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Тема: Личная безопасность. Тематический контроль.

Цели урока: практическая:

Оборудование: SB p. 120.

Ход урока

1. Greeting and aim. Warming up

2. Check on homework


11 starving; 2 jealous; 3 home-made; 4 cut

down on; 5 crowds; 6 put on; 7 freeze; 8 thirsty;

9 rich; 10 embarrassment

21 will lose; 2 weren’t/wasn’t; 3 played; 4 won’t

go out; 5 had gone; 6 mix; 7 use; 8 hadn’t got;

9 would order; 10 wouldn’t have hurt

31 shouldn’t; 2 might; 3 don’t have to; 4 mustn’t; 5 must

41 off; 2 on; 3 up with; 4 out of; 5 back

51 c; 2 a; 3 b; 4 e; 5 d



Test 7 Form 9

Name __________________________________________________________ Class ______________

Date _______________________________________________________________________________

I. Fill in: starving, cut down on, thirsty, rich, embarrassment, crowds.

1. If you want to lose weight, you should _______________________ sweets and exercise more.

2. John went bright red with __________________________when he tripped over the stage.

3. I’m always ______________________ after football practice so I often buy a snack on my way home.

4. Ann doesn’t go to busy markets because she can’t stand being in ______________________.

5. Carrots improve your eye sight, as they are _____________________in vitamins A and C.

6. Did you bring any water? I’m so _______________________.

II. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense.

1. If I _____________________________(go) to bed earlier last night, I wouldn’t have felt so tired this morning.

2. If you __________________________ (mix) blue and yellow, you get green.

3. If you stop eating so much junk food, you __________________________ (lose) weight.

4. If Katy had worn a helmet, she ____________________________ (not/hurt) her head when she fell of her bike.

5. If I wasn’t on a diet, I ____________________________________ (order) a dessert.

6. If you _________________________ (play) a team sport, you would be a lot fitter and healthier.

III. Choose the correct modals.

1. You mustn’t /don’t have to approach a wild animal; they can be very unpredictable.

2. You needn’t/can’t be an expert in karate to learn how to defend yourself.

3. Taking up a new sport must/might be a good way for you to lose weight.

4. You shouldn’t/needn’t run if a grizzly bear approaches you.

5. Should/May I have another slice of cake, please?

6. Not many people may/can speak six languages.

IV. Fill in the gaps with the correct particle.

1. Mum is always telling us to keep the cat ____________________ the kitchen.

2. Keep __________________ the wet floors, as they are quite slippery.

3. Jody was finding it very difficult to keep _________________________ her schoolwork.

4. Keep ____________________! The burning building is about to collapse!

5. The baby kept ___________________ crying, even after he had been fed.

6. Sometimes, Josh finds it difficult to keep ______________________ the other students in his class.

Writing Form 9-__ Name____________________________________

Date __________________________________________________________________________________

I. Complete the sentences. Which type of conditional is each one?

1. If I see Tim, I ________________________ (invite) him to the party.

2. Plants die if you _______________________ (not water) them.

3. If I were you, _________________________ (clean) the oven before you use it.

4. If we all _____________________ (plant) trees, forests won’t disappear.

5. If George ____________________ (exercise) regularly, he would be in better shape.

6. If I _________________________(be) you, I would be very careful.

II. Complete the sentences using Type 3 conditionals, as in the example.

not be/late—not miss/train If he hadn’t been late, he wouldn’t have missed the train.

1. not miss train—not sit/bench _______________________________________________________________________________________

2. not sit/bench—not find/cheque of 100000


3. not find/cheque—not take/it to the bank


III. Rewrite what the children are thinking using I wish/If only. Then say which sentences refer to the present and which to the past.

1. I can’t hear the teacher. I wish I could hear the teacher. (present)

2. I left my lunch at home. _________________________________________________________________

3. I want to go outside and play with my friends. _______________________________________________________________________________________

4. I don’t know the answer. _______________________________________________________________________________________

5. I didn’t do my homework.


Writing Form 9-__ Name____________________________________

Date __________________________________________________________________________________

I. Complete the sentences. Which type of conditional is each one?

1. If I see Tim, I ________________________ (invite) him to the party.

2. Plants die if you _______________________ (not water) them.

3. If I were you, _________________________ (clean) the oven before you use it.

4. If we all _____________________ (plant) trees, forests won’t disappear.

5. If George ____________________ (exercise) regularly, he would be in better shape.

6. If I _________________________(be) you, I would be very careful.

II. Complete the sentences using Type 3 conditionals, as in the example.

not be/late—not miss/train If he hadn’t been late, he wouldn’t have missed the train.

