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  • Within financial services


  • Best practices in project development

  • Best approaches to investment

  • Innovative financing mechanisms

  • AWARENESS RAISING AMONG GENERAL PUBLIC: Raising awareness at national level

  • Raising awareness at local level

  • Results of raising awareness

  • DEVELOPED AND FINANCED PROJECTS: Government programmes and funds


  • Selected secondary legislation

  • Етическойэффективности и исполь

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    Annual International Forum on Energy Efficiency and Energy Development provides a common platform for exchange of experience and best practices to facilitate the improvement of EE of the national economy. For the first time the
    International meeting of mayors for EE and sustainable urban development was organized within the framework of within the ENES 2016.

    The International exhibition and forum ECOTECH, a practical tool for presentation of foreign and Russian innovative ecological developments and effective professional networking, was first held April 26 through 29, 2016. ECOTECH has been conceived as a united platform for demonstration of ecological innovative solutions in various industries of economy and for professional dialogue about problems, prospects and specific objectives of the economy transfer to eco-friendly vector and introduction of the best available technologies.

    Annual International Conference “Renewable Energy Development in the Russian Far East” held in Yakutsk since 2013 to facilitate RE projects on cooperation between authorities of the Far East, energy companies and energy equipment producers.

    The «Financing Renewable Energy Projects in Russia» Round Table in November 2017. It was one of the most fruitful activities, which was participated in by Russian regulators, international manufacturers and suppliers; banks, as project funding in the field of renewable energies.
    Within financial services

    The «Financing Renewable Energy Projects in Russia» Round Table in November 2017. It was one of the most fruitful activities, which was participated in by Russian regulators, international manufacturers and suppliers; banks, as project funding in the field of renewable energies.

    Second international forum Clean Energy addressed the issue of how to unlock Russia’s huge clean energy potential.
    Given the St. Petersburg location, a special attention was paid to the North-West Federal District, as well as to the Arctic cooperation.

    Round table Green finance: International experience and Russian practice was held on March 29, 2018. It was a kicking-off event of a series of discussions and practical expertise exchange on the most challenging aspects of green finance market development in Russia, stimulating of investments in energy efficiency and climate risk management.
    Among end-users
    International conference and exhibition “Environmental Safety in Gas Industry” organized once in 2 years since 2009.
    Representatives of state supervisory and regulatory bodies, scientists, specialists of Russian and foreign companies convene to discuss relevant issues of environmental safety, efficient energy use and heath safety in the oil and gas industry.
    Best policy practices

    The National Climate Doctrine which brought the climate change risks into focus of the long-term sustainable development of the national economy across the sectors, especially the energy complex.

    Implementation of the corporate medium-term programs aimed at providing energy services more efficiently and sustaining their reliability and resilience under the climate change. RE development was notably intensified as a sustainable solution towards reducing the lack of energy in remote areas, where the levelized costs of energy were well above the average.

    Russian Government on the Mechanism for the Promotion of Renewable Energy on the Wholesale Electricity and Capacity
    Market (2013) obliged RE project investors to use equipment in each installation which is at least partly produced or assembled in Russia. The purpose of these measures is to stimulate economic activity in the field of RE and to create jobs in this sector.

    Best practices in project

    Gazprom adopted the Energy Saving and Energy Efficiency Concept for 2011–2020, according to which it’s technologically feasible for Gazprom to save no less than 28.2 million tons of fuel equivalent in the 2011–2020 period.

    A solar technology center focusing on thin film technologies founded by Hevel, Russia’s single solar module company, and the Skolkovo Innovation Centre at the Ioffe Physical Technical Institute located in St Petersburg. The centre operated an experimental process line of 500 kW, which aimed to refine the technical characteristics of thin film modules.

    Development of a technological base for solar energy (for example, heterostructure technology, manufacturing solar modules of the cascade type with an efficiency of over 40%); wind energy (production of equipment for wind power generation); and small hydro-power (the supply of container type mini-hydro).
    Best approaches to investment

    The main support mechanism for RE is the auction system. the Russian capacity scheme is linked to a capacity supply agreement (i.e. the availability of power plants to produce electricity), expressed in MW or MW per month. The agreements allow investors to secure a return on their investment in RE projects through guaranteed capacity payments payable over a term of 15 years.

    Improving EE is central to Russia’s energy sector modernization strategy. There was a launch of various policies to promote improving
    EE since 2008. In accordance to the “Energy Strategy to 2030”, the other strategic energy goal lies in reducing Russia’s energy intensity by 40%, between 2007 and 2020. The main instruments in realizing this potential include creating awareness, installation of metering, labelling and standardization.

