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But which, if either, of these two explanations is correct? Але яке, якщо не обидва, з цих двох пояснень правильне?
4. До еліптичних підрядних речень належать і конструкції моделі "if +
Adjective/Participle II", що перекладаються допустовим підрядним реченням "хоча й (+ підмет) + присудок":
This is a careful if somewhat cumbersome definition which R. Norrick uses to distinguish the objects. Це ретельне, хоча й дещо незграбне визначення, яке Р. Норрік використовує для розрізнення цих об'єктів.
The format of the comprehensive work is lucid, even if somewhat inconvenient. План цієї всеохопної праці ясний, хоча й дещо незручний.
5. Конструкція "if only + Inf." перекладається як "хоча б тільки для того, щоб + неозначена форма дієслова":
In a book of this kind, we have to make a certain number of assumptions, if only to get started.
У книзі такого роду потрібно прийняти кілька певних припущень, хоча б тільки для того, щоб мати з чого почати.
6. Заперечувальна модель "if not + Adjective/Participle II" перекладається як "якщо
(взагалі) не + прикметник" або “а то й + прикметник”:
There are also a number of controversial, if not questionable, points which Culicover presents as givens. Висловлюється також низка суперечливих, якщо не сумнівних, положень, які
Куліковер подає як загальноприйнятні.

7. Заперечувальна модель "if not + Noun" перекладається як "а то й + іменник" або "а, може, й + іменник":
Concrete hardens a few days if not weeks. Бетон застигає кілька днів, а то й тижнів.
Завдання Перекладіть речення, звертаючи увагу на способи перекладу еліптичних підрядних речень, що вводяться сполучником if:
1. If anything, it would be to advantage of the researchers to continue their experiment. 2.
Only a steady adherence to the principle, if anything, can prevent a wrong solution. 3. Few, if any, aspects of the theory have received as much attention as this one. 4. Very little news, if any, came out of that secret laboratory. 5. The committee will decide what report, if any, is to be submitted to the Government on this measure. 6. What kind of relation, if any, exists between these phenomena. 7. Given this approach, they can count on few, if any, interesting results. 8. If anything, this indicates a significant change in their positions. 9. It is hoped that data on the magnetic field, if any, may be made available. 10. There is little, if any, additional material. 11. Few, if any, of these texts can be localized and dated definitely. 12. In the last analysis, our theoretical discomfiture, if any, must yield to the facts. 13. This good, if somewhat mechanical, procedure may seem all too familiar to researchers. 14. It is arguable how much, if indeed any, of this variability can or need be incorporated into the model. 15.
What, if any, is the relationship between children's babbling and early words ? 16. Many scientists now consider the hypothesis overdrawn and unsupported (if not unsupportable) in its strongest formulation. 17. The processes are described unsystematically and anecdotally, if at all. 18. Confounding the entire problem is the fact that few, if any, of these models have been formulated with sufficient care to allow the ascertaining of empirical differences. 19.
Little, if anything, is new in S. Suleiman’s monograph. 20. The notion to which I am appealing here has a rich, if brief, history. 21. What is controversial is what, if anything, of significance about ethics can biology inform us about. 22. Other researchers have taken different, often conflicting (if not internally inconsistent) positions. 23. Thus, the fact that the present account does not offer a unitary explanation speaks, if anything, in its favor. 24. I found that book extremely stimulating and original, if occasionally exasperating. 25. As a
synthesis for the general public, the volume is well conceived, and persuasively if not always accurately executed. 26. If anything, the imbalance between the factors should go the other way, since the first one profoundly influences the latter one. 27. The main thesis is quite correct, and Kripke's strategy for dealing with the problems that gave rise to the notion is well- conceived, if not wholly novel. 28. There is obviously a general correlation, even if no necessary connection, between the two sets of results. 29. The term "significant generalization" has been generally assumed to have a special technical, if poorly understood, sense in the theory. 30. The term has meant different things for different people working in the vigorous (if somewhat unwieldy) interdisciplinary field of study that goes by this name. 31.