1. not miss train—not sit/bench _______________________________________________________________________________________

2. not sit/bench—not find/cheque of 100000


3. not find/cheque—not take/it to the bank


III. Rewrite what the children are thinking using I wish/If only. Then say which sentences refer to the present and which to the past.

1. I can’t hear the teacher. I wish I could hear the teacher. (present)

2. I left my lunch at home. _________________________________________________________________

3. I want to go outside and play with my friends. _______________________________________________________________________________________

4. I don’t know the answer. _______________________________________________________________________________________

5. I didn’t do my homework.


Урок № 87 Класс 9 Дата урока А-14.04., Б-18.04. (урок 86), В-13.04.

Тема: Домашнее чтение. Б.Шоу «Пигмалион» (Эпизод №7).

Цели урока: практическая:

Оборудование: SB p. 121.

Ход урока

1. Greeting and aim. Warming up

2. Check on homework



Урок № 88 (8а) Класс 9 Дата урока А-04., Б-.04. (урок 8), В-.04.

Тема: Сила духа. Никогда не сдавайтесь!

Цели урока: практическая: развитие умений прогнозирования содержания текста по заголовку и началу; развитие умений ознакомительного и изучающего чтения; мотивирование учащихся на работу по теме; развитие языковой догадки; расширение объёма продуктивного словарного запаса за счёт освоения синонимов и перифраза, антонимов; развитие навыков использования данной лексики в речи; освоение новой лексики по теме «Испытания судьбы»; развитие навыков её использования в речи; повторение лексики по теме «Тело человека»; развитие интеллектуальных умений (анализ) при освоении тематической лексики; развитие навыков использования тематической лексики в речи; развитие умений диалогической речи (диалог-расспрос).

Оборудование: SB p. 122-123.

Ход урока

1. Greeting and aim. Warming up

2. Введение в модуль. Введение темы модуля. Работа с иллюстрациями.

рис. 1 (с. 122), рис. 2 (с. 125), рис. 3 (с. 132), рис. 4 (с. 135)

Find the page number(s) for

Просматривая модуль вместе с классом, найдите указанные иллюстрации или виды текстов.

Обсудите, что на них изображено.

Ключи: a text message (p. 127), an application form (p. 130), a motto (p. 135)

3. Упр. 1, с. 122

Предполагаемый ответ: Both of these people have overcome huge challenges. They are both strong people. I would guess that Bethany had a surfing accident and Tom obviously struggles with being in a wheelchair because of a handicap.

4. Упр. 2, с. 122

Ключи: 1 F Bethany was planning to turn professional in 2003, but she was attacked by a shark. 2 NS 3 T 4 F She thinks about sharks all the time, but she tries to overcome her fears. 5 F She wonders why this happened, but she knows it has made her stronger. 6 NS 7 NS 8 F Tom is able to control the camera in different ways. 9 T

5. Упр. 3, с. 122

a) Ключи: gigantic– huge, plants– places firmly, keep my mind on– concentrate on, inspiration – encouragement, quit– give up, perfectly still– without moving at all, come into sight – appear, before long– soon, realised – understood, scaring them off – frightening them away, deal with– face

b) Ключи: furiously: energetically, carefully: with caution, ripping off: tearing off with force, motto: a meaningful saying, spine: the bones in your back that hold you upright, brain damage: an injury to the brain, share: to be used between two or more people, strapped: fastened, disability: a condition in which a person is not able to use a part of the body or brain, bumps: things that slow you down

Предполагаемый ответ:

She carefully removed the glasses from the top shelf.

Tim is ripping off all of the labels from his shirts.

Our school motto says to be respectful to one another.

You must protect your spine.

He couldn’t talk because of the brain damage.

My sister and I share a computer.

All passengers must be strapped into their seats before take-off.

He was born with a disability and couldn’t walk.

She has overcome many bumps along the way.

