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Electrical and electronics engineering is the widest field of engineering, concerned with systems and devices that use electric power and signals. Among the most important subjects in this field are electric power and machinery, electronic circuits, control systems, computer design, superconductors, solid-state electronics, robotics, lasers, radar, consumer electronics and fibre optics.

Electrical engineering can be divided into four main branches: electric power and machinery, electronics, communications and control, and computers.

Engineers working in the field of electric power and machinery design and operate systems for generating, transmitting and distributing electric power. Several important developments appeared in this field. One of these is the ability to transmit power at extremely high voltages in both the direct current (DC) and alternating current (AC) modes, reducing power losses. Another is the real-time control of power generation, transmission and distribution, using computers.

Electronic engineering deals with the research, design and application of circuits and devices used in the transmission and processing of information. The revolution in electronics is the trend towards integrating electronic devices on a single tiny chip of silicon or some other semiconductive material. Much of the research in electronics is directed towards creating even smaller chips, faster switching of components, and three-dimensional integrated circuits.

Engineers in the field of communications and control work on control systems and communication

systems that are used widely in aircraft and ships, in power transmission and distribution, in automated

manufacturing and robotics. Major developments in this field are the replacement of analogue systems with

digital systems and copper cables with fibre optics (optical fibres). Digital systems lower electrical noise. Fibre optics lowers interference, has large carrying capacity, and is extremely light and inexpensive to manufacture.

Computer engineering is now the most rapidly growing field. Computer engineers design and manufacture memory systems, central processing units and peripheral devices. Major developments in this field are microminiaturization (design of Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) chips) and new computer architectures. Using VLSI, engineers try to place greater numbers of circuit elements onto smaller chips. Another trend is towards increasing the speed of computer operations through the use of parallel processors and superconducting materials.

Aeronautics deals with the whole field of design, manufacture, maintenance, testing and use of aircraft for both civil and military purposes. It involves the knowledge of aerodynamics, structural design, propulsion engines, navigation, communication and other related areas.

Aerospace engineering is closely connected with aeronautics, but is concerned with the flight of vehicles in space, beyond the earth’s atmosphere, and includes the study and development of rocket engines, artificial satellites and spacecraft for the exploration of outer space.

Naval engineering. Naval architects are engineers who design and supervise construction of ships. Ships must be designed and built so that they are safe, stable, strong and fast enough to perform the type of work intended for them. A naval architect must be familiar with the variety of techniques of modern shipbuilding. Marine engineering is a specialized branch of mechanical engineering devoted to the design and operation of systems, both mechanical and electrical, needed to propel a ship. Engineers in this field develop diesel engines and steam turbines that provide enough power to move the ship at the required speed.

Chemical engineering is concerned with the design, construction and management of factories in which the essential processes consist of chemical reactions. The task of the chemical engineer is to select and specify the design that will best meet the particular requirements of production and the most appropriate equipment for the new applications.

Nuclear engineering is concerned with the design and construction of nuclear reactors. In addition to designing nuclear reactors that yield specified amounts of power, nuclear engineers develop the special materials necessary to withstand the high temperatures and radioactivity. Nuclear engineers also develop methods to shield people from the harmful radiation produced by nuclear reactors.

Safety engineering has as its object the prevention of accidents. Safety engineers develop methods and procedures to safeguard workers of hazardous occupations. They also assist in designing machinery, factories, ships and roads, suggesting alterations and improvements to reduce accidents.
1 Give the Russian equivalents to the following English word-combinations:

1.1 the main branches of engineering

1.2 to solve complex problems

1.3 the prevention of accidents

1.4 to develop methods and procedures

1.5 to safeguard workers of hazardous occupations

1.6 to suggest alterations and improvements

1.7 to shield people from the harmful radiation produced by nuclear reactors

1.8 the most rapidly growing field

1.9 to increase the speed of computer operations

1.10 the replacement of analogue systems with digital systems

1.11 to deal with the research, design and application of circuits

1.12 devices used in the transmission and processing of information

1.13 to design and operate systems for generating, transmitting and distributing electric power
1.14 the ability to transmit power at extremely high voltages

1.15 to have a thorough knowledge of the properties and mechanics of construction materials.
2 Transcribe the following words:

knowledge, aeronautical, naval, engineering, nuclear, chemical, technical, mechanical, machinery,

circuit, design, fibre, accident, procedure, hazardous, requirement, interference, provide,

appropriate, research, voltage, current, thorough, techniques, suggest.
3 Match the columns, finding the appropriate translation for each branch of engineering:

3.1 civil engineering компьютерная техника

3.2 mechanical engineering энергетика и энергомашиностроение

3.3 electrical and electronics engineering техника средств связи и управление

3.4 electric power and machinery авиакосмическая техника

3.5 electronic engineering ядерная техника

3.6 communications and control гражданское строительство

3.7 computer engineering кораблестроение

3.8 aeronautical and aerospace engineering электротехника и электроника

3.9 naval engineering машиностроение

3.10 chemical engineering техника безопасности

3.11 nuclear engineering электроника

3.12 safety engineering химическое машиностроение
4 Translate the sentences into English:

4.1 Инженер – это человек, который получил техническое образование и владеет базовыми

знаниями во многих технических областях.

