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Цели урока: практическая:
Оборудование: SB p.

Ход урока

1. Greeting and aim. Warming up

2. Check on homework


Урок № 46 (4f) Класс 9 Дата урока

Тема: Современные технологии. Тематический контроль. Домашнее чтение. Б.Шоу «Пигмалион» (Эпизод №4)

Цели урока: практическая:
Оборудование: SB p.

Ход урока

1. Greeting and aim. Warming up

2. Check on homework


Урок № 47 (Spotlight on Russia 4) Класс 9 Дата урока

Тема: Роботехника в России. Контроль письма.

Цели урока: практическая: контроль навыков письма учащихся; образовательная: перенос лексико-грамматического материала модуля в ситуации речевого общения на материале о родной стране.

Оборудование: Sp. on Russia c.6.

Ход урока

1. Greeting and aim. Warming up

2. Check on homework

3. Test (Writing) Form 9

Name __________________________________________________________ Class ______________

Date _______________________________________________________________________________

I. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct present tense.

1. She usually ___________________________ (take) the train to work.

2. Tom is tired. He ______________________________ (work) since morning.

3. My parents _______________________________ (watch) TV at the moment.

4. I _______________________ (be) to the gym five times this week.

5. We ____________________________ (leave) for Canada this evening.

II. Complete the sentences with the correct –ing form or infinitive forms of the verbs in brackets.

1. She was the first person __________________________ (call) me on my birthday.

2. I helped her __________________________ (carry) heavy bags.

3. I don’t deny __________________________ (do) something wrong if I did it.

4. Sally can ____________________________ (speak) English fluently.

5. My sister apologized for ________________________ (be) late.

III. Write the correct past form of the verbs in brackets.

1. She ______________________ (go) to school at 10 o’clock.

2. It _________________________________ (snow) when we got up this morning.

3. They _______________________________________ (cook) for over three hours before the guests arrived.

4. Alice _______________________________________ (not/finish) her homework by bedtime.

5. John ________________________________________ (wash) the car when it started to rain.

IV. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct future tense: future simple, future perfect, future continuous, future perfect continuous.

1. Don’t call me before 9 am because I ___________________________________ (sleep) then.

2. By Sunday afternoon we ________________________________ (return) home.

3. This time next week we _________________________________ (fly) to Australia.

4. I promise I ________________________________ (help) you with homework.

5. By this time next week he ______________________________________ (work) here for 2 years.

4. Организуйте беседу о достижениях современной техники, их плюсах и минусах. Работа над текстом урока может быть в соответствии с условиями класса организована в разных вариантах:

– фронтальное чтение текста вслух;

– самостоятельная работа с чтением текста про себя;

– работа в парах/малых группах.

Предложите учащимся выполнить задания и ответить на вопросы. Выслушайте разные варианты ответов, организуйте обсуждение. Поощряйте развёрнутые ответы с использованием изученной в новом модуле лексики и грамматических структур. Подведите учащихся к выполнению работы проектного характера о развитии робототехники в России с использованием интернет-ресурсов.



Урок № 48 (Culture Corner) Класс 9 Дата урока

Тема: Новинки в мире высоких технологий.

Цели урока: практическая: развитие умений монологической речи (сообщение-презентация); образовательная: развитие умений продуктивного письма (написание статьи о телевизионной программе по образцу); развивающая: развитие умений прогнозирования содержания текста; развитие умений поискового и изучающего чтения; развитие языковой догадки; расширение словарного запаса; развитие умений диалогической речи (диалог-расспрос); развитие умений работать с компьютерными технологиями; развитие познавательного интереса.

Оборудование: SB p. 69.

Ход урока

1. Greeting and aim. Warming up

2. Check on homework

3. Упр. 1, с. 69

Предполагаемый ответ: I think ‘The Gadget Show’ features different hightech gadgets in each episode. It might have different consumers trying the gadgets out. The show could judge the best gadget and recommend it.

4. Упр. 2, с. 69

Ключи: 1 Once a week. 2 On Channel Five, satellite TV or on the Internet. 3 John Bentley, Jason Bradbury

and Suzi Perry. 4 Gadgets being tested and rated. 5 All the latest gadgets and electronics in the competition.

