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  • Grammar exercises. English for technical institutes (Shevtsova G.V) Unit 1. To be

  • to be

  • There is/There are

  • Write in the appropriate form of the verb

  • Ask questions starting from the words given in brackets

  • To have / to have got

  • Translate into English

  • Choose and write in the appropriate expression from the list below.

  • Adjectives. Comparatives and superlatives Complete using the comparative and the superlative forms

  • Grammar exercises. English for technical institutes (Shevtsova G. V) Unit To be

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    Grammar exercises. English for technical institutes (Shevtsova G.V)

    Unit 1.

    To be

    Complete what Brenda says about herself. Use amis or are.

    My name (1) ______ Brenda Foster. I (2)  ______ on the left in the picture. I (3) ______  ten years old and I (4) ______ in the fifth form. My birthday (5)  _____ on the first of January. I (6) ______  from Santa Monica, California, USA. I (7) ______ American. My phone number (8) ______ 235-456-789. I live at 16 Park Street. My post code (9) ______ LA 30 SM. I’ve got a sister and a brother. Their names (10) ______ Gina and Paul. Gina (11) ______ 16 years old and Paul (12) ______  only three. I’ve also got a dog. His name (13) ______ Spot. He (14) ______  on the right in the picture. My Mum (15) ______ a doctor. She works at a hospital. My Dad (16) ______ a driver. He works in Los Angeles. We (17)  ______ all   friendly in our family.

    The verb to be. Insert appropriate present forms.

    A: Hi, Alex. How (1)  _________ you?

    B: Hello David. I (2) _________  fine and how (3) _________  you doing?

    A: I (4)  _________doing fine.

    B: How (5)  _________ your sister? Where (6) _________she now?

    A: She (7)  _________ in London. She (8) _________learning English there.

    B: Really? That (9) _________wonderful! How about your parents?

    A; They (10) _________ fine too. They (11) _________ in Cyprus now.

    B: (12) _________ you busy tonight?

    A: Not really, why?

    B: We (13) _________ having a party. Would you like to come?

    A: I’d love to.

    Write inam /’m not, is / isn’t or are / aren’t.

    1. I _____ a businessman.

    2. I _____ a pupil.

    3. My friends_____ teachers.

    4. My uncle_____ a driver.

    5. My parents _____ doctors.

    6. My cousins _____ vets.

    7. My mum _____ a shop-assistant.

    8. The students ______ at the University.

    9. She ______at the lecture.

    10. The work________ interesting

    Write in is / are

    1. These trousers _______ £30.

    2. This hat  _______  £5.

    3. The socks  _______£3.

    4. How much  _______ the shoes?

    5. How much _______  the jacket?

    6. ________ it hot today? 

    7. ________ mathematics difficult for you?

    8. ________ your institute large?

    9. John _____ in America now.

    10. It ______ one of the main subjects taught at school.

    Write in was / were

    _________ Jenny at the party?

    _________ Lumpy quiet yesterday?

    _________ you in Kongo last year?

    _________ your parents in the local gym yesterday?

    _________ your friend at school yesterday?

    _________ you happy yesterday?

    _________ your mum tired yesterday?

    ______ you hungry yesterday evening?

    __________it cold yesterday?

    _________ your teacher sad yesterday?

    _________ your pet hungry yesterday?

    Write in will/shall be

    He ________ 13 years old tomorrow.

    I__________ back home at 6 p.m.

    We________ at the library at that time.

    They_______ here at 3 o’clock.

    They_______ happy to see us.

    Those students_____ in the same group.

    The experiments______ of great importance for this field of science.

    This area ________enough to build the lab.

    They_______ in the library at the right time.

    Schoolchildren holiday________ the longest this summer.

    Complete the sentences with the verb to be in Present Simple / Past simple/ Future Simple


    Hello! Му name ________  Alan. I________  thirteen. My friend’s name ________  David. He ________   thirteen, too. We  ________   from Belarus. Last summer we ________   at the seaside. The weather ________  sunny. There________  many people on the beach. We had a good time. I hope next summer it ________  sunny and warm, too. There________   a lot of nice days. Some day in future I ________   lucky to visit London and my holidays ________   great.


    1. The animals ________   in danger.

    2. There ________   only a few mountain gorillas in the world now.

    3. It  ________  the thirty-first today.

    4. The wind ________  strong yesterday.

    5. We________   at the end of Cliff Road when Alan fell down.

    6. What ________   the weather like yesterday?

    7. I hope your leg________  better soon.

    8. ________  you________   at home tomorrow?

    There is/There are construction
    Write in the verb to be in the right tense
    There _____ some milk in the bottle. There _____ an orange in the fridge. There _____ five chicks and a hen in the yard. There _____ a big window to the right of the door. There ______ a blue arm-chair at the door. _____ there three cups and three saucers on the coffee-table? ____ there a carpet on the wall? There _____ two cups of coffee on the table.
    Write in the appropriate form of the verb to be

    1. There______ any places to park.

    2. There ______some people waiting to see you.

    3. There ______ a very nice apartment for rent in my building.

    4. _____ there time difference between UK and Russia?