4.2 Электротехнику можно подразделить на 4 основные области.

4.3 Цифровые системы уменьшают электрический шум.

4.4 Компьютерная техника – это самая быстро развивающаяся область сегодня.

4.5 Авиакосмическая техника связана с полётами в космос летательных аппаратов,

искусственных спутников и космических кораблей для исследования пространства.

4.6 Инженеры-ядерщики разрабатывают методы для защиты людей от вредной радиации.

4.7 Техника безопасности имеет целью предотвращение несчастных случаев.
5 Answer the questions:

5.1 Is engineering a science?

5.2 How can you translate the word “engineering”? What are the Russian equivalents for this term?

5.3 What do civil engineers deal with?

5.4 What are the main subdivisions in the field of civil engineering?

5.5 What do mechanical engineers deal with?

5.6 What knowledge is necessary for a mechanical engineer?

5.7 What are the four main branches of electrical engineering?

5.8 What are the major developments in the field of communication systems?

5.9 What are the major developments in the field of computer engineering?

5.10 What is aerospace engineering concerned with?

5.11 What do naval architects design/

5.12 What is marine engineering devoted to?

5.13 What is the task of chemical engineers?

5.14 What is nuclear engineering concerned with?

5.15 What does safety engineering have as its object?
Topic 8
Modern Engineering Trends

Among various recent trends in the engineering profession computerization is the most widespread. Computers are widely used for solving complex problems as well as for handling, storing and generating the enormous volume of data modern engineers must work with.

Engineers in industry work not only with machines but also with people, to determine, for example, how machines can be operated most efficiently by workers. This is called ergonomics. The aim of ergonomics is to make the working place more comfortable and the work itself easier. A small change in the location of the controls of a machine or of its position with relation to other machines or equipment, or a change in the muscular movements of the operator, often results in greatly increased production. Ergonomics looks for criteria for the efficient design of large, complicated control panels that monitor nuclear reactor operation.
1 Give the Russian equivalents to the following English word-combinations:

1.1 the most widespread recent trend in the engineering profession

1.2 to solve complex problems

1.3 to work with the enormous volume of data

1.4 handling, storing and generating

1.5 a modern engineer

1.6 to be operated efficiently

1.7 the aim of ergonomics

1.8 a comfortable working place

1.9 machines and equipment

1.10 the muscular movements of the operator

1.11 to result in greatly increased production

1.12 to look for criteria for the efficient design of large complicated control panels

1.13 to monitor nuclear reactor operation.
2 Translate the sentences into English:

2.1 Компьютеры широко используются во многих отраслях науки и техники для решения

сложных задач.

2.2 Инженеры в промышленности работают не только с машинами, но также и с людьми, чтобы

определить, как можно управлять машинами наиболее эффективно при помощи рабочих.

2.3 Цель эргономики – сделать рабочие места более комфортными и саму работу более лёгкой.
3 Answer the questions:

3.1 What are the recent trends in the engineering profession?

3.2 What are computers used for in engineering profession?

3.3 What is ergonomics?

3.4 What is the aim of ergonomics?

3.5 What criteria does ergonomics look for?

Topic 9
Communication is the process of exchanging information. People exchange information using communication means. Communication has always some purpose. Mass communication, for example, sends messages for masses of people.

The history of communication means is a long and interesting one.

Communication through electric media. At the beginning of the19th century the electric revolution made great progress. By 1832 the telegraph had been invented. Wires crossed the continents and cables were put under the Atlantic Ocean. Some 40 years later (in 1876) the telephone was patented. Messages began to be transmitted over electrical currents carried by wires.

Early radio”. At the beginning of the 20th century it became possible to transmit messages without wires. Messages were sent by wireless telegraph that is now called “early radio”. But modern radio became possible only when a vacuum tube had been invented (1906). Soon after the invention of tubes, radio receivers began to be widely used in the world.

Television. Television was used experimentally as far as 1930. But its popular use began only some ten years later. And in about twenty years colour television became dominant over black-and-white.

Audio and video recordings are most popular means of communication today. Also popular are filming and photography.

High-technology revolution in electronics influenced the sphere of communication and greatly changed it. The new technology used for space exploration influenced modern communication both in offices and home. It became possible for business people to communicate with their colleagues in faraway places.

Computers and word processors serve this purpose and are being widely used in many offices all over the world.

The new technology has also influenced communication in everyday life. For example, it became possible for people to receive television programs through cables. Modern cable is a complex wire system that makes it possible to transmit a number of television signals at the same time.

