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    14. Секуляризм
    1 Jonathan H. Turner, Incest: Origins of the Taboo (Boulder: Paradigm
    Publishers, 2005); Robert J. Kelly et al., ‘Effects of Mother-Son Incest and
    Positive Perceptions of Sexual Abuse Experiences on the Psychosocial
    Adjustment of Clinic-Referred Men’, Child Abuse & Neglect 26:4 (2002),
    425–441; Mireille Cyr et al., ‘Intrafamilial Sexual Abuse: Brother-Sister
    Incest Does Not Differ from Father-Daughter and Stepfather-Stepdaughter
    Incest’, Child Abuse & Neglect 26:9 (2002), 957–973; Sandra S. Stroebel,
    ‘Father–Daughter Incest: Data from an Anonymous Computerized
    Survey’, Journal of Child Sexual Abuse 21:2 (2010), 176–199.

    15. Невежество
    1 Steven A. Sloman and Philip Fernbach, The Knowledge Illusion: Why We
    Never Think Alone (New York: Riverhead Books, 2017); Greene, Moral
    Tribes, op. cit.
    2 Sloman and Fernbach, The Knowledge Illusion, op. cit., 20.
    3 Eli Pariser, The Filter Bubble (London: Penguin Books, 2012); Greene,
    Moral Tribes, op. cit.
    4 Greene, Moral Tribes, цитируемая работа; Dan M. Kahan, ‘The
    Polarizing Impact of Science Literacy and Numeracy on Perceived
    Climate Change Risks’, Nature Climate Change 2 (2012), 732–5. Про- тивоположную точку зрения см.: Sophie Guy et al., ‘Investigating the
    Effects of Knowledge and Ideology on Climate Change Beliefs’, European
    Journal of Social Psychology 44:5 (2014), 421–429.
    5 Arlie Russell Hochschild, Strangers in Their Own Land: Anger and
    Mourning on the American Right (New York: The New Press, 2016).
    16. Справедливость
    1 Greene, Moral Tribes, цитируемая работа; Robert Wright, The Moral
    Animal (New York: Pantheon, 1994).
    2 Kelsey Timmerman, Where Am I Wearing?: A Global Tour of the
    Countries, Factories, and People That Make Our Clothes (Hoboken:
    Wiley, 2012); Kelsey Timmerman, Where Am I Eating?: An Adventure
    Through the Global Food Economy (Hoboken: Wiley, 2013).
    3 Reni Eddo-Lodge, Why I Am No Longer Talking to White People About
    Race (London: Bloomsbury, 2017); Ta-Nehisi Coates, Between the World and Me (Melbourne: Text Publishing Company, 2015).
    4 Josie Ensor, ‘“Everyone in Syria Is Bad Now”, Says UN War Crimes
    Prosecutor as She Quits Post’, New York Times, 17 August 2017, http://
    www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2017/08/07/everyone-syria-bad-now-says- un-war-crimes-prosecutor-quits-post/, ссылка актуальна на 18 October
    5 Например, Helena Smith, ‘Shocking Images of Drowned Syrian Boy
    Show Tragic Plight of Refugees’, Guardian, 2 September 2015, https://
    www.theguardian.com/world/2015/sep/02/shocking-image-of-drowned- syrian-boy-shows-tragic-plight-of-refugees, ссылка актуальна на 18
    October 2017.

