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Тема: Конкурс молодых изобретателей.

Цели урока: практическая: совершенствование навыков распознавания и употребления в речи грамматических форм выражения значения будущего, придаточных предложений времени, цели, следствия; образовательная: развитие навыков распознавания и употребления в речи придаточных предложений времени; развитие навыков употребления в речи грамматических времён Future Simple и Present Simple; развитие навыков распознавания и употребления в речи придаточных предложений цели; развитие навыков употребления в речи наречия so и прилагательного such в сложноподчинённых предложениях с придаточными следствия.

Оборудование: SB p. 62-63, 144-145.

Ход урока

1. Greeting and aim. Warming up

2. Check on homework

3. Упр. 7, с. 63

Ключи: a) Present Simple; b) 1 gets; 2 lend, will pay; 3 will visit, finish; 4 A: gets, will be B: will be;

5 is, will do; 6 A: will buy, get B: will believe, see

4. Упр. 8, с. 63

Предполагаемый ответ: 1 you leave; 2 I will call you; 3 I arrive; 4 he finishes work; 5 I will clean up; 6 I am free; 7 she will return.

5. Упр. 9, с. 63 Ключи: 1 so that; 2 so as not to; 3 to; 4 so as not to; 5 in case; 6 to

6. Упр. 10, с. 63 Ключи: 1 such; 2 so; 3 such; 4 so; 5 suc

7. Grammar Check 1.1 starts; 2 will become; 3 is flying; 4 will help; 5 are going to drop

2.1 A; 2 C; 3 B; 4 B; 5 C

3.1 am going to take; 2 will have been performing; 3 will have learnt; 4 will love

4.2 will be having; 3 will have had; 4 will be watching; 5 will have been surfing; 6 will have gone

5.1 will be flying; 2 will have been surfing; 3 will be moving/am moving; 4 Will you be going; 5 will have been studying; 6 Will you have come; 7 will have taken; 8 will have been repairing

6.2 She will buy a new computer as soon as she gets paid. 3 She will stay in the house until it stops raining. 4 He will meet his friends after he has done his homework.

7.1 before, leave; 2 will vacuum, while, are doing; 3 By the time, realises, will be; 4 does not know, when, will come/won’t know, until, comes; 5 will call, as soon as, arrive; 6 will pay, the moment, get paid

8.1 in case; 2 in order to; 3 in case; 4 so as to

9.1 so little attention; 2 such a heavy suitcase; 3 so much money; 4 such bad weather (that)



Урок № 42 (4d) Класс 9 Дата урока

Тема: Современные технологии. Интернет. Контроль чтения.

Цели урока: практическая: контроль навыков поискового и изучающего чтения учащихся; образовательная: повторение изученной и введение новой лексики по теме «Современные компьютерные технологии»; развитие навыков распознавания частей речи в контексте и использования различных средств словообразования; знакомство с идиомами, связанными своими компонентами с темой модуля; развитие умений употребления тематической лексики в устных высказываниях с переносом на личный опыт; развитие умений использования новой лексики в контексте (составление предложений); развивающая: развитие мотивации к изучению темы; развитие умений прогнозирования содержания текста; развитие умений диалогической речи (диалог-обмен мнениями); развитие умений аудирования с пониманием основного содержания; развитие умений диалогической речи (комбинированный диалог); развитие навыков взаимопроверки.

Оборудование: SB p. 64-65, тест по чтению.

Ход урока

1. Greeting and aim. Warming up

2. Check on homework

3. Test (Reading)

4. Упр. 1, с. 64 Предполагаемый ответ: I know that the Internet has many websites and lots of information that people can access.

Ключи: 1 b 2 a 3 b 4 b 5 b 6 a 7 b 8 a

5. Упр. 2, с. 64 Предполагаемый ответ: What percentage of people in the world use the Internet? How did the Internet get started? How popular is it compared to TV?