People today also widely use videotape recorders to record television programs. One of the most interesting inventions of today is also the usage of satellites for video and audio communication. People can receive programs through using satellites.
1 Find the English equivalents to the following word-combinations in the text:

1.1 процесс обмена информацией

1.2 посылать сообщения по беспроводному телеграфу

1.3 изобретать вакуумную трубку

1.4 широко использовать радиоприёмники

1.5 самые популярные средства связи

1.6 оказывать влияние на сферу коммуникации

1.7 принимать телевизионные программы через кабель

1.8 передавать телевизионные сигналы

1.9 записывать телевизионные программы

1.10 использование спутников для видео и аудиосвязи

1.11 интересные изобретения

2 Read and translate into Russian:

2.1 communication through electric media

2.2 to transmit messages over electrical currents carried by wires

2.3 to transmit messages without wires

2.4 high-technology revolution in electronics

2.5 the new technology used for space exploration

2.6 to transmit information received in space back to Earth by radio

2.7 to become dominant over smth.
3 Transcribe the following words:

exchange, purpose, message, wire, receiver, business, colleagues, technology, through,

satellites, audio, processor, photography, cable, patent.
4 Form nouns from the verbs according to the model. Translate into Russian:

Model: to communicate – communication

to invent, to use, to transmit, to receive, to exchange, to serve, to change, to explore,

to influence, to process, to record.
5 Agree or disagree to the following statements. Find the correct answers in the text:

5.1 Communication is the process of processing information.

5.2 By 1832 the telegraph had been invented and some years later (1876) the telephone was patented.

5.3 At the beginning of the 20th century it was impossible to transmit messages without wires.

5.4 In 1906 modern radio became possible.

5.5 In 1960s colour television became dominant over black-and-white.

5.6 The new technology hasn’t influenced communication in everyday life.

5.7 Neither computers nor recorders are used in business sphere.

5.8 People can receive programs through using satellites.
6 Pair work. Ask your group-mate to answer the following questions:

6.1 How do people exchange information?

6.2 What is the purpose of mass communication?

6.3 When were the telegraph and telephone invented?

6.4 What means made it possible to change “early radio” into modern one?

6.5 For how long has television been used by people?

6.6 What is the influence of the new technologies on communication?

6.7 What are computers and word-processors used for?

6.8 What are satellites used for?

Topic 10
Telecommunication is the telegraphic or telephonic communication of signals, images, or sounds performed by wire, radio, optical, or other electromagnetic systems. Among the devices widely used today there are teletypes, teleprinters, telemeters and many others.

Teletype is a printing telegraph system. One of the definitions of a modern teletype is a computer terminal. It includes a device like a typewriter which is combined with a paper-tape reader and a punch.

Telemeter is a device that records physical events at a certain distance. For example, it may be an instrument in an artificial satellite which transmits information received in space back to Earth by radio.

Terminal is an input or output device connected to a computer. Among other devices connected to a computer, there may be a line printer, a punched-card-reader, a teletype, or a visual display unit.
1 Give Russian equivalents to the following English words and word-combinations:

1.1 telecommunication

1.2 electromagnetic system

1.3 widely used devices

1.4 teletype

1.5 teleprinter

1.6 telemeter

1.7 computer terminal

1.8 to include

1.9 to combine

1.10 typewriter

1.11 paper-tape reader

1.12 punched-card- reader

1.13 to record

1.14 artificial satellite

1.15 information received in space

1.16 line printer

1.17 devices connected to a computer
2 Match the columns:

2.1 telegraphic teletype

2.2 communication of device

2.3 printing distance

2.4 modern signals, images, sounds

2.5 physical information

2.6 certain communication

2.7 to transmit events

2.8 input system
3 Put down the missing words according to the model:

action process doer

Model: to explore exploration explorer

to transmit _________ _______

to receive _________ _______

to connect _________ _______

to combine _________ _______

to use ________________

to perform _________ _______
4 Give the definitions of:

4.1 telecommunication

4.2 a terminal

4.3 a teletype

4.4 a telemeter
5 Make up your own sentences with the words and word-combinations from the exercises 1 and 2;

ask your group-mates to translate them. Check up their translation.

Topic 11
Internet is the linking of tens of thousands of educational institutions, businesses and public organizations with millions of individual users. That is why the Internet is referred to as the information superhighway.

What is now known that the Internet was originally formed in 1970 as a military network. A few years later the Internet opened to nonmilitary users. But most popular it became some ten years later when many educational institutions and a lot of businesses around the world came on-line.

When in 1993 Internet connections were first made available to individuals, usage of the network greatly increased. Many millions of new users came on-line within a short period. A new era of computer communication was announced to begin. Most networks on the Internet make certain files available to other networks. These common files can be databases, programs, or electronic mail from the individuals on the network. Each of hundreds of thousands of international sites provide thousands of portions of data available to users.