    406 21 УРОК ДЛЯ XXI ВЕКА
    6 T. Kogut and I. Ritov, ‘The singularity effect of identified victims in separate and joint evaluations’, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision
    Processes 97:2 (2005), 106–16; D. A. Small and G. Loewenstein, ‘Helping a victim or helping the victim: Altruism and identifiability’, Journal of Risk and Uncertainty 26:1 (2003), 5–16; Greene, Moral Tribes, op. cit., 264.
    7 Russ Alan Prince, ‘Who Rules the World?’, Forbes, 22 July 2013, https://
    www.forbes.com/sites/russalanprince/2013/07/22/who-rules-the- world/#63c9e31d7625, ссылка актуальна на 18 October 2017.
    17. Постправда
    1 http://www.washingtonpost.com/news/fact-checker/wp/2018/07/10/
    anatomy-of-a-trump-rally-76-percent-of-claims-are-false-misleading- or-lacking-evidence/?utm term=.a846309f7129 2 Matthew Paris, Matthew Paris’ English History, trans. J. A. Gyles, vol.
    3 (London: Henry G. Bohn, 1854), 138–141; Patricia Healy Wasyliw,
    Martyrdom, Murder and Magic: Child Saints and Their Cults in Medieval
    Europe (New York: Peter Lang, 2008), 123–125.
    3 Cecilia Kang and Adam Goldman, ‘In Washington Pizzeria Attack, Fake
    News Brought Real Guns’, New York Times, 5 December 2016, https://
    www.nytimes.com/2016/12/05/business/media/comet-ping-pong- pizza-shooting-fake-news-consequences.html, ссылка актуальна на
    12 January 2018.
    4 Leonard B. Glick, Abraham’s Heirs: Jews and Christians in Medieval
    Europe (Syracuse: Syracuse University Press, 1999), 228–229.
    5 Anthony Bale, ‘Afterword: Violence, Memory and the Traumatic Middle
    Ages’ in Sarah Rees Jones and Sethina Watson (eds.), Christians and Jews in Angevin England: The York Massacre of 1190, Narrative and Contexts
    (York: York Medieval Press, 2013), 297.
    6 Фразу часто приписывают Геббельсу, но ни я, ни мой верный по- мощник не смогли найти подтверждения, что Геббельс когда-либо писал или произносил эти слова.
    7 Запрещена в Российской Федерации. — Прим. ред.
    8 Hilmar Hoffman, The Triumph of Propaganda: Film and National
    Socialism, 1933–1945 (Providence: Berghahn Books, 1997), 140.
    9 Lee Hockstader, ‘From A Ruler’s Embrace To A Life In Disgrace’,
    Washington Post, 10 March 1995, ссылка актуальна на 29 January 2018.
    10 Thomas Pakenham, The Scramble for Africa (London: Weidenfeld &
    Nicolson, 1991), 616–617.

    18. Научная фантастика
    1 Олдос Хаксли. О дивный новый мир. Гл. 17. — Пер. О. Сороки,
    В. Бабкова.
    19. Образование
    1 Wayne A. Wiegand and Donald G. Davis (eds.), Encyclopedia of Library
    History (New York, London: Garland Publishing, 1994), 432–433.
    2 Verity Smith (ed.), Concise Encyclopedia of Latin American Literature
    (London, New York: Routledge, 2013), 142, 180.
    3 Cathy N. Davidson, The New Education: How to Revolutionize the
    University to Prepare Students for a World in Flux (New York: Basic
    Books, 2017); Bernie Trilling, 21st Century Skills: Learning for Life in Our Times (San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2009); Charles Kivunja,
    ‘Teaching Students to Learn and to Work Well with 21st Century Skills:
    Unpacking the Career and Life Skills Domain of the New Learning
    Paradigm’, International Journal of Higher Education 4:1 (2015). Веб- сайт P21: ‘P21 Partnership for 21st Century Learning’, http://www.p21.
    org/our-work/4cs-research-series, ссылка актуальна на 12 January
    2018. О применении новых педагогических методов см., напри- мер, в публикации Национальной ассоциации образования США:
    ‘Preparing 21st Century Students for a Global Society’, NEA, http://
    www.nea.org/assets/docs/A-Guide-to-Four-Cs.pdf, ссылка актуальна на 21 January 2018.
    4 Maddalaine Ansell, ‘Jobs for Life Are a Thing of the Past. Bring
    On Lifelong Learning’, Guardian, 31 May 2016, https://www.
    5 Erik B. Bloss et al., ‘Evidence for Reduced Experience-Dependent
    Dendritic Spine Plasticity in the Aging Prefrontal Cortex’, Journal of Neuroscience 31:21 (2011): 7831–7839; Miriam Matamales et al.,
    ‘Aging-Related Dysfunction of Striatal Cholinergic Interneurons
    Produces Conflict in Action Selection’, Neuron 90:2 (2016), 362–372;
    Mo Costandi, ‘Does your brain produce new cells? A skeptical view of human adult neurogenesis’, Guardian, 23 February 2012, https://www.
    theguardian.com/science/neurophilosophy/2012/feb/23/brain-new-cells- adult-neurogenesis, ссылка актуальна на 17 August 2017; Gianluigi
    Mongillo, Simon Rumpel and Yonatan Loewenstein, ‘Intrinsic volatility

