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Поурочное планирование (Биболетова). Урок Наши надежды и ожидания

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Урок 1. Наши надежды и ожидания

Цели: познакомить с учебником, его структурой и особенно­стями; сформировать навыки устной речи; развить лексические навыки и навыки чтения.

Оборудование: картинки по теме «Школьная жизнь»; жетоны.

Ход урока

Организационный момент

Good morning, dear friends!(Good morning, teacher!)

I am glad to see you. (We are glad to see you too.)

How are you today? (We are fine, thank you. How are you ?)

I am fine, thanks.

Today we are going to look through your new textbook, have a talk about your hopes and expectations and learn some new information about different types of school in English-speaking countries.

Ознакомление с учебником

This year you have got a new textbook. Let's study its structure. I look through the names of the units. You see that we shall speak about l he role of family and friends in our life. We shall learn the information about progress and man-made wonders of the world. We'll see if young people have different opportunities nowadays. You will understand how important it is to be tolerant and to live in peace. At the end of the book there are lists of irregular verbs, a cultural guide, grammar reference, etc. You may use them to find the necessary information. Every unit ends with preparation for testing and the guide how to be a success in testing. So, ask your questions if you have any.

Речевая разминка

It's time to open your textbooks (page 8). Let's read the task of exercise 1. Look at the pictures.

Can you make up the sentences and share your ideas? What are you worried about? What do you expect to do this school year? Who is ready with the first sentence?

Формирование лексических навыков по теме «Школа»

The next task for you is exercise 2, page 8, in your textbooks. You can see eleven word combinations and you will try to read and translate them. Let's read the word combinations one by one.

What does it mean?

Активизация навыков устной речи

Let's divide into groups of four, please. Compare your lists of reasons from exercise 2 (page 8) and find out what the most important reasons and the least popular reasons in your group arc. Use the phrases from exercise 3, page 9, in your textbooks.


Игра «Будьвнимателен»

Развитие навыков чтения

Answer the questions from exercise 4 (page 9). Let's read the extracts from exercise 5 (page 9—10).

Do you think the statements after the texts true or false? You will have 3 minutes to read the pages from the diary. It's time to agree or disagree with the sentences after the extracts.

Введение страноведческой информации по теме «Зарубежные школы»

It's time to learn some information about different types of schools in the USA and the UK. You can see the definitions on page 10, exercise 6 in your textbooks. You will work in pairs and have 2 minutes to read the definitions.

Does Wendy come from Great Britain or America? Why do you think so? How can you prove it? How old is the girl? Do we have the same types of school in Russia?

Подведение итогов урока

What have we done today? What was difficult for you? What new words have you learnt? Thank you for your work. The most active students today are... Your marks for the lesson...

Домашнее задание

Учебник: упр. 8 (составить 5 предложений) (с. 11); рабочая тетрадь: упр. 1 (с. 4).

Урок 2. Первый день в новой школе

Цели: сформировать навыки аудирования; активизировать грамматические навыки по теме «Настоящее совершенное вре­мя»; закрепить навыки устной речи по теме «Школа».

Оборудование: демонстрационная таблица «Настоящее совер­шенное время»; картинки по теме «Школьная жизнь».

Ход урока

Организационный момент

Good morning, boys and girls!(Good morning!)

Nice to see you again. (Nice to see you too.)

How are you? (We are fine, thanks. And how are you ?) I am fine, thanks.

We will have a talk about good and bad things on the first day at school.

Фонетическая зарядка

You can see two columns of the words on the blackboard. Read them aloud and in a whisper. Let's read them after Kate. Match the words from the first column and the second one to make up the word combinations.

Примерные слова на доске:

То wear








To feel


To please


To make


To learn


Примерные словосочетания:

To wear a uniform, to feel nervous, to learn discipline, previous

school, elective subjects, an important reason, to please parents, to make friends, etc.

Речевая разминка

Now you will agree or disagree with my statements. We'll have a talk about your school life. If you agree with me, repeat my statement. If you disagree with me, share your ideas.


You have to wear a school uniform in the school. (/disagree with you. I don't have to wear a uniform in the school.)