It should be noted that the Internet is not the only way for computer users to communicate with each other. A number of commercial on-line services also provide connections to those who pay for it. These services provide a great range of information including on-line conferencing, electronic mail transfer, program loading, travel and entertainment information, access to encyclopedias, and other educational means and reference works, electronic forums for specific users’ groups, sports fans and so on.
1 Find the English equivalents to the following word-combinations in the text:

1.1 образовательное учреждение

1.2 общественная организация

1.3 индивидуальный пользователь

1.4 военная сеть

1.5 доступные средства

1.6 определённый объём информации

1.7 увеличить пользование сетью

1.8 распространённые файлы

1.9 обеспечивать информацией

1.10 общаться друг с другом

1.11 большой диапазон информации

1.12 развлекательные программы

1.13 доступ к энциклопедиям и справочной литературе
2 Read and translate into Russian in writing:

2.1 to refer to as the information superhighway

2.2 to come on-line within a short period

2.3 to make certain files available to other networks

2.4 commercial on-line services

2.5 to be opened to nonmilitary users

2.6 to announce a new era of computer communication

2.7 to include on-line conferencing

2.8 electronic mail transfer

2.9 program loading

2.10 travel and entertainment information

2.11 it should be noted
3 Translate the sentences into English:

3.1 Интернет – это не только средство общения людей друг с другом.

3.2 Много разных организаций подключаются к всемирной сети.

3.3 Интернет был создан как военная сеть.

3.4 Имеется достаточное количество коммерческих услуг в сети.
4 Agree or disagree to the following statements. Find the correct answers in the text:

4.1 It should be noted that the Internet is referred to as the information superhighway.

4.2 Internet was originally formed in 1960 as a nonmilitary network.

4.3 When Internet connections were first made available to individuals, usage of the network greatly


4.4 Many millions of new users came on-line within a short period.

4.5 The Internet is the only way for computer users to communicate with each other.

4.6 Most networks on the Internet make certain files available to other networks.

4.7 A great range of information provided by the on-line services includes on-line conferencing,

electronic mail transfer, program loading, entertainment information, access to encyclopedias, and

other educational means and so on.

4.8 Commercial on-line services provide connections to those who don’t pay for it.
5 Answer the following questions:

5.1 Why may the Internet be called the information superhighway?

5.2 When and with what aim was the Internet originally formed?

5.3 When were Internet connections first made available to individual users?

5.4 What do you use a computer for?

5.5 What are the advantages of using the Internet?

Topic 12
Incandescent Lamp
The first incandescent lamp for practical use was produced in Russia in 1873 by the great Russian scientist Alexander Lodygin. In his lamp he fixed a small carbon rod of about 2 mm in diameter between two copper conductors. In order to protect the lamp from burning through, the lamp’s air had been

evacuated. Vacuum at the time being far from perfect, this first lamp was short-lived. Its life was measured in hours.

In 1890 Lodygin made his first lamps with a metal filament using metals with high melting points, such as tungsten, molybdenum and osmium.

A few years later Thomas Edison, an American inventor, improved lamps with a metal filament. He used the lamp holder, the switch and some other elements of the lighting network.

Today the filament of the incandescent lamp is twisted into a spiral. The melting point of tungsten being 3,300˚ , it can be heated to 3,000˚ . At this temperature, however, tungsten begins to evaporate. In order to avoid evaporation of tungsten, today lamps are filled with chemically inert gas, i.e. argon or cripton.

In a gas-filled incandescent lamp the ends of a filament are connected to the two wires passing through the bulb and attached to the metal base. One of the wires is attached to the base and the other – to the base contact insulated from the base.

Industry manufactures incandescent lamps for 220 and 127 V (for lighting networks), 50 V (for railway wagons), 12 and 6 V (for motor cars), 3.5 and 2.5 V (for pocket torches) and so on.
1 Read and translate the following words and word-combinations:

1.1 to fix a small carbon rod

1.2 to protect the lamp from burning through

1.3 to evacuate the lamp’s air

1.4 a short-lived lamp

1.5 a filament

1.6 the elements of the lighting network

1.7 to be twisted into a spiral

1.8 to evaporate

1.9 to avoid evaporation

1.10 tungsten

1.11 to pass through the bulb

1.12 to attach to the metal base

1.13 cripton
2 Find the English equivalents to the following words and word-combinations in the text:

2.1 лампа накаливания

2.2 медные проводники

2.3 использовать металлы с высокой температурой плавления

2.4 улучшить лампу

2.5 металлическая нить накала

2.6 производить

2.7 великий русский учёный

2.8 быть далёким от совершенства

2.9 измерять

2.10 изобретатель

2.11 ламповый патрон

2.12 переключатель

2.13 наполнять химически инертным газом

2.14 изолированный контакт

2.15 карманный фонарик
3 Match the columns:

