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  • Условные предложения II типа, III типа. Second Conditional, Third ConditionalУсловные предложения второго типа ( Second

  • Exercise 3.

  • Exercise 4

  • Правила согласования времен: 1

  • I know

  • Future in the Past . He told

  • Future in the Past

  • I thought

  • справочник по английскому. краткий справочник по грамматике АЯ с упражениями. Справочник по грамматике английского языка с тренировочными заданиями

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    Exercise 1. Make a zero conditional sentence using the words.
    For example: "water / boil / heat / to 100 degrees" becomes "Water boils if you heat it to 100 degrees."
    1) Ice / float / you / drop / it / in water

    2) you / not / eat / you / die

    3) if / no / rain / the grass / not / grow

    4) my daughter / eat / too much chocolate / she /get / sick

    5) iron / rust / it / get / wet

    6) If /I / go/ on/ a/ boat/ I/ always/ feel/ sick.

    7) mother/ His/ gets/ late /annoyed /he / be/ if

    8) If/ know/a I in /my /dictionary/I / not / word/ look

    9) They /football /if / not / have /any /homework /play /they

    10) If / water /it / freeze to /you/ ice/ turn.
    Exercise 2. Complete the Conditional Sentences (Type I)by putting the verbs into the correct form.
    1) If you (send)   this letter now, she (receive)   it tomorrow.

    2) If I (do)   this test, I (improve)   my English.

    3) If I (find)   your ring, I (give)   it back to you.

    4) Peggy (go)   shopping if she (have)   time in the afternoon.

    5) Simon (go)   to London next week if he (get)   a cheap flight.

    6) If her boyfriend (phone / not)   today, she (leave)   him.

    7) If they (study / not)   harder, they (pass / not)   the exam.

    8) If it (rain)   tomorrow, I (have to / not)   water the plants.

    9) You (be able/ not)   to sleep if you (watch)   this scary film.

    10) Susan (can / move / not)   into the new house if it (be / not)   ready on time.
    Exercise 3. Complete the Conditional Sentences Type I.
    1) If Caroline and Sue (prepare) the salad, Phil (decorate) the house.

    2) If Sue (cut) the onions for the salad, Caroline  (peel) the mushrooms.

    3) Jane( hover) the sitting room if Aaron and Tim (move) the furniture.

    4) If Bob (tidy) up the kitchen, Anita (clean) the toilet.

    5) Elaine (buy) the drinks if somebody (help) her carry the bottles.

    6) If Alan and Rebecca (organize) the food, Mary and Conor (make) the sandwiches.

    7) If Bob (look) after the barbecue, Sue  (let) the guests in.

    8) Frank (play) the DJ if the others (bring) along their CDs.

    9) Alan (mix) the drinks if Jane (give) him some of her cocktail recipes.

    10) If they all (do) their best, the party  (be) great.
    Exercise 4. Make the first conditional.
    If I _____ (go) out tonight, I _____ (go) to the cinema

    1. 2) If you ______ (get) back late, I _____ (be) angry...

    2. If we _____ (not/see) each other tomorrow, we _____ (see)each other next week...

    4) If he _____ (come) , I _____ (be) surprised...

    5) If we ______ (wait) here, we ______ (be) late...

    6) If we _______ (go) on holiday this summer, we   (go) to Spain...

    7) If the weather   (not/improve) , we   (not/have) a picnic...

    8) They   (go) to the party if they   (be) invited...

    9) If I   (not/go) to bed early, I   (be) tired tomorrow...

    10) If we   (eat) all this cake, we   (feel) sick …
    Условные предложения II типа, III типа.

    Second Conditional, Third Conditional

    Условные предложения второго типа (Second Conditional выражают нереальные или маловероятные события, относящиеся к настоящему или будущему времени.

    We should sign contracts if they gave us a good discount. Мы бы подписывали контракты, если бы нам давали выгодные скидки. (То есть допускаетс я, что контракты еще могут быть подписаны).

    В главном предложении употребляется вспомогательные глаголы should или would (в американском варианте только would) c инфинитивом смыслового глагола. Глагол tobe в условных предложениях, выражающих нереальные действия, употребляется в единственной форме were.

    If I were you I would invite the businessmen to a restaurant.


    If +past simple, … would\ wouldn`t

    If I had a helicopter, I`d fly to school.

    If I flew to school, I wouldn`t be late.
    Условные предложения третьего типа (Third Conditional ) выражают нереализованные условия для действий в главном предложении. Поскольку они относятся к прошедшему времени, они не могут осуществиться.