5. Упр. 3, с. 69

Ключи: airs – is broadcast; challenge – task that tests the value of sth; judges – forms an opinion; category– group of similar things; viewer– a person who watches a TV programme; brand– a version of something made by one manufacturer in particular

Предполагаемый ответ: 1 The programme airs every week on the BBC1. 2 It was not a fair challenge.3 He judges which computer performs the best. 4 Put the words in the right category. 5 Viewers can email the programme to enter the competition. 6 There are more than ten brands of computer on the market.

6. Упр. 4, с. 69

Предполагаемый ответ: A: What exactly is ‘The Gadget Show’?

B: It’s a programme which presents all the latest technology and gadgets. It shows you how they work, how much they cost and whether they are worth buying.

A: That sounds interesting. How often is it on?

B: It airs every week at this time.

A: Who are the presenters?

B: There are three presenters. There’s Jon Bentley, Jason Bradbury and Suzi Perry, the girl who’s talking now.

A: So the main idea behind the show is to give viewers up-to-date information on new technology, isn’t it?

B: Well, yes, but it also features challenges and tests to see which gadget is best. Oh, and there’s a competition, too, where one lucky viewer wins all that week’s gadgets from the show.

7. Упр. 5, с. 69

Предполагаемый ответ: My favourite programme is “Modny Prigovor”, or “Fashion Verdict”. It airs every week night and is presented by Alexandr Vasiliev, Russia’s leading fashion historian. It features grown-up people changing their style and transforming just in front of the audience. It is interesting to see what the guests look like when they choose fashionable clothes for themselves and when the stylists dress them up and how the guests react.

8. Упр. 6, с. 69

Предполагаемый ответ: The television quiz show “The Smarties” (“Umniki i umnitsy”) is a television programme with a twist. It features senior school students answering very difficult questions in different fields. Most of the questions are extremely difficult even for adults. The winners are admitted to Moscow State Institute of International Relations without exams or an interview. It’s a great chance especially for non-Muscovites. The programme airs Saturday on ORT channel 1. The Quiz Show has been running since September 1991 when it was first aired. It was created by Yury Viasemsky who is the presenter of the programme. Three competitors participate in each game. They choose one of the three coloured tracks (red, yellow or green). The green track consists of four stages and the contestant can give two wrong answers. The yellow track includes three stages and one wrong answer. The red one includes two stages; the contestant should answer the two questions without any mistakes. The contestant who answers two questions correctly without a pause is the winner. The jury decides whose answers are right and complete. The end of the show can get quite emotional. At the end of the programme in “the epilogue” there are three questions for the audience. I like the programme because I learn a lot from it and I enjoy watching intellectual contests.

9. Упр. 7 с. 69

Предполагаемый ответ: I think ‘The Gadget Show’ is great. I can watch it online and find out about all the new gadgets available. It is good because I can find out if a gadget really works and if it is as good as it looks.


Урок № 49 (Going Green) Класс 9 Дата урока

Тема: Электронный мусор и экология.

Цели урока: практическая:
Оборудование: SB p. 69.

Ход урока

1. Greeting and aim. Warming up

2. Check on homework

Упр. 1, с. 70

Задачи: повторение изученных слов по

теме «Электронное оборудование»; разви-тие умений ознакомительного чтения (текст-диаграмма); развитие умений монологиче-ской речи; воспитание экологической куль-туры.

Предполагаемый ответ:

I own a desktop computer. I recently bought a

new printer and I took the old one to therecycling


• Упр. 2, с. 70

Задача:развитие умений прогнозирования

содержания текста.

Предполагаемый ответ:

E-waste is electronic rubbish like old computers.

E-waste can damage the environment if it is not

dealt with properly.

• Упр. 3, с. 70

Задачи: развитие умений изучающего чте-ния; развитие навыков взаимопроверки.


1 D 2 B 3 A 4 B 5 C 6 D 7 B

8 A 9 B 10 D

• Упр. 4, с. 70

Задача:развитие умений изучающего чтения.