The most stimulating reading here (certainly the most intellectually taxing, if not always insightful) is provided by J. Harris' paper. 32. Though Atkinson does not explore the application of this criterion in detail, he assumes that all the accounts he examines do satisfy it, if only implicitly. 33. This world of beliefs and attitudes is shown to be centered around stable -- even if vague -- notions of culture, nation and state.
13. Підрядні обставинні речення
1. Підрядне обставинне речення звичайно приєднується до головного речення сполучниками: after "після того, як", albeit "хоча", as "оскільки; бо; коли", as long as
"поки; за умови, що", as soon as "як тільки", as though "ніби", before "до того, як", but for
"якби не ", except that "за винятком того, що", even though "навіть якщо", for "бо; оскільки", given (that) "за умови, що", in case "у випадку, якщо", in order (that) "для того, щоб", in spite of "не дивлячись на", lest "щоб ... не", notwithstanding "незважаючи на те, що", now that "тепер, коли", on condition (that) "за умови, що", on the ground (that) "на тій підставі, що", provided (that) "за умови, що", providing that "якщо тільки", seeing (that) "з огляду на те, що", since "оскільки; з того часу, як", so as "щоб; аби", so long as "якщо", so that "(так) щоб", supposing (that) "якщо", unless "якщо тільки ... не", until " поки ... не", no matter how "як би ... не", no matter what "що б не ", no matter when "коли б не", no sooner
... than "щойно тільки ... як", whereas "тоді як", whilst "поки; тоді як" і т. ін.:

Whereas most treatments focus on a single dimension, she ferrets out a variety of functions.
Тоді як більшість аналізів зосереджується на одному аспекті, вона досліджує різноманітні функції.
In as much as the choice signals both certain social facts and psychological states, a boundary between the two disciplines seems problematic. Оскільки вибір пов'язаний і з певними соціальними фактами, і з психологічними станами, встановлення межі між цими дисциплінами проблематичне.
Загалом переклад обставинних підрядних речень не становить значних труднощів (за винятком деяких видів умовних речень): найголовніше — правильно зрозуміти смислові стосунки між головним і підрядним реченнями, тому особливо важливо знати всі значення англійських підрядних сполучників та їхні українські відповідники.
2.1. Підрядні обставинні речення можуть вводитися сполучником that, який у таких випадках має значення "(для того,) щоб":
These generalizations are sufficient that one might be tempted to propose the following overall generalization. Цих узагальнень достатньо для того, щоб можна було спробувати запропонувати наступне комплексне узагальнення.
2.2. Сполучник while може мати значення "хоч", і в такому випадку речення, яке він вводить, звичайно перекладається підрядним допустовим реченням:
It should be noted at this point that while I adopt Banfield's terms, I take a different approach from Banfield. Тут слід зауважити, що, хоч я й приймаю термінологію Бенфілда, мій підхід відмінний від його підходу.
While such empirical observations may have their uses, we cannot, however, expect them greatly to advance our knowledge of the process. Хоча такі емпіричні спостереження можуть знайти певне застосування, однак не можна очікувати, що вони значно примножать наші знання про цей процес.
2.3. Сполучна фраза in that перекладається як "тим, що", "тому, що", "оскільки",
"настільки, наскільки", "в тому розумінні, що":

Crother's style of exposition differs from that of Harris, in that Crother assumes the reader to be familiar with the data. Стиль викладу Крозера відмінний від стилю Гарріса Крозер вважає, що читач знайомий з цими даними.
It is an empirical discipline in that it is based on field work. Це емпірична дисципліна, оскільки вона базується на польових дослідженнях.
