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  • Упражнение


  • § 2. Притяжательный падеж существительного The possessive case of a noun РАБОТА В АУДИТОРИИ



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  • Упражнение 5


  • ПРАКТИКУМ ДЛЯ ДНР 2. Практикум по английскому языку для студентов и слушателей заочной и дистанционной формы обучения

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    НазваниеПрактикум по английскому языку для студентов и слушателей заочной и дистанционной формы обучения
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    § 1. Категория числа имени существительного

    Упражнение 1: образуйте множественное число следующих существительных

    а) a day, a hat, a crime, a verdict, a court, an offence, a face, an article, a victim

    b) a dress, a dish, a match, a kiss, a witness, a box, a hero

    c) a baby, a lady, a country, a fly, a city, a story

    d) a wife, a knife, a wolf, a leaf, a shelf, a life

    Упражнение 2: образуйте единственное число следующих существительных

    boxes, eyes, games, teeth, wolves, feet, children, donkeys, pianos, wives, women, sheep, ladies, culprits, students, institutes, laws, barristers, terms, branches, centres, stages, punishments

    Упражнение 3: раскройте скобки и используйте правильное число существительного
    1. There are several (document) in the safe. 2. Two (man) and three (woman) stood by the gate. 3. Mother bought a five kg bag of (potato). 4. Please, bring me four (knife) and four (fork) from the kitchen. 5. The group of (child) attended the museum of Fine Arts. 6. Those (lawyer) participated in court session. 7. Constitution is a code of (law). 8. Some (expert) examined the crime scene. 9. We put some more (wood) in the fireplace as it was getting cold. 10. Computer (system) helps to preserve and identify fingerprints of criminals. 11. Blond (hair) of the girl attracted my attention. 12. There is a lot of (fruit) in autumn. 13. About 150 (state member) participate in the work of Interpol.

    Упражнение 4: раскройтескобкиипереведитесуществительноенаанглийскийязык
    1. I saw many (фрукты) on the counter. 2. There are (мужчины и женщины) in the street. 3. My sister bought new (туфли). 4. Last year (картофель) did not grow in our field. 5. Jack caught two big ( рыбы). 6. Parliament adopts many (законы) each year. 7. (Судья) announced the verdict yesterday. 8. (Правительства) of the USA and Ukraine signed the agreement on cooperation in the sphere of education. 9. The speech of (адвокат) was very reasonable. 10. Each session we pass several (экзамены и зачеты).

    Задание 1: переведите на английский язык
    две книги, три приговора, данное решение суда, три ветви государственной власти, 26 поправок к Конституции США, много денег, свод законов, коробок спичек, многочисленные отпечатки пальцев, ключи от квартиры, страны мира.

    Задание 2: измените число существительного на множественное в предложениях, где это возможно
    1. The sheep is eating grass. 2. There is a potato on the table. 3. The postman is always very tired. 4. The worker’s family is at home now. 5. My sister has a long hair. 6. This car is of the last make. 7. Who is that man? 8. The husband of this woman is an experienced barrister. 9. The key is on the shelf. 10. The law is adopted by Parliament. 11. I have a bad tooth. 12. A deer is a graceful animal. 13. The evidence is kept in the safe. 14. The primary responsibility of the police is to maintain public order. 15. The judge announced the verdict.
    Задание 3: составьте предложения с данными словами

    a) responsibility of a policeman, long-term agreement, an offender, a court, group-mates, relatives, the difficult case, reported crimes, a government, a barrister, a state, laws, students;

    b) to study job-related subjects, to work at the court, to become a lawyer, to supervise jail system, to pass exams, to interview the witness, to gather facts, to maintain order.
    Задание 4: переведите предложения на английский язык

    1. В нашем отделе – три следователя. 2. Зимой наша группа сдала три экзамена и четыре зачета. 3. В прошлом месяце парламент принял ряд важных законов. 4. Все население станы избирает президента сроком на пять лет. 5. Милиция отвечает за общественный порядок и безопасность граждан. 6. Выпускники Донецкого национального университета работают на многих предприятиях юрисконсультами. 7. В моей личной библиотеке много книг по праву. 8. В нашем городе девять административных районов. 9. Следователь собрал много вещественных доказательств на месте преступления. 10. Девушка следит за здоровьем своих волос.