A 1 B 3 C 4

• Упр. 5, с. 70

Задачи:развитие умений изучающего чте-ния, языковой догадки; развитие умений

использовать изучаемые слова в новом кон-тексте; развитие умений монологической

речи (изложение основного содержания


a) Ключи:

pace– speed; outdated– old-fashioned; what’s

the big deal– why is this important; toxic– poisonous; currently – at the moment; gradually–

little by little; harm– damage; dumped– thrown

away; treaties – agreements; donate– give for

free; components – parts

b) Ключи:

1 outdated 2 toxic 3 pace 4 gradually 5 dumped

c) Предполагаемый ответ:

I have learnt that a lot of e-waste currently sits in

landfills where chemicals leak into the soil and

cause damage which affects the food chain. I have

also learnt that throwing away electrical items can

be very dangerous for the environment, that’s why

it is important to recycle and repair them or better still give them to charity. I have learnt that ewaste pollutes the soil and air with toxic chemicals. From the text I learned that to stop e-waste

we all must remember the 3 Rs – reduce, reuse

and recycle.

• Упр. 6, с. 71

Задача: развитие умений монологической

речи (сообщение с элементами оценочного

суждения с опорой на тезисы).

Предполагаемый ответ:

Why is e-waste a problem?

Pollutes the environment, can release poisonous

fumes and chemicals.

What can we do about the problem?

Recycle more, donate old devices to people who

can use them.

E-waste is electric and electronic products that we

throw away. For example computers, printers and

televisions which end up in landfills. E-waste is

very bad for the environment. The chemicals that

they produce mean that they are very difficult to

dispose of safely. That’s why it is important to

reduce, reuse and recycle any electrical equipment

which is no longer wanted. I am definitely going

to think twice about throwing e-waste out in the

future and I will make sure all my family and

friends do the same.

Упр. 7, с. 71

Задача: развитие умений монологической

речи (выражение личного аргументирован-ного отношения к прочитанному).

Предполагаемый ответ:

I think the saying means that waste affects

everyone in a negative way.


Урок № 50 (5а) Класс 9 Дата урока

Тема: Виды искусства.

Цели урока: практическая: развитие навыков употребления в речи лексических единиц по теме «Виды искусства»; образовательная: введение темы «Изобразительное искусство»; мотивация на работу по теме; развитие умений прогнозирования содержания текста по заголовкам, введению к тексту, иллюстрациям; развитие навыков распознавания и использования в речи словосочетаний по теме «Изобразительное искусство»; расширение объёма продуктивного словарного запаса за счёт освоения антонимов; развивающая: развитие умений поискового, изучающего, ознакомительного и смыслового чтения; развитие языковой догадки (развитие компенсаторных умений); развитие умений монологической речи (сообщение на основе прочитанного текста); развитие умений диалогической речи (ролевая игра-интервью на основе прочитанного текста).

Оборудование: SB p. 74-75.

Ход урока

1. Greeting and aim. Warming up

2. Look at Module 5 Работа с иллюстрациями. (с.73)

рис. 1 (с. 76) T: What page is the picture on? What does it show? Do you like to go to concerts? What kind of music do you like?

рис. 2 (с. 74) What is this a picture of? Where would you probably see such a sculpture? Do you like to look at art? What kind of art do you like?

рис. 3 (с. 87) What does the picture show? Have you ever heard of this play? Have you ever gone to see a play? Did you like it? Why/Why not?

рис. 4 (с. 80) What is happening in this picture? Where do you think the best films come from? Do you watch films from other countries? What do you like about them?

Find the page number(s) for

an extract from a play (с. 86, 87) What is a play? (a piece of writing that is performed in a theatre or on film) Do you know who wrote this play? (William Shakespeare) Have you heard or seen any other of his plays?

a quiz (с. 78) What is a quiz? (a test of knowledge about a subject) What is this quiz testing? How well do you think you would do this quiz? What can we learn from a quiz?

a spidergram about types of art (с.74) What is a spidergram? (a diagram with lines and circles for organising information so that it is easier to use or remember) What is this spidergram about? Do you think it helps you understand the subject better?

3. Упр. 1, с. 74 Предполагаемый ответ: I expect to read about three kinds of art which are unusual and which differ from the normally accepted idea of art.