    If + past perfect,… would\wouldn`t +have + past participle

    If you had arrived earlier, we wouldn`t have missed the train.

    If you hadn`t warned me about the sun, I would have got sunburnt.

    В дополнительных придаточных предложениях с главным Iwish употребляется:

    -Past Indefinite для выражения действия, одновременного с действием главного предложения.

    I wish he were with us. Жаль, что он не с нами. Либо: Как мне хотелось, чтобы он был с нами.

    I wish I knew it. Жаль, что я не знаю об этом. Либо: Как бы мне хотелось это знать.

    - Past Perfect для выражения действия, предшествующего действию главного предложения.

    I wish he had stayed at home. Жаль, что он не остался дома.

    Exercise 1. Write sentences, using the words in brackets.

    Example: If Ellen/ have/ a lot of money in the bank, she/ not/be/ so worried.

    If Ellen had had a lot of money in the bank, she wouldn`t have been so worried.
    1. If she/ not /look/ in the newspaper/she /not/see/ the advertisement

    2. If she /speak/ German very well, she/ apply for the job.

    3. If her friend/not phone, she /not/hear/about the teaching jobs.

    4. If the interviewer/go/badly/the director/not/ offer/ Ellen a job.

    5. If Ellen /know/ some Spanish, she start at once.

    6. If she /not /be/ good at languages, she / not make/ rapid progress.

    7. If he / come/ on her usual train, I/ see/her.

    8. If he /try/harder, he /won.

    9. If I /not/ loose/ your phone number, I/ phone.

    10. If we/ forget//buy/ eggs, we/ make/ a cake.

    Exercise 2. Put the verb into the correct form.
    1. I didn't know you were in hospital. If I'd known (I/know), I would have gone (I/go) to visit you.

    2. Ken got to the station in time to catch his train. If, --- (he/miss) it --- (he/be) late for his interview.

    3. It's good that you reminded me about Ann's birthday. --- (I/forget)if --- (you/not/remind) me.

    4. Unfortunately, I didn't have my address book with me when I was in New York. If --- (I/have) your address, --- (I/send) you a postcard.

    5. A: How was your holiday? Did you have a nice time?

    B: It was OK, but --- (we/enjoy) it more if --- (the weather/be) better.

    6. I took a taxi to the hotel but the traffic was very bad. --- (it/be) quicker if --- (I/walk).

    7. I'm not tired. If --- (I/be) tired, I'd go home now.

    8. I wasn't tired last night. If --- (I/be) tired, I would have gone home earlier.

    9. I wasn't hungry last night. If (I/be) hungry, I would have eaten something.

    10. I didn't have a camera. If (I\ have) a camera (I/take) some photographs.
    Exercise 3. Write sentences about these people who are sorry about things they did in the past. Use wish or wishes.
    Example: Jane wasted her time at school.

    Tom wishes he hadn`t wasted time at school.

    1. I didn`t tell the truth; now I`m sorry.

    I wish ---------- ----------.

    2. John borrowed some money from his mother; now he is sorry.

    John ---------- --------- .

    3. Mary didn`t get up early; now she is sorry.

    Mary --------- ---------- .

    4. Peter didn`t go to the party; now he is sorry.

    Peter -------- -------- .

    5. I didn`t send Jill a birthday card; now I`m sorry.

    I -------- --------- .

    6. Fiona didn`t help her sister; now she is sorry.

    Fiona ---------- --------- .

    7 .He shouted at the children; now he is sorry.

    He --------- --------- .

    8. He didn`t study hard and now he is worried.

    He -------- -------- .
    Exercise 4. Write sentences begining with I wish:
    1. I don’t have a key (and I need one). I wish_____.

    2. I don’t know many people (and I’m lonely).________

    3. Ann isn’t here (and I need to see her).________

    4. It’s cold (and I hate cold weather).________

    5. I live in a big city (and I don’t like it).________

    6 I can’t go to the party (and I’d like to).________

    7. I have to work tomorrow (but I’d like to stay in bed)._______

    8. I don’t know anything about cars (and my car has just broken down)._______________________

    9. I’m not lying on a beautiful sunny beach (and that’s a pity).________

    10. I don’t know French well (and I need to learn it)._________
    Согласование времен.

    Sequence of Tenses.
    В английском языке существует закон согласования времен, который действует в том случае, если действие относится к действующим лицам и событиям, происходящим в одном и том же месте, в одну и ту же историческую эпоху. Закон согласования времен действует преимущественно в сложных предложениях с придаточным дополнительным.