    5. There ____ great restaurants in this city.

    6. _______ there any difference between the words useful and helpful?

    7. _______ there anybody home?

    8. _______ there any petrol in the car?

    9. _______ there any grocery stores close?

    10. There _____ no place like home.

    1. There _____ two cups of tea on the table.

    1. _____ there some milk in the cup?

    2. ______there _____ an orange in the salad?

    3. There _____ six balls in the box.

    4. There _____ some cheese on the plate.

    5. There ______ a blue chair at the door.

    6. How many chicks _____there on the farm?

    7. There _____ a table and nine desks in the classroom.

    8. There _____ a big window to the left of the door.

    9. There _____ three rooms and a kitchen in our country house.

    10. _____ there three cups on the coffee-table?

    11. _____ there a carpet on the floor?

    12. There _____ no cats in the sitting room.

    13. There_____ a cat and two dogs in our flat.

    14. There _____ a pot on the table.

    Translate into Russian

    1. There is no place like home.

    2. Where there is love there is life.

    3. There is no bad weather there are bad clothes.

    4. There are plenty of other fish in the sea.

    5. There are two sides to every question.

     Translate into English

    1. Рядом с отелем есть чистый пляж.

    2. На диване три кошки.

    3. В холодильнике есть бутылка молока.

    4. В корзине нет клубники.

    5. На автобусной остановке есть люди?

    6. В твоей сумке есть зеркало?

    7. В этом парке нет туалета.

    8. В нашем саду много цветов.

    9. Под столом зеленый мяч.

    10. За дверью никого нет.

    Ask questions starting from the words given in brackets.

    1. There are four elephants in the zoo. (How many …?)

    2. There is a lot of snow in February. (Is …?)

    3. There is some fish on the plate. (What … ?)

    4. There are no cars in the car park. (Are … ?)

    5. There are ancient walls around the city. (What … ?)

    6. There are twelve students in our group. (How many …?)

    7. There were a few mistakes in your dictation. (Were …?)

    8. There was no English paper on the desk. (Was …?)

    9. There are no French books in her library. (Were… ?)

    10. There was not any stadium in that city. (Was…? )

    To have / to have got
    Write in have/has/ has got/have got/ is having/are having/had
      1. He … his English every day.

    2. He … his English now.

    3. He . . . his English yesterday.

    4. She … a family.

    5. I always … a lot of work to do

    6. I … a lot of work to do now.

    7. I … a lot of work to do yesterday.

    8. My brother … dinner now.

    9. My brother … dinner at 2 o’clock yesterday.

    10. This man … a lot of English books.

    11. My sister … two children.

    12. She … lessons in the morning.

    13. Please, be quiet. She … a lesson.

    14. I . . . some questions.

    15. My granny ... a cat then, but now she … two cats.

    16. His little son usually … cold in autumn.

    17. I … a cold now.

    18. We … our English now.

    19. My grandfather likes to … a walk in the evening.

    20. Where is your son? He … a swim.

    21. My son … a lot of friends.

    22. The pupils … a dictation yesterday.

    23. The pupils … a dictation now.

    24. The pupils … a dictation every week.

    25. My friend … a wife.

    The verb have got is not used in continuous!

    Please find some expressions with the verb to have

    to have breakfast /lunch /dinner/ - завтракать, обедать, ужинать;

    to have tea/coffee - пить чай, кофе;

    to have a bath/ a shower /a wash - принять ванну, принять душ, помыться;

    to have a shave/a swim/a rest - побриться, поплавать, отдохнуть;

    to have a sleep/a dream/ a walk - поспать, помечтать, погулять ;

    to have a holiday/a good time - отдохнуть, хорошо провести время;

    to have a baby – родить ребенка и т.п.

    to have a cold - быть простуженным
    Translate into English. Use have got or has got

    1. У тебя есть белое платье? - Да. 2. У Анны нет французских книг дома. 3. У вашего друга есть семья? - Нет. 4. У них есть машина? - Да. 5. У кого из вас есть сестра? – У Коли. 6. У моего сына нет лыж. 7. У тебя есть этот немецкий журнал? - Нет. 8. Какая книга Толстого у тебя есть? 9. У вашего друга большая или маленькая семья? 10.У кого есть вопросы? – У меня есть один вопрос.

    Translate into English. Use have or have got in the correct form

    1. У Кати всегда много работы. 2. У вас есть время ответить на это письмо? 3. Вы часто простужаетесь? 4. Дайте мне, пожалуйста, журнал у меня сейчас есть время, чтобы прочитать эту статью. 5. У меня часто болит зуб. 6. У нас обычно нет времени, чтобы сходить в театр. 7. Вы простужены сейчас? – Да. 8. У него есть время писать письма? – Нет. 9. Сегодня у Анны нет времени обсуждать этот вопрос с вами. 10. У нас дома обычно нет кофе.