4. Упр. 2, с. 74 а) При чтении вопросов учащиеся выделяют ключевые слова, которые помогают им найти ответы в тексте. Ключи: 1 A 2 A 3 B 4 B 5 B 6 A 7 B 8 C 9 B 10 C

b) Учащиеся повторно читают текст для общего понимания содержания и выделения основной мысли, на основе которой предлагают свой новый заголовок к тексту. Обсудите варианты ответов.

Предполагаемый ответ: A Small is Beautiful B An Artistic Animal C In the Eye of the Beholder

5. Упр. 3, с. 74

Ключи: miniature: very small copy of an object (миниатюрный)

the eye of a needle: the hole in a needle through which you put thread (игольное ушко)

tiny: extremely small (крошечный, очень маленький)

significant: important, meaningful (значительный)

carving: sculpting (резьба, вырезание)

hosted: presented (зд. которую ведёт)

impress: command admiration (впечатлять)

turn up: make oneself present somewhere (появляться)

remain anonymous: continue to be unknown (оставаться неизвестным)

vandalism: act of deliberately damaging other people’s property(вандализм)

remove: take away (удалять, уничтожать)

6. Упр. 4, с. 74 Ключи: 1 miniature; 2 anonymous; 3 take; 4 learning; 5 animal; 6 stay perfectly; 7 artistic; 8 add; 9 private; 10 grains

Предполагаемый ответ: 2 Banksy, the British street artist, prefers to remain anonymous.

3 When you take a look at this text, you will be really surprised by some of the artists described.

4 Willard Wigan’s art was inspired by the learning difficulties he had at school.

5 Animal behaviouristDesmond Morris held an exhibition of ‘chimpanzee art’ in 1957.

6 Wigan’s hands have to stay perfectly still so that he can create his miniature sculptures.

7 Artistic creativityis not only limited to humans – animals may have it too.

8 Some people believe that graffiti on the walls of their property adds value toit.

9 City councils in England cannot remove graffiti when it is on private property.

10 Willard Wigan uses grains of rice and other unusual materials for his creations.

7. Упр. 5, с. 74 При проверке обратите внимание учащихся на разные формы слов-антонимов, в том числе на образованные при помощи приставок и суффиксов с отрицательным значением.

Ключи: A huge – tiny, unimportant – significant, impatiently – patiently;

B excluded – included, inability – ability; C beautiful – ugly, responsible – irresponsible, public – private, worthless – valuable

8. Упр. 6, с. 74

а) При выполнении задания учащиеся приводят соответствующие названия видов искусства на

русском языке: живопись, скульптура, фотография, аэрография, моделирование, гончарное искусство, графика. Окажите помощь в расширении схемы, подборе слов-эквивалентов.

Предполагаемый ответ: wood carving, etching, engraving, origami (резьба по дереву, гравировка, искусство гравюры, оригами); I like photography because I enjoy keeping a record of people and places. I don’t like pottery because it’s very messy and you get your hands dirty.

b) Ключи: 2 sculptor/sculptress; 3 photographer; 4 potter; 5 actor/actress

9. Упр. 7, с. 75 При выполнении задания учащиеся могут пользоваться словарём учебника.

Ключи: 1 sketch; 2 colour in; 3 painting; 4 designed; 5 portrayed

10. Упр. 8, с. 75 а) Выслушайте ответы учащихся, обсудите.

b) Организуйте работу с заданием по приведённому образцу. Повторите изученные ключевые слова и выражения, необходимые для выполнения задания. Учащиеся работают в парах.

Предполагаемый ответ:

Interviewer: Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to meet with me today and answer some questions.

Mr Wigan:I am honoured to be here.

Interviewer: How do you get ideas for your sculptures?

Mr Wigan:I read a lot and get inspiration from history.

Interviewer: How long does it take you to create a sculpture?

Mr Wigan:They usually take me a couple of months to complete.

Interviewer: What are some of the sculptures that you have done?

Mr Wigan:I have made sculptures of the FIFA World Cup trophy, Muhammad Ali, and also Santa Claus.


Interviewer: That is quite impressive. Well, that is all the time we have today, but thank you again for talking with me.

Mr Wigan:You are welcome.



Урок № 51 (5b) Класс 9 Дата урока

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