    408 21 УРОК ДЛЯ XXI ВЕКА
    of synaptic connections — a challenge to the synaptic trace theory of memory’, Current Opinion in Neurobiology 46 (2017), 7–13.
    20. Смысл
    1 Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, The Communist Manifesto (London,
    New York: Verso, 2012), 34–35.
    2 Там же, 35.
    3 Raoul Wootlif, ‘Netanyahu Welcomes Envoy Friedman to “Jerusalem, Our
    Eternal Capital”, Times of Israel, 16 May 2017, https://www.timesofisrael.
    com/netanyahu-welcomes-envoy-friedman-to-jerusalem-our-eternal- capital/, ссылка актуальна на 12 January 2018; Peter Beaumont, ‘Israeli
    Minister’s Jerusalem Dress Proves Controversial in Cannes’, Guardian,
    18 May 2017, https://www.theguardian.com/world/2017/may/18/israeli- minister-miri-regev-jerusalem-dress-controversial-cannes, ссылка акту- альна на 12 January 2018; Lahav Harkov, ‘New 80—Majority Jerusalem
    Bill Has Loophole Enabling City to Be Divided’, Jerusalem Post, 2 January
    2018, http://www.jpost.com/Israel-News/Right-wing-coalition-passes- law-allowing-Jerusalem-to-be-divided-522627, ссылка актуальна на
    12 January 2018.
    4 K. P. Schroder and Robert Connon Smith, ‘Distant Future of the Sun and Earth Revisited’, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
    386:1 (2008), 155–163.
    5 См., в частности: Roy A. Rappaport, Ritual and Religion in the Making of Humanity (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1999); Graham
    Harvey, Ritual and Religious Belief: A Reader (New York: Routledge,
    6 Это самая распространенная, но не единственная версия проис- хождения выражения «фокус-покус»: Leslie K. Arnovick, Written
    Reliquaries (Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company, 2006),
    250, n. 30.
    7 Joseph Campbell, The Hero with a Thousand Faces (London: Fontana
    Press, 1993), 235.
    8 Xinzhong Yao, An Introduction to Confucianism (Cambridge: Cambridge
    University Press, 2000), 190–199.
    9 ‘Flag Code of India, 2002’, Press Information Bureau, Government of
    India, http://pib.nic.in/feature/feyr2002/fapr2002/f030420021.html, ссылка актуальна на 13 August 2017.
    10 http://pib.nic.in/feature/feyr2002/fapr2002/f030420021.html.