3.1 incandescent inventor

3.2 practical point

3.3 to measure wagons

3.4 an American use

3.5 lamp gas

3.6 melting lamp

3.7 inert holder

3.8 railway in hours
4 Complete the sentences:

4.1 In his lamp Alexander Lodygin fixed … .

4.2 In order to protect the lamp from burning through, … .

4.3 The American inventor Thomas Edison … .

4.4 Tungsten begins to evaporate at the temperature … .

4.5 In order to avoid evaporation of tungsten, … .

4.6 In a gas-filled incandescent lamp the ends of a filament are … .

4.7 Industry manufactures … .
5 Pair work. Ask your group-mate to answer the following questions:

5.1 When and by whom was the first incandescent lamp produced?

5.2 Why was the first lamp short-lived?

5.3 What metals were used for the filament of the first lamps in 1890?

5.4 How did Thomas Edison improve lamps with a metal filament?

5.5 What is the form of the filament of the present incandescent lamp?

Topic 13
William Henry Gates
William Henry Gates, byname Bill Gates, was born in 1955 in Seattle, Washington.

Bill Gates is an American computer programmer and chief executive officer of the Microsoft Corporation.

Gates grew interested in computers at the age of 12 and was involved with various programming projects throughout high school. While attending Harvard in 1975, Gates teamed with Paul Allen to develop

a version of the BASIC computer-programming language for the Altair, the first personal computer. As a result of this work on BASIC, Gates decided to drop out of Harvard in 1977 to work at Microsoft full-time. His idea was “a computer on every desk and in every home”.

In the early 1980’s Gates led Microsoft’s evolution from a developer of programming languages to a software company producing operating systems and applications software as well as programming tools. This transition began in 1981 with Microsoft’s introduction of MS-DOS, the operating system for International Business Machines Corporation’s new Personal Computer (IBM PC).

Gates also made Microsoft introduce application software, such as Microsoft Word word-processing software for the IBM PC. This and his other activities created strong position for Microsoft in applications for the graphical used interface.

Much of Gates’s success is founded on his ability to change technical visions into market strategy, and to use creativity mixed with technical developments.

Gates has accumulated great wealth from his holdings of Microsoft stock and is known for his personal and corporate contributions to charity and educational organizations. Gates continues to be personally involved in product development at Microsoft. His willingness to back new technologies such as Microsoft Windows, Windows NT, and workgroup applications has kept Microsoft at the vanguard of computer hardware and software evolution.
1 Read, translate in writing and remember the following word-combinations from the text:

1.1 the chief executive officer of the Microsoft Corporation

1.2 to be involved with various programming projects throughout high school

1.3 evolution from a developer of programming languages to a software company producing operating

systems and applications software

1.4 International Business Machines Corporation’s new Personal Computer (IBM PC)

1.5 Microsoft Word word-processing software for the IBM PC

1.6 to accumulate great wealth from the holdings of Microsoft stock

1.7 workgroup applications

1.8 to keep Microsoft at the vanguard of computer hardware and software evolution
2 Translate the words and word-combinations into English:

2.1 программист

2.2 интересоваться компьютерами

2.3 язык программирования

2.4 объединяться в команду

2.5 бросить учёбу в Гарвардском Университете

2.6 изменение

2.7 нововведение (представление)

2.8 программное обеспечение

2.9 аппаратное обеспечение

2.10 научная и техническая деятельность

2.11 создать твёрдую позицию

2.12 успех

2.13 способность преобразовать техническую проницательность в рыночную стратегию

2.14 соединять творчество с техническими разработками

2.15 личный и общий вклады в благотворительность и образование

2.16 готовность поддерживать новые технологии

2.17 развитие (усовершенствование)
3 Choose the correct variant:

3.1 William Henry Gates is

a) the chief executive officer of the German Corporation;

b) an English scientist;

c) an American computer programmer;

d) a founder of an educational organization.

3.2 Bill Gates

a) was the only founder of Microsoft in 1978;

b) was involved with various educational projects throughout high school;
c) is a man of great ability to change technical visions into market strategy;

d) doesn’t continue to work personally in product development at Microsoft.

3.3 Much of Gates’s success is founded on

a) his personal and corporate contributions to charity and educational organizations;

b) his decision to drop out of Harvard University in 1977;

c) his ability to communicate with very important persons;

d) his ability to use creativity mixed with technical developments.
4 Give all possible associations to the following terms:

4.1 Microsoft

4.2 contribution

4.3 science
5 Distribute the words below into three columns:

nouns verbs adjectives

chief, corporation, executive, involve, various, develop, attend, language, technical, system,

application, introduce, creativity, success, personal, back, keep, corporate, vanguard, continue,

wealth, great, accumulate, graphical, international, willingness, produce.
6 Fill in the proper prepositions:

6.1 to be interested … computers

6.2 to be … the age of 30

6.3 to team … smb.