    § 2. Притяжательный падеж существительного

    The possessive case of a noun


    Формула образования – [Ns] – для единственного числа

    [Ns’] – для множественного числа
    Упражнение 1: переведите с английского языка

    my brother’s room, students’ bags, that Professor’s lecture, his father’s documents, our teacher’s table, the judge’s speech, John’s diving license, chief’s report, Rector’s order, Tolstoy’s novels, Berlin’s population, scientists’ discovery

    Упражнение 2: измените сочетание слов с использованием притяжательного падежа существительного
    parents of Mary, the glasses of my granny, the toy of the child, the maiden name of Mrs. Brown, the speech of the barrister, the staff of the government, the rays of the sun, the children of this woman, the population of Donetsk, the circulation of the Earth, the fingerprints of the criminal, the territory of France, the meeting of the party.

    Упражнение 3: измените предложение в соответствии с моделью

    MODEL: This is the book of Jane. – This is Jane’s book

    1. This is the son of Jack and Fanny.

    5. The surname of John is Kelly.

    2. Look at the photo of Schwarzenegger.

    6. The book of Nick is on the table.

    3. There are dresses of my sister.

    7. It is the signature of the book-keeper.

    4. The studio of the painter is so light.

    8. Hearing of the Congress are too long.

    Упражнение 4: вставьте пропущенные существительные в притяжательном падеже
    1. His … name is Victor (cousin). 2. My …….. maiden name is Smith (mother). 3. …….car is on the parking (Mr. Kelly). 4. …house is old but well kept (the Browns). 5. The ….. bag is new and nice (Jane). 6. …. report was interesting and important (minister). 7. I like …... pictures (Turner). 8. The … table is on the middle of the room (doctor). 9. The ……. information was of great importance for the experts (detective). 10. The MPs debated the annual ….. address to the Parliament (Queen). 11. The …light was soft and sedative (Moon). 12. …… militia is responsible for keeping peace (Ukraine). 13. This winter …….. inhabitants struggled with snow-drifts (Kyiv). 14. The …. meeting was organized on the stadium (party). 15. The ……. policy is criticized by mass media (government).


    Задание 1: переведите на английский язык

    заключение следователя, доводы стороны обвинения, исследования ученых, речь адвоката, детективы Агаты Кристи, решение парламента, территория института, население города, полномочия Верховного Суда, ответственность полицейского, экзамены зимней сессии, показания свидетеля, листья деревьев, цвета радуги, этажи здания, крик ребенка, съезд партии, учебные дисциплины программы, развитие государства

    Задание 2: определите примеры притяжательного падежа, переведите предложения

    1. I am Smith’s cousin. 2. This evening my sister’s family’s celebrating the nephew’s birthday. 3. Next morning we are going to attend St. Sophia’s cathedral. 4. Their parents’ house is in New York suburb. 5. This casino’s closed by police. 6. The barrister’s time and consultations are too expensive. 7. It’s rather late to all her. 8. Viktor’s already passed English. 9. We support governments’ policy of market economy. 10. Jackson’s proposed me to run my own business.

    Задание 3: переведите предложения на английский язык с использованием притяжательного падежа, где это возможно
    1. Мы остановились в доме родителей Джона. 2. Соглашение правительств было взаимовыгодным. 3. Власть королевы в Великобритании скорее дань традиции, ем реальность. 4. Украина принадлежит к государством Европы. 5. лучи солнца освещали тропинку в лесу. 6. Таможенник проверил багаж туристов. 7. Положи тетрадь сестры на место! 8. Демонстрацию шахтеров сопровождала полиция Шеффилда. 9. Плач ребенка привлек мое внимание. 10. Комиссия министерства образования осмотрела территорию института. 11. Заключительная речь прокурора произвела впечатление на присутствующих в зале суда.


    Упражнение 1: прочитайте текст и объясните использование артикля

    There was a young lady of Niger

    . Who smiled when she rode on a tiger.

    They returned from the ride

    With the lady inside

    And the smile on the face of the tiger.

    Упражнение 2: объясните использование артикля

    A) 1. A dog is an animal. 2. He is a lawyer. 3. Kate is a good girl. 4. Jack London became a great writer. 5. We have got a magazine. 6. he policeman saw a strange man. 7. A year ago we lived in Kyiv. 8. There is a book on the table. 9. What a wonderful idea have come to me! 10. A Mr. Smith wants to see you.