Life isn't worth living without school friends. {I agree with you. Life isn 't worth living without school friends.)

You try to get better results to please your parents. (I agree with you. I try to get better results to please my parents.)

Parents always support you in different situations. (/disagree with you. Sometimes parents don't support me.)

It isn't easy to make new friends. (/agree with you. It isn4 easy to make new friends.)

You have some elective subjects this school year. ( I agree with you. We have some elective subjects this school year.)

You often feel nervous at school. (I disagree with you. 1 often feel happy at school.)

You never quarrel with your friends. (I disagree with you. I often quarrel with my friends.)

Проверка домашнего задания

Let's check up your hometask and work in pairs. Use the word web from your workbooks, exercise 1 (page 4), and'share your ideas. Listen to your partner and ask the questions.


(Учитель сначала сам проводит игру «Будь внимателен», а за­тем предлагает одному из учеников взять на себя роль ведущего.)

Развитие навыков аудирования

— Do you want to change a school? Have you ever changed schools?

Can you tell us about the best/worst things on the first school day? Open your textbooks on page 11, exercise 10. Read the questions and listen to three children.

Активизация грамматических навыков по теме «Настоящее совершенное время»

Let's read the examples from the table "The Present Perfect Tense". Exercise 13 on page 11 from your textbooks will help us brush up the Present Perfect Tense of the English language.

Тренировка навыков грамматики в письменных упражнениях

Exercise 2 (page 4, in your workbooks) is to be written. Read the dialogues to yourself and write the correct forms of the verbs. You can see the examples of different sentences in your textbooks (page 180).

Подведение итогов урока

That'll do for today. You were active today and it was rather interesting to listen to your ideas. I am happy that you usually feel fine at school.

Домашнее задание

Рабочая тетрадь: упр. 4, 5 (с. 5).

Урок 3. Настоящее совершенное время

Цели: сформировать произносительные навыки; ввести и пер­вично закрепить новую лексику по теме «Школа»; закрепить грам­матические навыки в устной речи по теме «Настоящее совершен­ное время».

Оборудование: кубик и два картонных круга для игры «Кару­сель»; демонстрационная таблица «Видовременные формы гла­гола»; карточки с транскрипционными значками и со словами по теме «Школьная жизнь».

Ход урока

Организационный момент

How are you? (We are fine, thanks. And how are you 7)

Фонетическая зарядка

But at first let's practise the English sounds. I shall show you the symbols of the English sounds, and the task for you is to pronounce the sound and name three words with it on the topic "School life". Remember the English words and get ready to start.

Примерныезвукиислова: [t] — private, semester, trouble [v] — elective, average, previous [s] — school, study, discipline [r] — report, result, memory [d] — middle, education, secondary [p] — public, prepare, primary [k] — conflict, newcomer, strict

Речевая разминка

Игра «Карусель»

Let's play the game. We shall ask the questions about our experiences. (Для игры нужны кубик и два картонных круга, посередине скрепленных булавкой. Круги разделены на 12 секторов со слово­сочетаниями или картинками по теме «Школьная жизнь». Верх­ний круг должен свободно вращаться, у него вырезан один сектор.

Ученик кидает кубик: сколько очков на нем — на столько де­лений он поворачивает верхний круг. В соответствии с выпавшим словосочетанием он задает вопрос другому ученику, на который тот должен дать ответ.)


То wear a school uniform, to make friends, to get better results, to have strict school rules, to like the food in the school, to acquire general knowledge, to test your intelligence, to please your teacher, to change schools, to move from primary to secondary school, elective subjects, to feel nervous.

(Учащиеся должны использовать различные типы вопросов: Wouldyouliketowearaschooluniform? Have you ever changed schools ?

You have strict school rules, don't you? Do you like the food in your school? What do you do to please your teachers? When did you feel nervous on the first day at school? Etc. Затем ход переходит к другому ученику.)

Тренировка грамматических навыков в устной речи

I'd like you to open your textbooks. It will be exercise 14 (page 12). Divide into groups of five and ask your classmates some questions.

Who wants to report what you have learnt about the members of your group?

