Методология. А. М. Новиков д. А. Новиков методология
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272 Юдин Э.Г. Системный подход и принцип деятельно- сти. Москва, 1978. 273 Янг С. Системное управление организацией. – М.: Сов. Радио, 1970. Summary 657 SUMMARY The book contains the authors’ approach towards the con- struction of methodology, which is defined as the theory of the organization of human activity. This definition determines the subject of methodology – the organization of activity. In this framework the term «organization» is considered in the following three denotations: 1) an internal order, coherency or interaction between more or less differentiated and autonomous parts of the whole; 2) an aggregate of processes or actions, which lead to the formation and perfection of interrelations between the parts of the whole; 3) a community of people, jointly implementing certain pro- gram of actions or achieving a purpose under given procedures and principles of interaction. Under the above definition of methodology it is considered broadly – as the theory of organization of any human activity – scientific, practical, art, educational or play activity on the one hand; and both individual and collective activity on the other hand. The book contains detailed philosophical, psychological, sys- tems engineering, science on science, ethical and aesthetical foun- dations of methodology. Methodology studies the organization of activity. To organize an activity means to regularize it into the holistic system with precise characteristics, logical structure, and process of its imple- mentation (temporal structure). Logical structure of activity includes the following compo- nents: object, subject, forms, means, methods and the result of the activity. 658 Summary External characteristics are the peculiar properties, principles, conditions and norms of activity. Historically, different types of the activity organization cul- tures’ are distinguished: traditional culture of aboriginal and agrarian society, handicraft and professional (scientific) cultures. The modern one is the project-technological type of organization culture, which is characterized by the subdivisions of a man’s (or an organization’s) activity into complete cycles, which are re- ferred to as the projects, implemented in the certain temporal sequence by phases, stages and steps. The completeness of the activity cycle (completeness of the project) is determined by three sequential phases: – the designing phase, which results in the constructed model of the designed system and into the plan of its implementation; – the technological phase, which results in the implementa- tion of the system; – the reflexive phase, which results in the estimation of the implemented system and decision-making on its further correction or starting the next project. Given above understanding and construction of methodology allows considering from the unified positions and in the same logic (chapter 1): - the methodology of scientific researches (chapter 2); - the methodology of practical activity (chapter 3); - the methodology of art activity (chapter 4); - the methodology of educational activity (chapter 5); - the methodology of play activity (chapter 6). Comparative analysis of different types of activity’s organi- zation is given in chapter 7. The problem of teaching the method- ology in senior school, colleges, universities and post-graduate courses is considered in chapter 8. Content 659 CONTENT PREFACE INTRODUCTION Chapter 1. FOUNDATIONS OF METHODOLOGY 1.1. Philosophical-Psychological and Systems Engineering Foundations of Methodology 1.2. Science on Science Foundations of Methodology 1.3. Ethical and Aesthetical Foundations of Methodology Chapter 2. METHODOLOGY OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCHES 2.1. Characteristics of Scientific Researches 2.2. Means and Methods of Scientific Researches 2.3. Organization of the Scientific Research Process 2.4. Particularity of the Collective Scientific Researches Chapter 3. METHODOLOGY OF PRACTICAL ACTIVITY 3.1. Characteristics of Practical Activity 3.2. Means and Methods of Practical Activity 3.3. Organization of the Practical Activity Process 3.4. Project Management 3.5. Projects and Scientific Researches Chapter 4. INTRODUCTION TO THE METHODOLOGY OF ART ACTIVITY 4.1. Characteristics of Art Activity 4.2. Means, Methods and Forms of Art Activity 4.3. Organization of the Art Activity Process Chapter 5. METHODOLOGY OF EDUCATIONAL ACTIVITY 5.1. Shift of the Educational Paradigms 660 Content 5.2. Characteristics of Educational Activity 5.3. Logical Structure of Educational Activity 5.4. Organization of the Educational Activity Process Chapter 6. INTRODUCTION TO THE METHODOLOGY OF PLAY ACTIVITY 6.1. Characteristics of Play Activity 6.2. Logical Structure of Play Activity 6.3. Organization of the Play Activity Process Chapter 7. COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF DIFFERENT TYPES OF ACTIVITY’S ORGANIZATION Chapter 8. TEACHING THE BASES OF METHODOLOGY CONCLUSION SUBJECT-HEADING BIBLIOGRAPHY SUMMARY CONTENT AUTHORS’ INFORMATION СВЕДЕНИЯ ОБ АВТОРАХ НОВИКОВ АЛЕКСАНДР МИХАЙЛОВИЧ 1941 г.р., заслуженный деятель науки Рос- сии, доктор педагогических наук, профес- сор, академик Российской академии обра- зования, иностранный член Академии педагогических наук Украины, член Союза журналистов, лауреат Государственной премии РФ. В настоящее время работает руководителем Исследовательского центра теории непрерывного образования Российской акдемии образования, заведует кафедрой в Московском государственном открытом педагогическом университете им. М.А. Шолохова. Автор более 250 научных работ по методологии и теории педагогики, теории и методике трудового обучения и профессионального обра- зования, психологии и физиологии труда. Подготовил 10 докторов и 32 кандидата наук. E-mail: am@anovikov.ru , www.anovikov.ru НОВИКОВ ДМИТРИЙ АЛЕКСАНДРОВИЧ 1970 г.р., доктор технических наук, профессор. В настоящее время – заместитель директора Института проблем управления Российской академии наук, профессор Московского физико- технического института. Автор более 300 научных работ по теории управления социально-экономическими системами, в том числе – по методологии, системному анализу, теории игр, принятию решений и механизмам управления организационными системами. Подготовил 3 доктора и 19 кандидатов наук. E-mail: novikov@ipu.ru , www.mtas.ru |