    B) 1. Please, open the window and close the door. 2. Where is the teacher? 3. The sun shines brightly. 4. The students of our group have gone to the gym. 5. Go down the corridor and turn to the left. 6. The Dnieper river is the longest one in Ukraine. 7. I read the book yesterday. 8. Please, pass me the salt. 9. Our manager reads “he Financial Times” regularly. 10. The Smiths live in a detached house.
    Упражнение 3: объясните отсутствие артикля перед подчеркнутым словом

    1. Mr. Brown lives on London. 2. My father bought a new sport car. 3. Our family has breakfast at half past seven. 4. The British prefer tea with milk. 5. Iron is a metal. 6. Open the book at page 139. 7. Children like to sweet. 8. Pat Anderson is fond of music. 9. There are many books for pupils in our school library. 10. We study English, German and French at the Institute.
    Упражнение 4: вставьтеартикль, гдеэтонеобходимо

    A) 1. This is …. classroom. 2. There are students in …..lecture hall. 3. One student is standing by the blackboard, …. others are sitting. 4. There are flowers on …. table. 5. There is …. table in ….. middle of the room. 7. There are ….. different countries marked on the map.

    B) 1. Our group has ……. English language classes twice … week. 2. All … members of …. magistrates’ court have supported the verdict. 3. I am …. first year cadets of Donetsk law institute. 4. Ukrainian militia celebrates its professional holiday on … 20th of …… December. 5. I can meet you at … half past six. 6. ……Tailors have the house in the suburb of Sheffield.

    C) 1. The rout of … bus №11 is ….. longest in the city. 2. … Hague is the capital of …. Holland. 3. Kiev is situates on the banks of …. Dnieper River. 4. “……Times “ is …… English daily newspaper. . 5. Last summer the company of … Bolshoi Theatre was on the tour in …. South America countries. 6. …..Big Ben clock is well known throughout the world.


    Задание 1: вставьте артикли, где они необходимы; объясните их использование

    1. Give me ….. pen, please. 2. Nick is …. Student of …. Law Department. 3. ….year ago I worked at the office of …. “Moscow News”. 4. Last summer we had the cruise along … Black Sea. 5. Sherlock Holmes lived in …. Backer Street. 6. The night was light because of …. Moon. 7. Constitution is … Code of Laws. 8. Mary works as … court secretary. 8. The students passed the exam on …. Spanish language. 9. The solicitor is consulting … client in …. Room 12. 10. …..meeting of the students scientific society will be held …. next Monday.

    Задание 2: переведите предложения, обращая внимание на использование артиклей
    1. Анатолий Кони был известным юристом и писателем. 2. Вы можете найти адвоката Брауна в комнате 3 на втором этаже. 3. Убийство является тяжким преступлением. 4. После окончания института я планирую работать в прокуратуре нашего района. 5. Тихий океан является крупнейшим мировым водоемом. 6. Я предпочитаю чай по-английски, т.е. с молоком. 7. Журнал «Натали» - популярен среди молодых женщин. 7. Это мой третий визит в Лондон. 8. Президент утверждает состав правительства. 9. О красоте Днепра писали много писателей и поэтов. 10. Альпы привлекают многочисленных любителей горнолыжного спорта. 11. Диплом Гарвардского университета дает возможность для успешной карьеры.

    Задание 3: прочитайте текст, объясните использование артиклей

    The accident

    It was a lovely day in summer. I was cycling along a narrow country road. Everything seemed beautiful. The sun was shining, and the birds were singing. Life was wonderful. Then I came round a bend and saw a terrible sight. A motorcycle was lying on the grass; its wheels were up in the air and still turning. Next it there was a young man and he seemed to be a terrible pain. “What’s happened?”

    “I’ve had n accident. My leg is broken, I suppose. Get help”. Suddenly I heard a noise. It was a car coming along the road. I ran into the middle of the road and stopped it. The driver and I lifted the fellow into the car and took him into the hospital. Later I realized my bicycle was still by the side of the road. I caught a bus, but I found I had no money. I had to get off and walk home on foot. When I came home I told about the accident.


    §1. Степени сравнения. – Degrees of comparison.




    small, cold, light, difficult, interesting




    [more + A]

    smaller, colder, lighter

    more difficult, more interesting



    the [A+est]

    [the most +A]

    the smallest, the coldest, the lightest

    the most difficult, the most interesting

    Упражнение 1: образуйте сравнительную и превосходную степени сравнения, переведите прилагательные
    A) big, tall, long, thick, high, bright, sweet

    B) important, complex, comfortable, suitable, careful, attentive, gentle

    C) good, bad, little, far, many
    Упражнение 2: переведитепредложения

    1. John is older than his brother. 2. Mary is the smallest in her family. 3. The Dnieper is the longest river in Ukraine. 4. July is warmer than June. 5. London is the oldest city in Europe. 6. My watch is three minutes slower than yours. 7. You should be more polite with your parents. 8. It’s better to prevent a crime than to catch criminals. 9. The 22d f December is the shortest day in a year. 10. Silver is heavier than cooper.
    Упражнение 3: ответьтенавопросы

    1. Are you the youngest in the family? 2. Who is older – your mother or father? 3. Who is the best student in your group? 4. What is the most difficult subject for you in the institute programmer? 5. Where is the coldest place on the world? 6. Who is the most popular official in the country? 7. Which car is cheaper – “Opel” or “Renault”? 8. What street is the longest in your city? 9. What is the shortest month in the year? 10. What court is the highest in Great Britain?