Завдання Визначте вид обставинних підрядних речень та перекладіть наступні складнопідрядні речення:
1. I will briefly restate some of my earlier arguments, as they are essential for the position I take here. 2. Once we understand this, the question of a definition which resolves all cases loses some of its salience. 3. As long as we ignore the problem, it will not go away.. We must face it, if only to put it behind us. 4. Inasmuch as the experiment reported here represents a replication and extension of that study, it is worth describing the latter in some detail. 5. Just as individual scholars are motivated to achieve a distinct identity, so disciplines ultimately seek to define a clear area of study in which they are supreme. 6. Finally, even if his central argument is justified, does his proposal advance our knowledge ? 7. While Dry may agree on this point, this is not to say that he agrees on other points. 8. While my approach to these issues differs from Banfield's very little in my analysis hinges on this difference. 9. This work was supported in part by a grant from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, and was completed while I was a fellow of la Fondation Comorgo, Cassis, France.
10. But until this question has been settled, we also can't be sure that it is possible in principle to define the functions configurationally. 11. This approach has now been made central to the analysis, whereas it was only mentioned as an alternative in the original formulation. 12.
Some scholars seem to object to correlational studies just because they typically handle large amounts of quantified data. 13. Whether or not any one would be inclined to try the modification, it would help only in a few cases. 14. Since I take this point to be established, I simply mention a few relevant studies here which have presented particular fetching examples. 15. Further, I show that this solution has additional desirable consequences, in that it extends naturally to an appropriate description of other cases. 16. In any event, the investigation of such problems is of interest in that, in certain domains at least, it leads to
sharper delineation of the objects. 17. Grimshaw and Rosen's study represents an attractive advance in that it attempts to control empirical factors. 18. Heney's data base is also inadequate in that it constitutes neither a random nor representative sample. 19. This is a serious flaw in his argument, for he disregards other factors. 20. However, the debate was dropped as more and more problems were discussed. 21. Their definitions would be more precise as more items in the system are studied and contrasted with those already extracted.
22. According to the program of preventive maintenance, the vast majority of tubes are replaced before a failure occurs. 23. The equipment could not be used until the necessary drawings for fabrication could be obtained. 24. Unless a detailed analysis can be made, the only recourse is to construct the apparatus and try it out. 25. Such an evolution is only possible if time is plentiful. 26. Now that we have explored how the procedure expresses its results for linear elements, let us see how it works for nonlinear elements. 27. Supposing that if the thesis is false, then we have non-trivial cognitive powers. 28. While interpretation has received wide attention in recent years in philosophy, the more specific question of the nature of the interpreter has been almost ignored. 29. When we do this, we find that quantum particles theory is more amenable to such an interpretation than we might have expected. 30. Just as a printed image vanishes if we focus too closely on the dots that make it up, so the fork asymmetry is invisible below a certain level of physical detail. 31. The argument is invalid in just the same way as Leibnitz’s argument is.
32. But if the separability principle is to be maintained, we cannot just say that Einstein would have been right and Bohr wrong. 33. When a notion of theory-world isomorphism is allied to this conception, we have the basic framework for Einsteinian concepts of intelligibility, objectivity and completeness. 34. It is a relatively narrow domain and, although it carries social information, it is not itself usually considered social information. 35. Thus, if the locality principle is accepted, Einstein was wrong and Bohr right. 36. As the model proposed is not in any obvious way related to or a product of the research preceding it, it is difficult to believe the author's claim that it came about as a result of the research.
VI. Переклад означення

1. Неозначений артикль a(n)
1. У більшості випадків неозначений артикль, який виконує суто граматичну функцію, не перекладається. Коли ж він має певне додаткове смислове навантаження, то перекладається наступними способами:
1) числівником "один" (зокрема, коли неозначений артикль стоїть перед іменником, що позначає одиницю виміру, марку приладу, вузла, деталі тощо, або перед назвами агентів фізичного, хімічного та інших процесів, такими як "молекула", "атом" і ін.):
An excerpt from his book will give some indication of the approach followed in his own school and in those that were founded under his influence. Одного витягу з його книги буде достатньо, щоб дати певне уявлення про підхід, що практикується його школою і школами, які виникли під його впливом.