    Growth of the electricity and natural gas prices came as a result of the liberalization process. The specific initiative by the Ministry of
    Regional Development as a pilot in seven Russian regions in September 2013, following this energy pricing rule. The main principle is that households agree to a certain price ceiling for a certain amount of electricity consumption, and when that consumption volume is exceeded, the price increases considerably. The project’s aim was to raise household electricity prices to the level of those in industry.
    Innovative financing
    The Energy Strategy of Russia to 2035 is directly linked with the innovative development of its industries. To encourage the development and introduction of new domestic technologies and materials, the Ministry of Energy implements the action plan
    (“the Roadmap”) on the introduction of innovative technologies and advanced materials in the fuel and energy complex through the period until 2018
    Raising awareness at national

    Information on the current and proposed activities in RE development and EE improvement is constantly observed in magazines, newspapers and other periodicals across the country and special industrial publications.

    The Russian Government holds regular seminars, conferences and provides participation of official representatives in various events to discuss current challenges and future prospects of the sustainable energy development in Russia.

    The state energy policy was presented with a shift towards low carbon development based on systematic support of EE increase and RE development at various open events held during the Climate Week in 2017.

    The updates on progress made in EE and RE status in Russia is regularly published on the website of the Ministry of Energy of
    Raising awareness at local

    Most of the Russian energy companies have prioritized their long-term innovation development strategies paying a special attention to EE improvement. They publish periodical reports (annual, biannual, triannual) disclosing the performance of measures taken in enhancing the energy services provided through the progressive actions.

    Energy companies encourage their engineers to publish articles about the results of their projects, presenting all the information about the objectives set and results achieved. Through their PR departments energy companies keep the local mass media aware about the challenges solved, including energy saving data and prospects in using technologies causing a lower environmental impact.

    The EE and RE projects have become the major agenda of most of the technical seminars, conferences and meetings with public held by energy companies in both southern and northern regions of Russia
    Results of raising awareness

    The energy end-users have become more active in benefiting from new opportunities of energy supply due to an increase in

    The widely presented EE and RE projects became a factor of lowering the outward migration of the population in the Arctic regions.

    Many energy companies have gained more public credits from demonstrating results of real projects aimed at minimizing the cost of energy generation and supply.

    The EE and RE cooperation has been facilitated between academics, businesses and local authorities across the country.
    Government programmes and

    The State Program “Energy Efficiency and Energy Development”;

    The State program “Development of science and technology”;

    The State program “Economic development and innovative economy”;

    The State Program “Social and Economic Development of the Arctic Zone of the Russian Federation”;

    The State Program “Social and Economic Development of the Far East of the Russian Federation.”
    for development and
    implementation of projects
    The following organizations provide technical assistance for the development and implementation of E and RE projects:

    Environmental Investment Centre;

    International Sustainable Energy Development Centre;

    Gazprom VNIIGAZ LLC;



    National research centre of Higher school of economics.
    Energy service market
    The majority of actively operating Russian ESCOs are concentrated in the central region. The most active ESCOs operating in Moscow and the Moscow region are: EES.Garant LLC, FENICHE RUS LLC, Mosenergosbyt OJSC, EnergoProfit LLC, WattGroup LLC, ENERGONIKA
    LLC, Energouchet Service LLC, InterEST LLC, Gazprom-Gazenergoset JSC, which were included in the Top-30 of All-Russian rating of energy-service companies - 2015, compiled by RBC. The rating leader, LLC “UES.Garant”, has operating energy service agreements with customers from all major segments of the energy service market - the public and municipal sector.

    Framework legislation

    Law on Efficient Use of Energy (“Official Gazette of the RS”, No 25/13)

    Energy law (“Official Gazette of the RS”, No. 145/14)
    Main policy documents

    National Renewable Energy Action Plan (NREAP), 2013;

    First National Energy Efficiency Plan (NEEAP) for the period of 2010-2012 (2010);

    Second National Energy Efficiency Plan (NEEAP) for the period 2013-2015 (2013);

    Third National Energy Efficiency Plan (NEEAP) for the period 2016-2018 (2016);

    Energy Sector Development Strategy of the Republic of Serbia for the period by 2025 with projections by 2030 (2016).
    Selected secondary legislation

    Rule book on the way and terms of submitting data necessary for monitoring of Action Plan for Energy Efficiency in the
    Republic of Serbia implementation and on methodology for monitoring, verification and evaluation of its implementation
    (Official Gazette RS, No. 37/15 of 24 April 2015),

    The Decree on the Program for Financing Activities and Measures of Improvement of Efficient Use of Energy in 2015 (“Official
    Gazette” No. 75/15 of 31 August 2015);

    The Decree on the Program for Financing Activities and Measures for Improvement of Efficient Use of Energy in 2016
    (“Official Gazette of RS”, No. 13/16 of 19 February 2016);

    The Decree on the Program for Financing Activities and Measures for Improvement of Efficient Use of Energy in 2018
    (“Official Gazette of RS”, No. 25/18 of 30 March 2018);

    Rulebook on Conditions for Distribution and Use of Resources of the Budgetary Fund for Energy Efficiency Improvement of the Republic of Serbia and Criteria for Exemption from Mandatory Energy Audit (“Official Gazette of RS”, No. 80/18 of 20 April

    Regulation on energy-related products for which the indication of the consumption of energy and other resources is necessary (“Official Gazette of RS”, No. 92/13 of 22 October 2013 and 80/16 of 30 September 2016);