    Упражнение 4: определите правильное слово в скобках

    1. England is less, smaller than France. 2. I’ve got (less, smaller) free time today than yesterday. 3. There are (less, fewer) people at the station on the weekend that at he weekdays. 4. Don’t we spend (less, fewer) time at the stadium that in front of our TV set? 5. We are going to do (larger, more) business with “Browns & Co” in the near future. 6. (Larger and larger, more and more) companies in Great Britain do business with Ukrainian counterparts.
    Упражнение 5: составьте предложения по модели

    MODEL: London – Brighton (old)

    London is older that Brighton

    1. Europe – Asia (small)

    6. the Volga river – the Dnieper river (long)

    2. February – March (short)

    7. the Black sea – the Baltic sea (warm)

    3. a journey by a car – a journey by a plane (interesting)

    8. English – Japanese (difficult)

    4. a holiday in the country – a holiday in the city (pleasant)

    9. brandy – beer (strong)

    5. a meal in the restaurant – a meal in a snack bar (cheap)

    10. peach – apple (sweet)

    Упражнение 6: составьте предложения по модели

    MODEL: Mr. Kelly – Mr. Brown – Mr. Smith

    Mr. Kelly is an old man. Mr. Brown is older than Mr. Kelly. Mr. Smith is the oldest among them

    1. Great Britain – Ukraine – Russia (large)

    6. apple – orange – peach (sweet)

    2. beer – martini – brandy (strong)

    7. pick pocketing – robbery – murder (serious)

    3. a donkey – a horse – a camel (hardy)

    8. jasper – sapphire – diamond (expensive)

    4. the Indian ocean – the Pacific ocean (large)

    9. Kate – Merry – Ann (beautiful)

    5. Kiev population – Moscow population – Tokyo population (great)

    10. London – Paris – Berlin (ancient)

    Упражнение 7: составьте предложения по модели

    MODEL: it, world, fast, plane

    It is the fastest plane in the world.
    1. beautiful, this, Paris, monument. 2. library, Great Britain, rich, of, British Museum. 3. good, to be, Lev Yashin, in the history, goalkeeper, football. 4. Mr. Brown, judge, experienced, in the court. 5. Practice, that case, to be, my, difficult. 6. a year, spring, to be, pleasant, time. 7. cold, to be, January, in a year. 8. in the world, Babylon, ancient, code of laws. 9. crime, against, murder, a person, to be. 10. for me, difficult, theory, state and law, subject, to be.


    Задание 1: образуйте сравнительную степень прилагательного в предложении

    1. Statistics show that the number of property crimes of this year is (great) than those of the previous period. 2. The status of a magistrates’ court is (low) than of the House of Lords. 3. Murder is (serious) crime than shoplifting. 4. The territory of Ukraine is (large) than that of Hungary. 5. It is (cold) in winter than in autumn. 6. The European countries are (industrially cultural) that the African ones. 7. Silver is (cheap) than gold. 8. The sunny weather is (pleasant) than the rainy one. 9. The stage of debating a new legislation is (important) than its adoption. 10. The money laundering is (dangerous) for the state financial system than ordinary shoplifting.

    Задание 2: образуйте превосходную степень прилагательного в предложении

    1. The group “The Beatles” was the (popular) with young people in 1960s. 2. Treason is (serious) crime. 3. London is one of the (old) cities in the world. 4. February is (short) month in a year. 5. Monaco is (small) state in Europe. 6. President is (important) official in the state. 7. Christmas is the (merry) holiday in a year. 8. Anantol France was considered to be (intellectual) person of his time. 9. The House of Lords is (high) court in Great Britain. 10. December, 22, is (short) day in a year.

    Задание 3: переведите предложения на английский язык

    1. Теория государства и права – один из наиважнейших предметов в системе подготовки юристов. 2. Здание Конгресса США – самое высокое в Вашингтоне. 3. Лондон – один из древнейших городов мира. 4. Это самый ранний рейс на Канберру. 5. Фракция демократических сил – самая большая в парламенте. 6. Мой старший сын – выше мужа. 7. Дыня – слаще арбуза. 8. Структура полиции США считается одной из самых сложных. 9. Сергей Герасимов был одним из самых значительных режиссеров советского кинематографа. 10. Кто самый популярный игрок современного футбола?.
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