6.4 to work … Microsoft

6.5 to be founded … the ability

6.6 to change … market strategy

6.7 contribution … charity

6.8 to keep … the vanguard

6.9 the operating system … IBM PC

6.10 to drop out … Harvard University

6.11 to accumulate wealth … the holdings of Microsoft
7 You have read the article about Bill Gates. Answer the question: Does this article contain any new

information for you?
8 Pair work. Think of several questions covering the text. Try to have a talk with your group-mate

on famous computer programmer William Henry Gates.
Unit 3 Grammar Material

Topic 1
The English Tenses in the Active Voice
The Indefinite Tenses
Неопределённые времена употребляются для выражения действия, которое происходит в настоящем, прошлом или будущем времени, но не указывает на его характер, продолжительность, завершённость или предшествование иному действию или определённому моменту в прошлом или будущем. Глаголы в неопределённом времени могут переводиться на русский язык глаголами совершенного и несовершенного вида.
The Present Indefinite Tense
Настоящее неопределённое время употребляется для обозначения действия, относящегося к настоящему времени в широком смысле слова. Эта форма обозначает действия, относящиеся и к моменту речи, и к настоящему периоду, происходящие как бы вне времени. Она не указывает ни на длительность, ни на завершённость, ни на предшествование действия.

Present Indefinite (Simple) часто употребляется с наречиями, выражающими частотность: usually обычно, always всегда, often часто, seldom редко, sometimes иногда, generally как правило, every day (morning, evening, week, month, year) каждый день (утро, вечер, неделю, месяц, год).

Например: I always getupearly. – Я всегда встаю рано.

We often go to the library. – Мы часто ходим в библиотеку.

Sometimes he reads newspapers. – Иногда он читает газеты.

Present Indefinite (Simple) употребляется в утвердительной, вопросительной и отрицательной формах.

1. Утвердительная форма глагола в настоящем неопределённом времени во всех лицах единственного и множественного числа, кроме третьего лица единственного числа, совпадает с инфинитивом (неопределённой формой глагола) без частицы to:

I work. – Я работаю.

We work. – Мы работаем.

You work. – Вы работаете. (Ты работаешь.)

They work. – Они работают.

В третьем лице единственного числа (местоимения he, she, it или заменяющие их существительные) к инфинитиву (без частицы to) прибавляется окончание s или es:

He works. – Он работает.

She works. – Она работает.

Большинство глаголов в третьем лице единственного числа имеют окончание s. Окончание es употребляется в следующих случаях:

а) если основа глагола заканчивается на s, -ss, -sh, -ch, -tch, -x:

to dress одеваться – dresses

to wash умываться – washes

to teach учить – teaches

to watch наблюдать – watches

to mix смешивать - mixes

б) если основа глагола заканчивается на y с предыдущей согласной, при этом перед es буква y изменяется на i:

to study изучать – studies

to cry кричать - cries

Но: если перед y стоит гласная, то к глаголу прибавляется только окончание s:

to play играть– plays

to stay оставаться - stays

в) если основа глагола заканчивается на o:

to go идти – goes

to do делать - does
2. Вопросительная форма образуется из вспомогательных глаголов do/does и инфинитива основного глагола без частицы to. На первое место ставится вспомогательный глагол, затем подлежащее, на третьем месте – основной (смысловой) глагол и далее все остальные второстепенные части предложения. Вспомогательный глагол does употребляется в третьем лице единственного числа, во всех остальных случаях – глагол do. Например:

Do they work at the plant? –Они работают на заводе?

Do you study English? – Вы изучаете английский язык?

Does he (she) work or study? – Он (она) работает или учится?

Does your mother cook well? – Твоя мама хорошо готовит?

3. Отрицательная форма образуется с помощью вспомогательных глаголов do/does, отрицательной частицы not и инфинитива основного (смыслового) глагола без частицы to. На первое место ставится подлежащее, на второе – вспомогательный глагол, далее следует отрицательная частица not, за ней ставится основной (смысловой) глагол без частицы to и затем все остальные второстепенные части предложения. В разговорной речи вместо do not и does not обычно употребляются сокращённые формы dont и doesnt. Например:

I do not (don’t) work. – Я не работаю.

He (she) does not (doesn’t) work. – Он (она) не работает.

They don’t work at the plant. – Они не работают на заводе.

We don’t study German. We study English. – Мы не изучаем немецкий язык. Мы изучаем

английский язык.

