Основные речевые клише, необходимые для построения презентации на профессиональную тему
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Сообщения, извещения
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Выражения сожаления
Самостоятельная/проектная работа: Подготовит деловое письмо по теме: « Поиск кандидата на должность учителя начальной школы». Повышенный уровень. - составление писем-просьб зарубежным коллегам о методической помощи.; Самостоятельная/проектная работа: Написание писем зарубежным коллегам – учителям начальной школы (ситуация определяется студентом самостоятельно). Тема 4. My point of View on the Profession of Teacher. (2 ч.). Лексика Базовый уровень Понятийный аппарат по теме. Основные речевые клише, необходимые для построения презентации. Key expressions for Presentation (ключевые фразы для проведения презентаций) Saying when you will deal with questions (Сообщить, когда вы ответите на вопросы)
Using visuals (Использование наглядного материала)
Comparisons (Сравнения)
Referring to handouts (Обращение к раздаточному материалу)
Ending the main body of the presentation (Завершениеглавнойчастипрезентации)
Changing to another topic (Переходкдругойтеме)
Beginning the summary (Подведениеитогов. Начало)
Concluding and summarising (Выводыиитоги)
Inviting questions and/or introducing discussion (Вопросыиобсуждения)
Handling questions (Ответы на вопросы) I. Understood but difficult or impossible to answer (вопрос понятен, но на него сложно или невозможно ответить)
II. Understood but irrelevant or impossible to answer in the time available (вопрос понятен, но не относится к делу или для ответа недостаточно времени)
III. Not understood (вопрос непонятен)
Checking that your answer is sufficient (Как проверить, удовлетворил ли ответ собеседника)
1. 2. Грамматика Повторение и закрепление грамматических конструкций: Действительный и страдательный залог; Условное наклонение; Сложное дополнение/подлежащее . Задание. Выполнить упражнения письменном виде. Действительный и страдательный залог Упражнение 1. Укажите видовременную форму сказуемых и переведите предложения на русский язык. 1. Our Institute was founded in 1875. 2. Every year 5000 students are enrolled in the first year. 3. The foreign language laboratory will be equipped with tape-recorders next term. 4. The text will have been translated by tomorrow. 5. He has already been introduced to you. 6. The problem is being discussed now. Упражнение 2. Поставьте глаголы в нужную видовременную форму. 1. Different subjects (to be discussed) at the University. 2. The meeting (to be organized) tomorrow. 3. Many discussions (to be held) at our faculty last term. 4. On the 17th of November the party (to be organized) to which different foreign delegations (to be invited). 5. The United Kingdom (to be situated) to the North-West of the continent of Europe. Упражнение 3. Употребите соответствующую конструкцию со страдательным залогом. Model: We write a letter. – The letter is written by us. 1. They will divide the text into 3 parts. 2. We founded this society last year. 3. The students passed the exams successful. Условное наклонение Упражнение 1. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в правильную форму. 1. He'll sit for the examination next week if he (to be ready) by then. 2. The roads would be very bad if the temperature (to fall). 3. I'm afraid you won't be able to catch your train unless you (to leave) right now. 4. I would have bought some magazines to read on the train if I (to have) the company. 5. If I (to find) your Identify card, I would phone you at once. 6. She would have brought another book if you (not to like) it. Упражнение 2. Составьте предложения, используя сослага- тельное наклонения. 1. Mr. Spark missed the bus. He walked to the station. 2. He walked to the station. He didn't catch his usual train. 3. He didn't catch his usual train. He went for a drink. 4. He went for a drink. He met an old friend. 5. He met an old friend. He didn't go straight home. 6. He didn't go straight home. His wife was very angry. Упражнение 3. Ответьте на вопросы. 1. What would you take with you if you decided to go for a holiday by train (by plane, by car)? 2. What would you need to have with you if you decided to go on business trip? 3. How long would it take you if you came here by bus (by tram, by taxi, on foot)? 4. What would you do if your girl-friend (boy-friend) broke up with you. Сложное дополнение/подлежащее . Упражнение 1. Раскройте скобки, используя сложное дополнение. Переведите. I want (she) to be my wife. My brother taught ( I ) to swim and dive. They would like (we) to read aloud. Bob advised (she) to stay for another week. We expect (he) to arrive at noon. I heard (you) open the door. Dad always makes ( I ) go fishing with him every weekend. Our parents expect (we) to stop quarreling. Sara never lets (he) drive her car. I saw (you) cross the street. Упажнение 2. Поставьте «to» там, где необходимо. We heard the lorry … stop near the house. I want my elder sister … take me to the zoo. I believe the Internet … be the greatest invention ever. The teacher doesn’t let us … use our mobile phones. They didn’t expect her … be late. The police officer made him … tell the truth. I would like you … admit your fault. Swan believes Vicky … be the best manager in our store. Nick persuaded me … go in for sports. We saw Jacob … break the window. I consider this sculpture … be a masterpiece. She noticed Mary suddenly … turn pale. Упражнение 3. Перефразируйте предложения, используя сложное дополнение. Н-р: I want that she will cook mushroom soup. (Я хочу, чтобы она приготовила грибной суп.) – I want her to cook mushroom soup. The children were laughing and enjoying themselves on the beach. Their parents saw them. – Their parents saw … . They said: “He is an expert in our industry.” – They consider … . The bike disappeared in the forest. The policeman noticed it. – The policeman noticed … . Elvis said to his son: “Don’t watch horror films.” – Elvis doesn’t let … . “Mummy, please, buy me that doll”, said the little girl. – The little girl would like … . Dad says that I can travel to China with you. – Dad allows … . He swears a lot. Many people heard that. – Many people heard … . “Bring me some water from the well,” my grandmother said. – My grandmother wanted … . Somebody was watching me. I felt that. – I felt … . Daniel said: “Helen, you can go to a night club tonight.” – Daniel let … . 1.3. Самостоятельная/проектная работа: - изучение дополнительной информации по теме - выполнение дополнительных заданий по теме онлайн и/или на образовательном портале ЧГУ Повышенный уровень Реферирование текстов профессионального характера Education Тext 1. Education has an impact on everyone’s life. It has always been so. However, education was not so obtainable several centuries ago when people couldn’t get at least a primary education. Only noble families could afford a governess and then send their children to study abroad. Today, primary and secondary education is obligatory. In addition, we may study in colleges or at a high school and then go to university. There is a great variety of careers from which to choose, so everyone can get any sort of education. Nevertheless, public education is not the only one we can obtain. Self-education is crucial in all senses. If we cultivate ourselves, we may become not only smarter and more skilled, but also stronger emotionally and mentally. Self-development is important and it should take all your life. Don’t stop on your way to perfection, it is impossible to be reached. Moreover, literate and educated people form the picture of the whole society. If you become better, so will the society. It is wrong to think a person is unable to change the world. If everyone started changing from himself/herself, the world would become a better place in one day. And education is an important aspect of life which should not be underestimated. Take both your basic and self-education seriously and you will manage to become a better person and the life will probably seem less difficult if you are wise and experienced. Тext 2. Education plays a very important role in our life. It is one of the most valuable possessions a man can get in his life. During all the periods of human history education ranked high among people. Human progress mostly depended upon well-educated people. We get our knowledge of this world and life through education. Many famous discoveries would have been impossible if people were not interested in learning something. Self-education is very important for the development of human’s talents. Only through self-education a person can become a harmonically developed personality. A person becomes a highly qualified specialist after getting some special education. And professionalism can be reached only through it. Even highly qualified specialists from time to time attend refresher courses to refresh their knowledge. Education develops all sides of human personality, reveals his abilities. Besides, it helps a person to understand himself, to choose the right way in this world. The civilized state differs from others in the fact that it pays much attention to the educational policy. John Kennedy said: “Our progress as a nation can be no swifter than our progress in education”. But it doesn’t concern only one particular nation. We know that science and art belong to the whole world. Before them the barriers of nationality disappear. So education brings people closer to each other, helps them to understand each other better. Тext 3. Education encompasses both the teaching and learning of knowledge, proper conduct, and technical competency. It thus focuses on the cultivation of skills, trades or professions, as well as mental, moral & aesthetic development. Formal education consists of systematic instruction, teaching and training by professional teachers. This consists of the application of pedagogy and the development of curricula. The right to education is a fundamental human right. Since 1952, Article 2 of the first Protocol to the European Convention on Human Rights obliges all signatory parties to guarantee the right to education. At world level, the United Nations’ International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights of 1966 guarantees this right under its Article 13. Educational systems are established to provide education and training, often for children and the young. A curriculum defines what students should know, understand and be able to do as the result of education. A system of policies, regulations, examinations, structures and funding enables teachers to teach to the best of their abilities. Sometimes educational systems can be used to promote doctrines or ideals as well as knowledge, which is known as social engineering. This can lead to political abuse of the system, particularly in totalitarian states and government. Primary (or elementary) education consists of the first years of formal, structured education. In general, primary education consists of six or seven years of schooling starting at the age of 