    Put questions to the words in bold

    1. His sister has some English magazines. (2) 2. They have very little free time. (2) 3.Our students are having a test now. (3) 4. We had a lecture yesterday. (2) 5. I will have a good time on Sunday. (1) 6. They have some books on navigation (2) 7. This group had a meeting at 3 o’clock on Friday. (2) 8. He has many mistakes in his dictation. (4)

    Choose and write in the appropriate expression from the list below.

    Have a baby, have a party, have a cigarette, have a swim, have a chat, have a look, have a nice time, have a bath, have a rest.

    1. Jack likes to keep fit, so he … every day.

    2. We … last Friday. It was great – we invited lots of people.

    3. How often …you …? – Not often. I don’t like washing.

    4. Kate gave up her job six months ago when she … .

    5. Excuse me, can I … at your newspaper, please?

    6. Where is Jim? – He … in his room. He is very tired.

    7. I met Ann in the street yesterday. We stopped and … .

    8. I don’t usually smoke. But I felt nervous, so I … .

    9. I haven’t seen you since you came back from holiday. … you…?

    Adjectives. Comparatives and superlatives

    Complete using the comparative and the superlative forms

    1. Your brother is much _________(tall) than mine.

    2. This island used to be much __________ (green) before the forest fires.

    3. Slow down! You are _____________ (fit) than me and I cannot keep up!

    4. Veronica seems ______________ (happy) since she moved schools.

    5. It is actually ___________ (trendy) to wear your hair up this year.

    6. As the time for the performance got nearer, I got __________ (nervous).

    7. Old people are often __________ (wise) than young people.

    8. Why don’t you try and find a __________ (cheap) computer game and save some money.

    9. Matt seems to have got even ____________ (lazy) than he used to be and almost never studies.

    10. If the problem gets any ___________ (serious), we may need to inform the manager about it.

    11. Boris says that this piece of his art is much _________ (good).

    12. I have even _____________ (little) free time this year than I had last year.

    13. The news was much _________ (bad) that anyone had feared.

    14. Children rushed to hide in the _______ (far) corners of the garden.

    15. Light from the __________ (far) stars takes three thousand million years to reach us.

    16. I asked the assistant to show me the ____________ (modern) phone they had.

    17. Who do you think is the ________ (little) talented actor to win an Oscar?

    18. That is the ______________ (crazy) idea I have ever heard.

    19. I told the manager that it was the _________ (bad) hotel I have ever stayed at.

    20. The Pacific is the __________ (deep) ocean in the world.

    21. It was the ___________ (boring) film I had ever seen.

    22. Don’t you think this would be the __________ (lovely) spot for a picnic?

    Asas – так же (такой же) … как

    Not as … as, not so … as - не так (не такой) … как

    The … the - чем …, тем

    Than – чем

    Model. Is this bus as quick as that one? – Yes, it is. This bus is as quick as that one. No, it is not. This bus is not so quick as that one.

    1. Is this story as funny as that one?

    2. Is this dress as short as the tall one?

    3. Are these  questions as difficult as those ones?

    4. Was this boy as strong as that one?

    5. Were these boys as busy as those ones?

    6. Is their new flat is as comfortable as the old one?

    7. Is this forest as thick as that one?

    8. Was this trunk as heavy as that one?

    9. This hill is as low as that one.

    10. This street as wide as the next one.

    11. Is your wife as economical as mine?

    12. Is his bag as light as hers?

    13. Was their  house as near as ours?

    14. Is her composition as long as his?

    15. Is his handwriting as bad as yours?

    16. Are his children as naughty as hers?

    17. Are her eyes as black as his?

    18. Is your garden as lovely as theirs?

    19. Are their marks as excellent as his?

    20. Is your coat as warm as mine?
    Choose the appropriate phrase and complete the sentences.

    as difficult as that one, as modern as that one, as beautiful as that one, as dark as those ones, as long as that one, as easy as that one, as narrow as the next one, as boring as those ones, as deep as than one, as shallow as that one.

    1. This exercise is …

    2. This street was …

    3. These books are

    4. This river is …

    5. This lake is…

    6. This way was …

    7. These rooms are …

    8. This  painting is …

    9. This task was …

    10. This flat is …
    Write in the more or theless according to the meaning. Translate the sentences.

    The more you study, ___ time you have for your friends. The younger you are, ___ difficult it is to learn. The warmer the weather, ___ comfortable I feel. The more goods you sell, ___ profit you make. ___ mistakes you make, the better mark you get. The longer he waited, ___ impatient he became. The more knowledge we acquire, ____ successful we are. The more roses she planted, ___ beautiful her garden was.

    Use the comparative construction “The more… the more…” for the words in brackets. Translate the sentences.
      1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   ...   16

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