1 Replace the infinitives in brackets by the Present Indefinite (Simple):

1.1 She (to learn) English.

1.2 I (to like) music.

1.3 After supper my sister (to go) for a walk.

1.4 Usually I (to have) dinner at 3 o’clock.

1.5 He (to want) to become a doctor.

1.6 She (to like) reading very much.

1.7 They often (to take) a bus.

1.8 We (to spend) our holidays in the country.
2 Make the following sentences interrogative and negative:

2.1 He goes to the college every day.

2.2 They come from Germany.

2.3 I live in the USA.

2.4 My mother works at an office.

2.5 We skate once a week in winter.

2.6 You watch television every day.

2.7 Her father finishes his work at 6 o’clock.

2.8 Nick usually reads newspapers in the morning.

3 Translate into English using the Present Simple:

3.1 Они не хотят идти в кино.

3.2 Он говорит по-английски?

3.3 Я помогаю маме по хозяйству очень часто.

3.4 Эти девочки не работают, они учатся.

3.5 Вы пьёте кофе по утрам?

3.6 Анна получает только хорошие оценки.

3.7 Каждое утро мы умываемся и чистим зубы.

3.8 Мой брат начинает делать уроки в пять часов.

The Past Indefinite Tense
Прошедшее неопределённое время употребляется для описания действий, происходивших в прошлом, как завершившихся, так и не завершившихся в прошлом, но не связанных с настоящим. Данное время используется также для описания ряда последовательных действий в прошлом и для описания обычных, повторяющихся действий в прошлом.

Past Indefinite (Simple) может характеризоваться обстоятельством времени: yesterday вчера, last week (month, year) на прошлой неделе (в прошлом месяце, году), a month (week, year) ago месяц (неделю, год) назад, in 1995 в 1995 году и др. Например:

We went to the college yesterday. – Мы вчера ходили в колледж.

She graduated from the University last year. – Она закончила университет в прошлом году.

They wrote a letter 2 days ago. – Они написали письмо 2 дня назад.

Past Indefinite (Simple) употребляется в утвердительной, вопросительной и отрицательной формах.

1. Утвердительная форма в прошедшем неопределённом времени образуется по-разному у правильных и неправильных глаголов. У правильных глаголов к инфинитиву без частицы to добавляется окончание ed. Past Indefinite неправильных глаголов даётся в таблице и образуется в большинстве случаев чередованием гласных и согласных звуков корня, иногда совпадает с формой инфинитива без частицы to. Например:

I worked in the garden yesterday. – Вчера я работал в саду.

You answered my question. – Вы ответили на мой вопрос.

He brought her flowers. – Он принёс её цветы.

She put books into the bag. – Она положила книги в сумку.

Глаголы в Past Indefinite не изменяются по лицам и числам, они имеют одинаковую форму во всех лицах единственного и множественного числа.
2. Вопросительная форма правильных и неправильных глаголов образуется при помощи вспомогательного глагола did и инфинитива основного глагола без частицы to. Вспомогательный глагол ставится перед подлежащим, после подлежащего следует начальная форма смыслового глагола без частицы и без окончания. Например:

Did your father work at this factory? - Твой отец работал на этой фабрике?

Did you go to the theater yesterday? – Вы ходили вчера в театр?

3. Отрицательная форма образуется из вспомогательного глагола did, отрицательной частицы not и инфинитива основного глагола без частицы to. В разговорной речи вместо did not обычно употребляется сокращённая форма didnt. В данном случае имеет место прямой порядок слов, т.е. на первое место ставится подлежащее, затем вспомогательный глагол с частицей not, далее идёт основной глагол в начальной форме без частицы to. Например:

They did not (didn’t) answer my questions. – Они не ответили на мои вопросы.

We did not (didn’t) go to the cinema yesterday. – Мы не ходили вчера в кино.

He did not (didn’t) do his homework. – Он не сделал домашнее задание.

1 Replace the infinitives in brackets by the Past Indefinite (Simple):

1.1 You (to write) the test yesterday.

1.2 They (to have) a nice weekend last week.

1.3 She (to buy) a new dress two days ago?

1.4 Last month we (to move) to other place.

1.5 I (to see) a good film last Friday.

1.6 He (to be) in London last year.

1.7 We (to watch) television yesterday.

1.8 The weather (to be) bad a week ago.
2 Make the following sentences interrogative and negative:

2.1 He decided to walk a little after his working day.

2.2 Our parents returned home at nine.

2.3 My sister got up early yesterday.

2.4 We washed all the dishes after supper.

2.5 You went to the forest last week.

2.6 They took a bus to get to their work.

2.7 His friend was at home.

2.8 The students spent summer vacations in the South.
3 Translate into English using the Past Simple:

3.1 Вчера в магазине я купила новое пальто.

3.2 Они построили этот дом в прошлом году.

3.3 Где ты купил эту книгу?

3.4 Было поздно, когда они мне позвонили.

3.5 Вы ходили вчера на дискотеку?

3.6 Они выполнили домашнее задание.

3.7 Он написал письмо бабушке.

3.8 Мы провели выходные загородом.