Формирование произносительных навыков

The next task for you is exercise 15 on page 12. Listen to the following sentences and mind the stresses.

Who will read the questions/statements?


Let's learn the new poem about our fingers.

How many fingers do you have? So do I.

I have ten little fingers

And they all belong to me.

I can make them do many things.

So would you like to see?

I can shut them up tight,

I can open them wide.

I can put them together

Or make them all hide.

Ознакомление с новой лексикой по теме «Школьная жизнь»

Look at the words from exercise 16 (page 12-13), please. The following words will help us have a talk about our school and school life.

Who can read the first pairs of words? Guess its meaning.

Who is ready to read the next word?

Первичное закрепление введенной лексики

You can see the words in the box of exercise 17, page 13, in your textbooks. We have read and translated these words. I'd like you to match the words and make up the word combinations. Your time is up.

Who is ready to read and translate the phrases?

Подведение итогов урока

The lesson is over. Stand up, please. Goodbye, my friends! Have


Raise your head! Jump up high! Wave your hand And say "Goodbye!"

Домашнее задание

Рабочая тетрадь: упр. 6 (с. 6).

Урок 4. Старинные школы

Цели: усовершенствовать навыки чтения и устной речи; акти­визировать лексику по теме «Школьная жизнь»; развить навыки перефразирования.

Оборудование: карточки с заданием «Впиши пропущенные буквы» по количеству учащихся; картинки по теме «Старинные школы».

Ход урока

Организационный момент

Активизация лексических и орфографических навыков

It's time to complete some words. I want you to open your exercise books and write down the date. Fill in the letters in these words and write them down in your exercise books.

Записьнадоске: homes_ck (homesick) bo_rder (boarder) scho_ars_ip (scholarship) cmplsory (compulsory) ele_tive (elective) repo t (report) seme_ter (semester) pr_vate (private) knolede (knowledge)

Речевая разминка

Игра «Будь внимателен»

Today we shall play the game "Be attentive". One pupil will think of the word and other pupils will try to guess it.

(Один из учащихся выходит к доске и загадывает одно из слов, которые были записаны на доске во время предыдущего этапа. Ученики пытаются отгадать загаданное слово.) Pupil 1. Is it "semester"? Ведущий. No, it is not. Pupil 2. Is it "private"? Ведущий. No, it is not. Pupil 3. Is it "knowledge"? Ведущий. Yes, it is.

Активизация навыков устной речи по теме «Старинные школы»

Let's find the differences between modern schools and schools at the beginning of the 20th century. We shall look through the pictures in our textbooks (page 14) and on the blackboard. You will work in a group of three. Write down your ideas, please. — Are you ready to start?

Совершенствование навыков чтения.

Обучение перефразированию

Open your textbooks on page 14, exercise 20. Let's read the story about the school from the past. The task for you is to find out what things were mentioned in the text. You will have 4 minutes to choose the sentences from the text to prove your ideas.

Затем ученики устно выполняют упр. 21 (учебник, с. 15).


Тренировка навыков грамматики в письменных упражнениях

Exercise 22 (page 15) is to be written. Read the story to yourself, then put the numbers from 1 to 11 and write the correct forms of the verbs.

Активизация навыков диалогической речи

Now we know modern schools and schools of the past have a lot of differences. It is interesting to know what the members of your family remember about schools of their youth. It's time to open your textbooks on page 15, exercise 23.

— Who will read the task?

You will make some notes now. I'd like you to make up the questions for your family member. You have 3 minutes to look through the points and then we shall listen to your questions.

Who is ready to start?

Подведение итогов урока

It's time to say "Goodbye". You worked well during the lesson. Stand up, please.

Mind the clock and keep the rule: Try to come in time to school. Our lesson is over. Goodbye, boys and girls!

Домашнее задание

Учебник: упр. 22 (провести опрос родственника, записать от­веты) (с. 15).

Урок 5. Проблемы в школе

Цели: развить навыки монологической речи по теме «Школь­ная жизнь»; активизировать лексические навыки; усовершенство­вать навыки аудирования.

Оборудование: набор карточек для игры «Цепочка слов»; же­тоны для игры «Назови рифму».

Ход урока
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