The reaction resulted into a complex molecule. Внаслідок реакції утворилася одна складна молекула.
2) невизначеними займенниками "будь-який" та "якийсь" або прикметниками "певний",
It is just a form of coding. Це просто певна форма кодування.
3) вказівними займенниками "той", "такий" (насамперед коли іменник, до якого відноситься артикль, має означення у формі підрядного речення):
It is a world that by its very definition we hardly know how to describe. Це такий світ, який за визначенням нам важко зрозуміти і описати.
This is a kind of answer that I reject. Це така відповідь, якої я не сприймаю.
4) словами та висловами "новий", "ще один", "такий як", "постать на кшталт" і т.ін.:
I suspect that another Marie Curie, a Kepler, even a Roger Bacon would not be damaged by more help, or by the availability of cooperative research facilities for those inclined to use
them. Здається, новій Марі Кюрі, новому Кеплеру ба навіть новому Роджеру Бекону не завадили б більша допомога у дослідженнях або ж можливості спільного використання устаткування, якого вони потребують.
2. Перекладаючи іменникові групи з неозначеними артиклями, слід пам'ятати, що підмет, виражений такою групою, є центром повідомлення у реченні, і тому у перекладі потрібно застосовувати перестановку підмета в кінець речення, що відповідає закономірностям розподілу смислової інформації в українському реченні:
A look at the procedure employed by Stiff will suffice to evaluate her approach. Досить одного погляду на методику, що її використала Стіфф, аби оцінити її підхід.
Завдання Визначте, чи має неозначений артикль додаткове смислове навантаження у наступних реченнях та перекладіть їх, звертаючи увагу на способи передачі значень неозначеного артикля:
1. A problem, however, emerges from these assumptions. 2. At this point, though, an objection can be raised. 3. An example will illustrate some of these new concepts. 4. In a sense, of course, this is not a matter for argument. 5. First, a note on directionality. 6. The point is that there is a difference in this case. 7. Such an analysis is possible. 8. He has suggested that a solution might be to treat them as important. 9. A second, more compelling, argument can be made for the two independent claims. 10. This book appears at a time, when certain tensions are emerging between these two rather different approaches. 11. A way for retaining that assumption would be to saturate inherent properties from adherent ones. 12. It is a likely candidate for a general principle of the theory -- a question that must be resolved in any event. 13. Of course, it takes a Yakov Malkiel, with his expertise, to perceive the value of their approach. 14. I take this as indirect evidence that we should not adopt a convention of the sort proposed by Shenin. 15. Given that such rules are fairly common and natural, it would seem undesirable to have a theory which must express them rules as rules as complex as 56.
16. There is a marvelous overabundance of energy and dedication evident in such a scientist, in a Kepler or a Gauss no less than in a Mozart. 17. And, lastly, one is likely to perceive an aura or atmosphere surrounding such a person's actions and expressions, which sets him apart in a way difficult to define. 18. In the very first sentence of the paper, there is a term that
attracts out attention, especially now that we have become sensitized to it by our previous discussion of polarities. 19. We can now choose for the detailed study a concrete example by means of which to find further hints on how the scientist's personal characteristics interacted with his scientific work. 20. This leads the author to speak of a resistance to change, rather than to question the very notion of a process of simplification. 21. Yet, he continued to make some of the most seminal contributions to the field for a quarter of a century from 1905 on, with rarely a year going by in which he did not publish an article on this subject. 22. This prepares us for the discovery that indeed the Kanton Schule of Aarau was first founded in
1802 by democratic patriots, reportedly acting in the spirit of Pestalozzi -- just a year after the publication of Pestalozzi's manifesto. 23. But I do not find these books very helpful for understanding the life or the work of a Fermi or an Einstein and even less for discerning how his personality and his scientific achievements interact.
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