6. Упр. 3, с. 64 a) Ключи: 1 probably; 2 researchers; 3 popularity; 4 users; 5 shopping; 6 delivery; 7 population; 8 institutions

b) Ключи: 1970s– when the Internet was only used by academics and military researchers; 38– the number of years it took for radio to reach 50 million users; 13– the number of years it took for TV to reach 50 million users; 5– the number of years it took for the Internet to reach 50 million users; 17%– the amount of the world’s population who have Internet access; 80% – the percentage of websites that are in English

7. Упр. 4, с. 65 Ключи: 1 got our wires crossed; 2 are on the same wavelength; 3 is not rocket science; 4 is light years ahead of

8. Упр. 5, с. 65 Ключи: 1 subscription; 2 email account; 3 modem; 4 broadband; 5 phone line; 6 server; 7 access

9. Упр. 6, с. 65

a) Предполагаемый ответ: My family uses the Internet to check emails. My mum uses it to get product and service information. My dad checks the weather on the Internet. My brother and I look up entertainment events and get information for our schoolwork.

b) Предполагаемый ответ:

A: I like all the junior sports websites. I read all the latest sports news about my favourite young athletes.

B: I like kids.orgit has information on just about everything.

A: I use Wikipedia to gather research for my homework.

B: I also go to English.com for help with my English.

10. Упр. 7, с. 65

Ключи: They decide to include a review section which will review films, DVDs and CDs.

11. Упр. 8, с. 65 Предполагаемый ответ:

A: What do you think we could include in the school website?

B: We need to make it interesting. What do you think about including photos of school events?

A: Not bad. As I see it, the website should have information too. What’s your opinion?

B: Yes, I think we could have a letter from the headteacher on the website.

A: That’s nothing special! I don’t think people would want to read that. In my opinion it should be some fun to visit. So how about having information about school sports and competitions?

B: That’s a great idea. Etc.

12. Упр. 9, с. 65 Предполагаемый ответ:

1 Internet users in different places can see each other using a webcam.

2 I am always careful who I choose to be friends with; I prefer people who are on the same wavelength as me.

3 Peter went to the cinema at 9 o’clock in the morning but I went in the evening; we really got our wires


4 We need a modem to connect our computer to the Internet.

5 Our computer needs an upgrade; it takes such a long time to open web pages.

6 I can’t imagine not having access to the Internet, I use it for everything


Урок № 43 (4е) Класс 9 Дата урока

Тема: Подростки и высокие технологии.

Цели урока: практическая:
Оборудование: SB p. 66-67.

Ход урока

1. Greeting and aim. Warming up

2. Check on homework

Упр. 1, с. 66

Задачи:освоение структуры эссе с изложе-нием разных позиций (opinion essay); раз-витие умений поискового и изучающего


Предполагаемый ответ:

An opinion essay consists of a personal opinion

with reasons and examples to support it. We also

present the opposing viewpoint(s). An opinion

essay should be written in a formal style.

• Упр. 2, с. 66

a) Задача:освоение особенностей структу-ры и стиля эссе с изложением различных

точек зрения.

Предполагаемый ответ:

We are required to write an opinion essay about

whether it is good or bad for teenagers to use so

much technology. Students all over the world will

read the essay.

b) Задача:развитие умений смыслового



Positive opinion– Gadgets make life more enjoyable for teens. Technology has taught young people new skills. Negative opinion– Teens can get

distracted by gadgets. Teens can waste a lot of

time using technology.

• Упр. 3, с. 66

Задача:развитие умений поискового чтения.


The writer’s opinion is that being hooked on technology has a positive effect on teenagers’ lives.

The writer states his/her opinion in the first and

fifth paragraphs.

• Упр. 4, с. 66

a) Задача:развитие умений использования

средств логической и языковой связи в

тексте и их классификация.


introduce an opinion: In my opinion; express

opinion: I think; list points: To start with,

Secondly; add more points:In addition; introduce a contrasting viewpoint: On the other

hand; introduce examples: For example, such as;

introduce a consequence: As a result;

summarise: In conclusion

b) Задачи:освоение значений и развитие

умений использования синонимичных

средств связи в тексте.


In my opinion – In my view; To start with –

First of all; For example– For instance; In addition – What is more; such as– like; Secondly–

Furthermore; On the other hand– Alternatively;

As a result– Consequently; In conclusion – All

in all; I think – It seems to me that.

• Упр. 5, с. 67

a) Задача: освоение структуры основной

части эссе.


A 2 B 4 C 1 D 3; Sentence C is the topic

sentence. Sentences A, D and B support it.

b) Задача:развитие умений письменной

речи – написание абзаца с опорой на

ключевое (основное) предложение.

