28 December 2006 of the Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works on the technical passports of the constructions;

    Ordinance No E-RD-04-06 of 28 September 2016 of MoE, MoF and MoE on reducing the burden related to the costs of energy from renewable sources.

    Ordinance on the structure and safe operation of the transmission and distribution pipelines and of the installations, installations and appliances for natural gas, adopted by Council of Ministers Decree No 171 of 16 July 2004;

    Ordinance No. 7 of 2004 of MRDPW on Energy Efficiency of Buildings (Amended, SG No. 85/2009, amended, SG No. 27 of
    2015, effective from 15.07.2015.

    National level:

    Ministry of Energy (ME);

    Ministry of Regional Planning and Public Works (MRDPW);

    Ministry of Environment and Waters (MEW);

    Sustainable Energy Development Agency (SEDA).
    Regional and local level:

    Municipal energy agencies (in some municipalities);

    Association of Municipal Energy Agencies (AMEA).
    Best policy practices

    National Energy Efficiency Programme for Multifamily Residential Buildings intended to turn into a long-term housing renovation initiative;

    Bulgarian Energy Efficiency and Renewable Sources Fund – a number of projects were financed under “Competitiveness” and
    “Regional Development” operation programmes;

    EEA Grant and National Trust Eco Fund.
    Best practices in project
    Numerous companies and municipalities developed and proposed EE and RES projects.
    Framework legislation

    Law on energy efficiency (Official Gazette No. 127/2014);

    Law on renewable energy sources and high efficient cogeneration (Official Gazette No. 100/2015, 131/2017).
    Main policy documents

    Draft of the Low-carbon development strategy of the Republic of Croatia, 2017;

    First National Energy Efficiency Action Plan (NEEAP) on the period of 2008-2010 (2008);

    Second NEEAP until the end of 2013 (2013);

    Third NEEAP o the period 2014-2016 (2014);

    Fourth NEEAP on the period 2017-2019 (2017);

    National Renewable Energy Action Plan to 2020 (2013)
    Selected secondary legislation

    Regulation on monitoring, measurement and verification of energy savings (Official Gazette No. 71/2015);

    Regulation on energy audit for large companies (Official Gazette No. 125/2015);

    Ordinance on contracting and implementation of energy services in public sector (Official Gazette No. 11/2015);

    Regulation on continuous energy management in public sector (Official Gazette No. 18/2015, 6/2016);

    Regulation on energy audit of buildings and energy certification (Official Gazette No. 88/2017);

    Regulation on energy audit control system (Official Gazette No. 73/2015);

    Regulation on authorization of experts for energy auditing, certification and regular H/AC system inspection (Official Gazette
    No. 73/2015, 133/2015);

    Regulation on conditions and standards to determine quality of services and works of authorized renewable energy system installers (Official Gazette No. 33/2015, 56/2015);

    Rules on Energy Licenses and Maintenance of Registry of Issued and Revoked Energy Licenses (Official Gazette No. 88/2015,
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