6. Упр. 4, с. 123

Ключи: 1 face; 2 win; 3 total; 4 terrifying; 5 positive; 6 experience; 7 seriously; 8 feel; 9 brain; 10 survive

Предполагаемый ответ:

1 Bethany Hamilton faces challenges other surfers don’t have in her sport.

2 Many people didn’t expect Bethany to win a competition after the accident.

3 It’s a total miracle that Bethany is able to surf again.

4 The shark attack was a terrifying experience for Bethany.

5 Amazingly, Tom has a positive attitude and considers himself lucky.

6 Bethany experienced a disaster, but was determined to overcome it.

7 Tome seriously bruised his spine in a car accident.

8 Both Bethany and Tom don’t want people to feel sorry for them.

9 Tom feels lucky not to have any brain damage from his accident.

10 Both Bethany and Tom feel lucky to have survived an accident and be alive.

7. Упр. 5, с. 123

Ключи: Text A 1 quickly; 2 unusual; 3 professional; 4 depressed; 5 positive

Text B 1 still; 2 noisily; 3 natural; 4 up close

8. Упр. 6, с. 123 Распределение слов по теме «Тело человека»

9. Упр. 7, с. 123

a) Ключи: 2 eye; 3 eyebrow; 4 ear; 5 teeth; 6 spine; 7 tongue

b) Предполагаемый ответ:

A: Have you ever burnt your hand?

B: Yes, I have.

A: How did it happen?

B: I was cooking dinner.

A: You should have been more careful. Did it hurt?

B: Very much. Fortunately I had a good lotion for burns and it helped.

A: Next time when cooking you should wear special gloves if you touch something hot.

B: By all means.

A: Have you ever sprained your ankle?

B: Yes, I have.

A: How did it happen?

B: I tripped on a step.

A: It was very painful, wasn’t it? Did anyone help you?

B: Oh, yes, it hurt to move; fortunately a passerby helped me to my legs and then found a taxi to get me to hospital.

A: Was it so serious?

B: Not very serious but the doctor X-rayed it and put a splint to help rest it. I stayed at home for three days.

A: Oh, dear!

A: Have you ever cut your finger?

B: Yes, I have.

A: How did it happen?

B: I was chopping vegetables. Etc.



Урок № 89 (8b) Класс 9 Дата урока А-.04., Б-.04. (урок 8), В-.04.

Тема: Экстремальные виды спорта.

Цели урока: практическая:
Оборудование: SB p. 124-125.

Ход урока

1. Greeting and aim. Warming up

2. Check on homework

Упр. 1, с. 124

a) Задача:развитие интеллектуальных уме-ний (анализ и синтез) при освоении тема-тической лексики.

Предполагаемый ответ:

The people must be brave. They are all involved in

activities that could be dangerous.

b) Задача:развитие умений монологиче-ской речи (описание эмоционального состо -яния).

Предполагаемый ответ:

2. I’m on a roller coaster. I can hear people

screaming. I feel scared and excited at the same


3. I’m walking a tightrope. I feel nervous and

scared. I’m trying to keep the balance.

4. I’m skydiving. I hear the wind blowing through

my ears. I’m thrilled and excited. Of course it’s

scaring but I like extreme sports, there’s so much

adrenalin in blood.

• Упр. 2, с. 124

Задачи:освоение клише речевого этикета

для выражения одобрения/неодобрения,

развитие умений диалогической речи.

Предполагаемый ответ:

A: I’m thinking of getting a new haircut.

B: I think it’s a great idea.

A: Do you think I should try this new dish?

B: Why not?

A: Do you think it’s a good idea to take up a new


B: If I were you, I would.

A: Do you think I should get a summer job?

B: I’m not sure that’s a good idea.

A: I’m thinking of learning a foreign language.

B: Sure, go for it!

• Упр. 3, с. 124

Задачи: развитие умения прогнозировать

содержание текста по его началу; развитие

умений ознакомительного чтения.


Brian had an accident doing an extreme sport.

• Упр. 4, с. 124

Задачи: развитие умений поискового чте-ния; развитие навыков чтения вслух (про-износительно-интонационных навыков); раз -ви тие навыков использования новой лекси-ки в речи.


obviously – clearly; stick to – stay with;

accidentally– not on purpose

Предполагаемый ответ:

1 She was obviouslyangry or she wouldn’t have

screamed at us. 2 You need to stick to your diet

if you want to lose weight. 3 I didn’t realise and

I accidentallylocked the door to the house and

left the key inside.

• Упр. 5, с. 125

Задача: развитие умений диалогической

речи (диалог-расспрос).

Предполагаемый ответ:

A: Amy! How did you get those scratches on your


B: Oh, it was silly, really.

A: Tell me what happened.

B: Well, remember I told you I was going skydiving at the weekend.

A: Yes, of course.

B: Well, I was having a brilliant time and everything was going smoothly right up until I was

about to land.

A: Oh, dear, what happened?

B: Unfortunately I missed my target and I landed

in a tree! I got stuck on a branch and scratched

my face.

A: Well, you are lucky that was all that happened.

B: Yes I suppose. Other than that, I really enjoyed




Урок № 90 (8b) Класс 9 Дата урока А-.04., Б-.04. (урок 8), В-.04.

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