The Future Indefinite Tense
Будущее неопределённое время употребляется для выражения однократного или повторяющегося обычного действия или ряда последовательных действий в будущем.

На Future Indefinite (Simple) в предложении могут указывать обстоятельства времени: tomorrow завтра, next week на следующей неделе, next year в будущем году, in a week через неделю, in a few days через несколько дней, one of these days на днях и т.д. Например:

One of these days we shall go to the country. – На днях мы поедем за город.

They will graduate from the college next year. – Они закончат колледж в следующем году.

I shall take the examination in English tomorrow. – Завтра я буду сдавать экзамен по

английскому языку.

Future Indefinite (Simple) употребляется в утвердительной, вопросительной и отрицательной формах.

1. Утвердительная форма в будущем неопределённом времени образуется при помощи вспомогательных глаголов shall или will и инфинитива основного глагола без частицы to. Вспомогательный глагол shall употребляется в первом лице единственного и множественного числа (т.е. с местоимениями I, we), а глагол will – во втором и третьем лице. Например:

I shall work. – Я буду работать.

We shall study English. – Мы будем изучать английский язык.

He will read this book. – Он будет читать эту книгу.

They will go to the University. – Они пойдут в университет.

Примечание. Иногда вспомогательный глагол will употребляется для образования Future Indefinite во всех лицах. Особенно часто это случается в американском варианте английского языка (а также в Шотландии и Ирландии), а в последнее время он всё чаще встречается и в британском варианте.

В разговорной речи вместо shall и will обычно употребляется сокращённая форма ll (апостроф + ll), которая на письме присоединяется к подлежащему, выраженному местоимением:

Ill tell it to you after dinner. – Я расскажу вам об этом после обеда.

He’ll be back in an hour. – Он вернётся через час.
2. В вопросительной форме меняются местами подлежащее и вспомогательный глагол, т.е. на первое место в предложении ставится вспомогательный глагол shall/will, за ним следует подлежащее, на третьем месте оказывается основной (смысловой) глагол в начальной форме (без частицы и без окончания) и далее идут все остальные второстепенные части предложения:

Will you go to the library tomorrow? – Вы пойдёте завтра в библиотеку?

Shall we return here? – Мы вернёмся сюда?

Will she write a letter? – Она будет писать письмо?
3. Отрицательная форма образуется при помощи вспомогательных глаголов shall или will, отрицательной частицы not и инфинитива основного глагола без частицы to. В предложении порядок слов будет следующим: сначала ставится подлежащее, затем – вспомогательный глагол с частицей not, далее идёт инфинитив смыслового глагола без to, после него следуют все остальные вспомогательные части предложения. В разговорной речи вместо shall not и will not преимущественно употребляются сокращённые формы shant и wont. Например:

We shall not (shan’t) go to the theater. – Мы не пойдём в театр.

She will not (wont) help you. – Она не будет вам помогать.

They will not (won’t) discuss this problem. – Они не будут обсуждать эту проблему.

1 Replace the infinitives in brackets by the Future Indefinite (Simple):

1.1 The journey (to take) three hours.

1.2 You (to go) to the college tomorrow?

1.3 I (to see) them next Saturday.

1.4 We (not to be) busy in the evening.

1.5 Nick (to finish) school next year?

1.6 They (not to swim) tomorrow.

1.7 You (to wait) for me.

1.8 She (to have) the test in a week?

2 Make the following sentences interrogative and negative:

2.1 The students will be in Paris next week.

2.2 My friend will work in the garden tomorrow.

2.3 I shall go for a walk with my friends.

2.4 The plane will leave in time.

2.5 Her father will come back from the business trip in a few days.

2.6 We shall attend the classes regularly.

2.7 I shall take the examinations at the end of the term.

2.8 We shall read this interesting book.
3 Translate into English using the Future Simple:

3.1 Я позвоню тебе завтра.

3.2 В следующем месяце мы поедем в Америку.

3.3 Ты пойдёшь с нами на прогулку?

3.4 Они подождут тебя на улице.

3.5 Она купит билет и полетит туда самолётом.

3.6 Он будет готовиться к докладу в библиотеке.

3.7 Его сестра будет поступать в университет в следующем году?

3.8 Завтра они не пойдут в музей.

The Continuous Tenses
Длительные времена выражают действие как процесс, то есть действие, продолжающееся в момент речи или в настоящий период времени (Present Continuous), длилось в какой-то момент или период времени в прошлом (Past Continuous), будет длиться в определённый момент или период времени в будущем (Future Continuous).

Поскольку длительная форма выражает незаконченное действие, она переводится на русский язык преимущественно глагольными формами несовершенного вида.

Времена группы Continuous (Progressive) образуются при помощи вспомогательного глагола to be в соответствующем времени группы Indefinite и причастия настоящего времени (Present
1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   ...   15

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