    Правила согласования времен:

    1.Если в главном предложении глагол- сказуемое стоит в настоящем или будущем времени, глагол-сказуемое в придаточном может стоять в любом времени, требуемом по смыслу:

    I know that she is a good pupil.

    He will say that he is your friend.

    I know that she was a good pupil last year.

    He will say that they lived in Kiev.

    I know that she will be a good pupil next year.

    2.Если в главном предложении глагол- сказуемое стоит в прошедшем времени, глагол- сказуемое в придаточном обязательно стоит в одном из прошедших времен в будущем в прошедшем.-Future in the Past.
    He told me that his father was a teacher.

    He told me that his father had been a teacher.

    Victor thought that I was singing an Italian song.

    He told me that he would go to the South in summer.

    3. Если в главном предложении стоит какое-нибудь из прошедших времен (Past Indefinite, Past Continuous), то Past Indefinite и Past Continuous в придаточном показывают, что действие произошло одновременно с действием глагола в главном предложении:

    He was telling us that he had a good ear for music.

    She said that she was making a new dress for her daughter.
    Past Perfect и Past Perfect Continuous в придаточном предложении показывают, что действие произошло раньше:

    I thought that you had seen her.

    She said she had been reading that book for a long time.
    Future in the Past (в любой форме) в придаточном предложении показывает, чтодействие произойдет позже, чем действие в главном предложении:

    I thought you would come to see me.

    She said that they would be sitting in the 2nd row.

    He told us that his brother would have written a poem by the end of the following week.

    Если в придаточном предложении сообщается общеизвестное положение или факт, согласование времен не употребляется.

    We convinced him how important learning English is - Мы убедили его, насколько важно изучение английского.
    Exercise 1. Underline the correct form.
    1. When the police stopped/ were stopping Smiths car for a routine check, they realized that he was a man who robbed/ had robbed the

    2. I woke up in the middle of the night and turned on / was turning on the light. Someone or something climbed/ was climbing on my window.

    3. Unfortunately John arrived/ was arriving at the station at 3.25, and found that she missed/ had missed the train.

    4. The doctor tried/ had been trying their best, but while they were performing the preparation, the patient died/ was dying.

    5. We`d been watching the film for half an hour, before we realized that we were making/ had made terrible mistake. We went/had gone into the wrong cinema.

    6. On the morning of the accident, Mr. Davis just finished / had just finished a night shift at a local factory, and didn`t have/ hadn`t have any sleep for 24 hours.

    7. I`m sorry I didn`t answer/ wasn`t answering the phone earlier, but I was painting the ceiling in my bedroom.

    8. The office Marlowe was visiting was on the 15th floor, and unfortunately the lift wasn`t working/ hadn`t been working, so by the time he arrived at the top of the stairs, he was/ had been out of breath.

    9. On Christmas morning when they woke up, were working up, the children looked eagerly out of the window, it snowed/ had been snowing, and the garden was covered in a thick white carpet.

    10. After the two film stars landed, were landing at the small airport, they left quickly in a van that was waiting/ had been waiting for them since the early morning.
    Exercise 2. Choose the right variant.

    1. My friend asked me who (is playing, was playing) the piano in the sitting room.

    2. He asked he (will come, would come to) the station to see me off.

    3. I was sure he (posted, had posted) the letter.

    4. I think the weather (will be, would be) fine next week.

    5. I hope it (will not change, would not change) for the worse.

    6. I knew that he (is, was) a very clever man.

    7. I want to know what he (has bought, had bought) for her her birthday.

    8. I asked my sister to tell me what she (has seen, had seen) at the museum.

    9. He said he (is staying, was staying) at the “Ritz“ Hotel.

    10. They realized that they (lost, had lost) their way in the dark.
    Exercise 3. Put the verbs in brackets into the right tense according to the rules of Sequence of Tenses.

    1. I knew they (to wait) fot me at the metro station and I desided to hurry.

    2. I didn`t know that you already (to wind up) the clock.

    3. I was afraid that the little girl (not to be able to unlock) the front door and (to go upstairs) to help her.

    4. He says that he (to know) the laws of the country.

    5. Sarie understood why Lanny (not to come) the previous evening.

    6. She asked me whether I (to remember) the legend about a faithful lion.

    7. I asked my neighbour if he ever (to travel) by air before.

    8. He couldn`t understand why people (not to want) to take water from that well.

    9. he said he (to leave) tomorrow morning.

    10. She said she (can not) tell me the right time, her watch (to be) wrong.
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