Предполагаемый ответ:

1 We can shop without leaving the comfort of our

own home. Also, we don’t have to worry about

long queues or carrying heavy shopping bags.

2 For example, mobile phones can distract young

people from their school work. Furthermore, it

may make teenagers a target for thieves who try

to steal mobile phones.

• Упр. 6, с. 67

Задачи:развитие умений изучающего чте-ния (работа с пониманием задания к сочи-нению); развитие умений продуктивного


Предполагаемый ответ:

technology, modern society, opinion, modern

world, relies on, devices;1 I am a student writing an essay for my teacher. 2 I have to write an

essay giving my opinion on how the modern world

relies too much upon technology and devices. 3 I

will write five paragraphs. The first one will be an

introduction with my opinion. The second and third

paragraph will present my viewpoint with reasons.

The fourth paragraph will present an opposing

viewpoint and the fifth paragraph will present my

opinion again in different words.

• Упр. 7, с. 67

Задачи:развитие умений изучающего чте-ния; освоение структуры эссе с изложением

разных позиций (opinion essay); развитие

интеллектуальных умений (логическое мыш-ление).


1 c 2 d 3 a 4 b

Предполагаемый ответ:

viewpoint:Technology is good for staying in touch

with friends. reasons: It is easy to stay in touch via

email and instant messaging. You can use webcams

to see your friends if you are in different places.

• Упр. 8, с. 67

Задача: развитие умений продуктивного

письма (написание эссе с изложением раз-личных точек зрения с опорой на план).

Предполагаемый ответ:

Technology and technological devices have

become very popular over the last ten years. In

my opinion, having too many devices complicates

people’s lives rather than makes them easier.

To start with, the increased use of technological devices has brought about many security issues.

For example, there has been a major increase in

thefts of mobile phones, iPods and other devices.

Furthermore using bank cards online isn’t safe as

hackers have the ability to access bank details.

Secondly, technology can be unreliable.

Machines and computers regularly break down

and can be time-consuming to fix. This can cause

a lot of problems for those who rely on technology, such as businesses or schools.

On the other hand, it is said that learning how

to use technological devices prepares you for the

future. Regular use of a computer will mean good

keyboard skills which can be beneficial in a person’s working life.

In conclusion, I think it is important not to rely

too heavily on technological devices as that could

negatively affect our lives, but occasional use of

modern technology can sometimes help.


Урок № 44 (4f) Класс 9 Дата урока

Тема: Подростки и Интернет. Контроль аудирования.

Цели урока: практическая: контроль навыков аудирования с пониманием основного содержания; образовательная: освоение способа образования существительных от глаголов с помощью суффиксов -ment, -ing, -tion, -ssion, -ery, -ation; развитие навыков распознавания и использования предлогов (about, for, from, in, on, with) в устойчивых сочетаниях; освоение значений; развитие умений распознавания и употребления в речи фразовых глаголов (break); развитие навыков использования в речи временных форм Future Simple, Future Perfect, Present Continuous для выражения будущего; развивающая: развитие навыков распознавания и использования в речи слов, различение которых представляет трудность для изучающих английский язык.

Оборудование: SB p. 68.

Ход урока

1. Greeting and aim. Warming up

2. Check on homework

4d – Ex. 1 (p. 64)

Sharon: Good evening, this is Sharon Travers at W.X.Y.P with our weekly show “Tech Info”. We have a special guest here with us tonight, Bob Sutton, who’s going to give us some useful information about the Internet. Good evening, Bob.

Bob: Good evening, Sharon.

Sharon: Bob, I think everyone listening tonight has used or at least heard about the Web, but could you give us some specifics? First of all, what is the Internet exactly?

Bob: Well, Sharon, the Internet is a worldwide system of computer networks whose main aim is to provide the user with information. There are millions of web sites you can go to, as you know.

Sharon: Yes, and when we type in www.at the beginning of many websites we want to look at, what does this actually stand for?

Bob: It means World Wide Web. This was created by Tim Berners-Lee in 1989, but it has grown a lot since then. In 1993, there were about 600 websites on the Web, but by 2006 there were over 100 million!

Sharon: That’s incredible, isn’t it? So, which country has the highest number of Internet users?