    Rulebook on energy efficiency labelling of household refrigerating appliances (“Official Gazette of RS”, No. 17/14 of 14 February

    Rulebook on energy efficiency labelling of electrical lamps and luminaires (“Official Gazette of RS”, No. 24/14 of 28 February

    Rulebook on energy efficiency labelling of household washing machines (“Official Gazette of RS”, No. 24/14 of 28 February

    Rulebook on energy efficiency labelling of household dishwashers (“Official Gazette of RS”, No. 24/14 of 28 February 2014);

    Rulebook on energy efficiency labelling of televisions (“Official Gazette of RS”, No. 24/14 of 28 February 2014);

    Rulebook on energy efficiency labelling of air conditioners (“Official Gazette of RS”, No. 24/14 of 28 February 2014);

    Rulebook on energy efficiency labelling of domestic ovens and range hoods (“Official Gazette of RS”, No. 19/17 of 8 March

    Rulebook on energy efficiency labelling of vacuum cleaners (“Official Gazette of RS”, No. 24/17 of 17 March 2017);

    Rulebook on energy efficiency labelling of houshold tumble driers (“Official Gazette RS”, No. 24/17 of 17 March 2017);

    Rulebook on energy efficiency labelling of space heaters, combination heaters, packages of space heater, temperature control and solar device and packages of combination heater, temperature control and solar device (“Official Gazette RS”, No.
    17/18 of 7 March 2018);

    Rulebook on energy efficiency labelling of water heaters, hot water storage tanks and, packages of water heater and solar device (“Official Gazette RS”, No. 67/18 of 31 August 2018);

    The Decree on Determing Thresholds of Annual Consumption of Energy as a Criuteria for Defining Designated Organizations of Energy Management System, on Energy Savings Targets on Annual Level, along with Application Form on Achieved
    Energy Consumption (“Official Gazette of RS”, No. 18/16 of 1 March 2016);

    Rulebook about the conditions in terms of personnel, equipment and space of the organization conducting training for
    Energy Manager and Accredited Energy Auditors (Official Gazette RS, No. 12/15 of 31 January 2015);

    Rule book on the way and program of training for Energy Manager, training fees, as well as on conditions, program and way of taking exam for Energy Manager (“Official Gazette of RS”, No. 12/15 of 31 January 2015);

    The Rulebook on the Format of Periodical Report on Achieved Energy Savings (“Official Gazette of RS”, No. 32/16 of 30 March
    2016 and 65/18 of 24 August 2018);

    The Rulebook on conditions for appointing energy managers in local self-government unit ’s bodies (“Official Gazette of RS”,
    No. 31/16 of 25 March 2016)

    The Rulebook on conditions for appointing energy managers in companies with predominant business activity in production sector and enterprises as public services (“Official Gazette of RS”, No. 98/16 of 8 December 2016);

    The Rulebook on conditions for appointment of energy managers in companies with predominant business activity in commercial sector, state administration bodies and other bodies of the Republic of Serbia, Autonomous Province’s bodies and institutions (“Official Gazette of RS”, No. 82/17 of 8 September 2017);

    Decree on minimum energy efficiency requirements that must be met by new and revitalized plants (Official Gazette of RS,
    No. 112/15 of 15 December 2017);

    Rulebook on the content of the study on energy efficiency of plant for the production of electricity and heat, plant for combined production of electricity and heat, transmission and distribution system for electricity, heat production and distribution systems (Official Gazette of RS, No. 30/18 of 20 April 2018);

    Rulebook on Controlling Heating Systems and Detailed Requirements for Legal Entities Authorized for Controlling Heating
    Systems (“Official Gazette”, of RS, No. 58/16 of 22 June 2016);

    Rulebook on Controlling Air Conditioning Systems (“Official Gazette of RS”, No. 82/16 of 7 October 2016);

    Rulebook on determining model of energy service contracts for implementing measures of EE improvement where the beneficiaries are public sector entities (Official Gazette RS, No. 37/15 of 24 April 2015);

    Rulebook on minimal requirements in respect of EE in the procedure for public procurements of goods (Official Gazette of RS,
    No. 111/15 of 29 December 2015);

    Rulebook on EE of Buildings (“Official Gazette of the RS”, No. 61/11);

    Rulebook on the Conditions, Content and Manner of Issuance of Certificates of Energy Performance of Buildings (“Official
    Gazette of the RS”, No. 69/12);

    Regulation on the requirements and procedure of acquiring the status of a privileged producer, preliminary Privileged
    Producer and Producer from Renewable Energy Sources (Official Gazette of RS, No. 56/16, 60/17);

    Regulation on Incentive Measures for the Production of Electricity from Renewable Sources and from High Efficiency
    Electricity and Thermal Energy Cogeneration (Official Gazette of RS, No. 56/16, 60/17);

    Regulation on the Power Purchase Agreement (Official Gazette of RS, No. 56/16, 61/17).
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