    11 https://www.thenews.com.pk/latest/195493-Heres-why-Indias-tallest- flag-cannot-be-hoisted-at-Pakistan-border.
    12 Stephen C. Poulson, Social Movements in Twentieth-Century Iran:
    Culture, Ideology and Mobilizing Frameworks (Lanham: Lexington
    Books, 2006), 44.
    13 Houman Sharshar (ed.), The Jews of Iran: The History, Religion and
    Culture of a Community in the Islamic World (New York: Palgrave
    Macmillan, 2014), 52–55; Houman M. Sarshar, Jewish Communities of
    Iran (New York: Encyclopedia Iranica Foundation, 2011), 158–160.
    14 Gersion Appel, The Concise Code of Jewish Law, 2nd edn (New York:
    KTAV Publishing House, 1991), 191.
    15 См., например: Robert O. Paxton, The Anatomy of Fascism (New York:
    Vintage Books, 2005).
    16 Richard Griffiths, Fascism (London, New York: Continuum, 2005), 33.
    17 Christian Goeschel, Suicide in the Third Reich (Oxford: Oxford
    University Press, 2009).
    18 ‘Paris attacks: What happened on the night’, BBC, 9 December 2015, http://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-34818994, ссылка актуальна на 13 August 2017; Anna Cara, ‘ISIS expresses fury over French airstrikes in Syria; France says they will continue’, CTV News, 14 November 2015, http://www.ctvnews.ca/world/isis-expresses-fury-over-french-airstrikes- in-syria-france-says-they-will-continue-1.2658642, ссылка актуальна на 13 August 2017.
    19 Jean de Joinville, The Life of Saint Louis in M. R. B. Shaw (ed.), Chronicles of the Crusades (London: Penguin, 1963), 243; Jean de Joinville, Vie de saint Louis, ed. Jacques Monfrin (Paris, 1995), ch. 319, p. 156.
    20 Ray Williams, ‘How Facebook Can Amplify Low Self-Esteem/Narcissism/
    Anxiety’, Psychology Today, 20 May 2014, https://www.psychologytoday.
    com/blog/wired-success/201405/how-facebook-can-amplify-low-self- esteemnarcissismanxiety, ссылка актуальна на 17 August 2017.
    21 Mahasatipatthana Sutta, ch. 2, section 1, ed. Vipassana Research Institute
    (Igatpuri: Vipassana Research Institute, 2006), 12–13.
    22 Там же, 5.
    23 G. E. Harvey, History of Burma: From the Earliest Times to 10 March
    1824 (London: Frank Cass & Co. Ltd, 1925), 252–260.
    24 Brian Daizen Victoria, Zen at War (Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield,
    2006); Buruma, Inventing Japan, цитируемая работа; Stephen S. Large,
    ‘Nationalist Extremism in Early Showa Japan: Inoue Nissho and the
    “Blood-Pledge Corps Incident”, 1932’, Modern Asian Studies 35:3 (2001),
    533–564; W. L. King, Zen and the Way of the Sword: Arming the Samurai

    410 21 УРОК ДЛЯ XXI ВЕКА
    Psyche (New York: Oxford University Press, 1993); Danny Orbach, ‘A
    Japanese prophet: eschatology and epistemology in the thought of Kita
    Ikki’, Japan Forum 23:3 (2011), 339–361.
    25 ‘Facebook removes Myanmar monk’s page for “inflammatory posts” about Muslims’, Scroll.in, 27 February 2018, https://amp.scroll.
    in/article/870245/facebook-removes-myanmar-monks-page-for- inflammatory-posts-about-muslims, ссылка актуальна на 4 March
    2018; Marella Oppenheim, “It only takes one terrorist”: The Buddhist monk who reviles Myanmar’s Muslims’, Guardian, 12 May 2017, https://
    www.theguardian.com/global-development/2017/may/12/only-takes- one-terrorist-buddhist-monk-reviles-myanmar-muslims-rohingya- refugees-ashin-wirathu, ссылка актуальна на 4 March 2018.
    26 Jerzy Lukowski and Hubert Zawadzki, A Concise History of Poland
    (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2001), 163.
    21. Медитация
    1 Daniel Goleman and Richard J. Davidson, Altered Traits: Science Reveals
    How Meditation Changes Your Mind, Brain and Body (New York: Avery,

    Юваль Ной Харари
    (р. 1976) защитил докторскую диссертацию в
    Оксфорде и преподает всемирную историю в Еврейском университете в
    Иерусалиме. В своих исследованиях Юваль Харари соединяет истори- ческий подход с естественно-научным, задаваясь масштабными вопро- сами: «Какова связь между историей и биологией?», «Есть ли у исто- рии направление?», «Существует ли историческая справедливость?»,
    «Становятся ли люди по мере исторического развития счастливее?».
    Моя первая книга — «Sapiens» — о нашем прошлом, о том, как мы
    превратились из ничем не примечательных животных в хозя-
    ев планеты Земля. Во второй, «Homo Deus», я попробовал загля-
    нуть в будущее — и «увидел», как уже в этом веке мы преодолеем
    старость и смерть, приобретем способность создавать расте-
    ния, животных и даже людей с заданными «характеристиками».
    Из Homo Sapiens, человека разумного, мы будем превращаться
    в Homo Deus — человека-бога.
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