Bob: Sweden has the highest number of Internet users – about 75% – but there are millions of users all over the world and these numbers are increasing all the time. All people really need is a computer, of course, and an Internet Service Provider, which is the company you use to get access to the Web. The average Internet user now visits around 1,000 websites each month and 17,000 new websites are added to the Internet daily.

Sharon: Interesting stuff ... well, Bob, thank you for being on “Tech Info” tonight.

Bob: Thank you, Sharon.
Ключи: 1 b 2 a 3 b 4 b 5 b 6 a 7 b 8 a
3. Упр. 1, с. 68

Ключи: 1 delivery; 2 attachment; 3 invention; 4 discovery; 5 spending; 6 information;

4. Упр. 2, с. 68

Ключи: 1 about; 2 with; 3 from; 4 in/in; 5 on; 6 for

5. Упр. 3, с. 68

Ключи: 1 out; 2 into; 3 up; 4 down; 5 out of;

broke out: started, happened suddenly

broke into: entered by force in order to steal

broke up: separated, split

breaking down: going wrong, not working

broke out of: got out of somewhere, got away

6. Упр. 4, с. 68

Ключи: 1 invented; 2 experiment; 3 electric; 4 engine; 5 access; 6 affected; 7 offer

Предполагаемый ответ: 1 A scientist discovered a new type of birds. 2 I have to carry out research on animals in the wild. 3 James has an electronic toy car. 4 I have a new machine which makes bread. 5 I need to download a document. 6 Traffic was diverted until road repairs could be effected.7 I suggest you call a computer technician.

7. Упр. 5, с. 68

Предполагаемый ответ: 1 will be in France; 2 will have finished my project; 3 will go on holiday; 4 am going out; 5 will see you; 6 will have got tired; 7 will stay



Progress Check Ключи:

1 1 perform; 2 email account; 3 broadband; 4 overcome; 5 exist; 6 subscription; 7 server;

8 build; 9 phone line; 10 become

21 will have started; 2 will be studying; 3 will have drunk; 4 will you tell; 5 will have been; 6 will go; 7 will have been writing; 8 will call; 9 will come; 10 will be travelling playing

31 up; 2 out; 3 into; 4 out of; 5 down

41 with; 2 for; 3 about; 4 from; 5 on

51 b; 2 e; 3 a; 4 c; 5 d

Test 4 Form 9

Name __________________________________________________________ Class ______________

Date _______________________________________________________________________________

I. Fill in: email account, exist, phone line, broadband, overcome, become, perform.

1. In the future, robots and humans will __________________ alongside each other.

2. I can’t send or receive anything over the Internet until I’ve set up my _____________________________.

3. Did you know that there are robots which can __________________ tasks such as serving tea or vacuuming the carpets?

4. Robots will soon ______________________ part of everyday life.

5. Why don’t you get a ___________________ connection? You’ll be able to get on the Internet much faster than you do now.

6. George didn’t have an Internet connection, so he checked his ____________________ to see if it was working.

7. Robot technology still has some problems to _______________________.

II. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct future tense: future simple, future perfect, future continuous, future perfect continuous.

1. By the end of the year, Eric ______________________________ (work) on his computer gadget for seven months.

2. What ________________________ (you/tell) him about the printer?

3. This time next week I ______________________________ (travel) across France.

4. By this time next month we __________________________ (complete) our computer training course.

5. Luke _____________________ (call) you back in an hour.

6. Tom _________________________________ (play) basketball for five years in May.

7. The concert ___________________________ (start) by the time my dad come home.

III. Fill in the sentences with the correct particle.

1. When her car broke __________________ she called a local garage to ask for help.

2. George and Jane broke ________________.

3. The lion broke ___________________ the wooden crate.

4. I think the forest fire broke _____________ because of a loose electrical wire.

5. Burglars broke _______________ our office last night and stole two computers.

6. My old computer is always breaking _______________.

IV. Fill in the gaps with the correct preposition.

1. The idea seemed quite logical _____________ theory.

2. She relies ___________ the Internet to keep informed about global events.

3. Sam wrote to his cousin _______________ the new website.

4. Tom doesn’t watch TV apart ______________ The Gadget Show.

5. Every new invention starts ________________ an idea.

6. Tom needs to buy a new computer to cater _______________ all of his needs.

Урок № 45 (4f) Класс 9 Дата урока А, В-20.12., Б-21.12.

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