5 or 6, although this varies between, and sometimes within, countries. Globally, around 70% of primary-age children are enrolled in primary education, and this proportion is rising. In most contemporary educational systems of the world, secondary education consists of the second years of formal education that occur during adolescence. It is characterized by transition from the typically compulsory, comprehensive primary education for minors, to the optional, selective tertiary, “post-secondary”, or “higher” education (e.g., university, vocational school) for adults. Higher education, also called tertiary, third stage, or post secondary education, is the non-compulsory educational level that follows the completion of a school providing a secondary education, such as a high school or secondary school. Tertiary education is normally taken to include undergraduate and postgraduate education, as well as vocational education and training. Colleges and universities are the main institutions that provide tertiary education. Collectively, these are sometimes known as tertiary institutions. Tertiary education generally results in the receipt of certificates, diplomas, or academic degrees. Самостоятельная/проектная работа: - изучение дополнительной информации по теме -выполнение дополнительных заданий по теме онлайн и/или на образовательном портале ЧГУ 1.4. Чтение Базовый уровень 1.4.1. Чтение текстов профессиональной направленности. Выполнение заданий после знакомства с текстом: переформулировать выделенную идею по образцу, расширить исходный текст, используя дополнительную информацию, развёрнутая аннотация текста. 1.4.2. Структурирование прочитанного текста; составление цитатного плана текста, трансформация тезисов плана, реферативный перевод. 1.4.3. Реферативный перевод текста; поисковое чтение (текст больших объемов) с заполнением матрицы ответа, развернутый пересказ. Text 1. Education plays a very important role in our life. It is one of the most valuable possessions a man can get in his life. The literacy rate in Russia is almost 100%. Half of Russia’s adults has at least college education. So Russia has the highest college-level education in the world. Russia has pre-school educational system. About 2/3 of children aged 5 attend kindergartens. Since the age of 6 or 7 children attend school. Eleven-year secondary education in Russia is compulsory. School term has 3 stages: elementary (grades 1-4), middle (grades 5-9) and senior (grades 10-11) classes. Before 1990 the course of school training was 10-years, but since 1990 school study lasts for 11 years. Education in state schools is free. Male and female students have equal rights in all stages of education. The school year starts in September 1 and finishes in May. It is divided into four terms. Study programme in schools is fixed. It means that schoolchildren can’t choose subjects they want to study. When children finish school, they have to pass the Unified state examination (USE). It’s the set of standardised tests. University level of education in Russia is high. The country inherited a system of high level of education from the Soviet Union. A student can continue his/her education in colleges and universities. Te xt 2. Our modern world is full of technological advances and education is very important today. Human progress mainly depends on well-educated people. They say that those who have information, rule the world. When we are 7 years old we are sent to schools to get useful knowledge about our world, although that isn’t the main purpose of education. The most important thing, to my mind, is learning how to learn in order to use this ability in our future life. At school children also enjoy lots of cultural activities which reveal their personal talents. However some people think that the current system of education isn’t able to teach pupils how to become good thinkers and schools are only about passing exams. Education is very important for me and it goes without saying that I’m planning to get a higher education after finishing school. I’m sure it will enable me to achieve better prospects in career growth. Nowadays you can’t find an interesting job with a decent salary without a certain level of education because every company looks for well-qualified specialists. While studying at a university you get essential knowledge for your future profession. Moreover, university life is always exciting and eventful. I believe it is impossible to overestimate the importance of education. It is one of the most valuable possessions and the most powerful weapons we can get in our life. It develops many sides of human personality and helps us to understand ourselves deeper. Education trains the mind to think, that’s why educated people have the ability to change our world and contribute to the well-being of our society. Самостоятельная/проектная работа: Самостоятельное индивидуальное чтение специальной профессионально-ориентированной литературы (не менее 5000 печатных знаков в семестр). Составление глоссария по прочитанным текстам (не менее 50 лексических единиц в семестр, перевод). Реферирование прочитанного текста, устный отчет с опорой на письменный текст. Повышенный уровень 1.4.4. Поиск информации в тексте 3; определение основной идеи параграфа; расширение исходного текста, используя дополнительную информацию. Аннотирование текста. 1.4.5. Реферативный перевод текста 3; составление развернутой описательной аннотации к тексту; поисковое чтение (текст больших объемов) с заполнением матрицы ответа, развернутый пересказ. |