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  • Пассивный залог, перфект (Perfect Passive)

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  • В. Н. Бгашев е. Ю. Долматовская английский язык для студентов машиностроительных специальностей учебник

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    НазваниеВ. Н. Бгашев е. Ю. Долматовская английский язык для студентов машиностроительных специальностей учебник
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    Подберите необходимые формальные показатели к следующим предложениям.

    1. Some progress is being made in machine-building, (atpresent, last year, regularly) 2. When I came to their plant a new model of the sporting car was being tested, (tomorrow, still, soon, now, at present) 3. The greatest importance is given to the further development of gas equipment. (yesterday, not long ago, now, today, at that time) 4. The process of the technical re-equipment of transport is going on. (soon, continuously, the day before yesterday, at that time) 5. The automobile industry is making progress in all types of transport, (tomorrow, next month, a year ago, soon, nowadays) 6. It is expected that cars with less toxic exhaust gases will be widely used, (now, last year, at present, in future, tomorrow, not long ago)

    1. Найдите в тексте предложения со сказуемым, образованным по модели have + Ved, и переведите их на русский язык.

    2. Заполните таблицу недостающими формами глаголов.













    1. Объясните, какое значение придают всему предложению выделенные формы глагола, и переведите предложения на русский язык.

    1. Although machine-building has been a branch of human activity for centuries, only in the 20th century have machines begun to assume such an all-important role. 2. The engineer had visited many plants and designing offices, he had personally examined a great deal of different types of machines and had done a lot of work on his thesis, before performing a large number of experiments. 3. I’d like to know whether the series of experiments I have already performed and the data which I have obtained are enough. 4. These remarkable technological achievements have become possible by specially designed mechanisms and machines. 5. Man has obtained ultrahigh and ultralow temperatures,

    ultrahigh vacuums, superhigh pressures, ultrahigh strength, superelastic and superconducting materials and has been able to study the interaction of superhigh-energy particles.

    1. Сравните следующие группы предложений по значению. Переведите их на русский язык.

    1. I carry out a number of experiments. I am carrying out a number of experiments now. I have carried out a number of experiments. I carried out a number of experiments yesterday.

    2. At present the research engineer is establishing the relationship between the time when the pipes were in operation and the breaking force. The research engineer has already established the relationship between the time when the pipes were in operation and the breaking force. Two years ago the research engineer established the relationship between the time when the pipes had been in operation and the breaking force.

    3. This plant produces more and more tyres with every passing year. This plant has produced a great amount of tyres this month. This plant produced a great amount of tyres last month.

    1. Пассивный залог, перфект (Perfect Passive)

    Great progress (to make) in all types of transport since 1925.

    Если глагол необходимо поставить в пассивном залоге и пер­фекте, то сначала образуется форма пассива, так как это более глу­бокая форма в языке. По модели образования пассива глагол to make ставится в форму:

    1. этап (залог) — to be made

    Затем, оставляя форму made в стороне, по модели перфекта ста­вим глагол to be в форму перфекта:

    1. этап (временная соотнесенность)to have been

    Далее, оставляя форму been в стороне и ориентируясь на фор­мальные показатели времени, согласовываем форму глагола to have с подлежащим предложения:

    1. этап (время, число, лицо) — has

    В результате получаем форму has been made:

    Great progress has been made in all types of transport since 1925.

    Схематически это выглядит так:

    Great progress (to make) in all types of transport since 1925.

    1. этап (залог)

    2. этап (временная отнесенность)

    3. этап (время)

    to be made to have been has

    reat progress
    has bei in made in all types of transport since 1925.

    Вопросительные и отрицательные предложения образуются по модели для глагола to have.

    1. Найдите в тексте все предложения с глаголами в пассивном залоге перфект­ного вида и переведите их на русский язык.

    2. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на значения глагольных форм.

    1. All means of production have been recently modernized in this field.

    1. Sixteen specialized plants including the first section of a plant in Cheboksary for the manufacture of heavy-duty tractors for melioration and construction work had been put into operation by the end of 1975.

    2. The development in all fields of science and technology has always been marked by a desire to advance man’s potentialities in all directions.

    3. Of late great attention has been paid to have materials whose properties can be changed and controlled. 5. Every tool, machine and material used by the engineer to accomplish his purpose stems directly from machine- tools or has been evolved from machines which themselves were produced by machine-tools. 6. All these components have been developed into a complicated mechanism, detailed drawings have been made of all component parts.

    1. Составьте предложения, используя следующие формы глагола; не забудьте о формальных признаках.

    1. ...has worked out... 2. ...is studying... 3. ...was being developed... 4. ...has been made... 5. ...works... 6. ...has manufactured... 7. ...will be produced... 8. had been finished... 9. ...will have discovered... 10. ...have been developed... 11. ...was referred to... 12. ...has been determined... 13. ...was twisting... 14. ...is bent...

    1. Заполните пропуски во втором предложении пассивной формой глагола из первого предложения. Переведите предложения.

    1. This complex has produced
    many new types of vehicles recently. Many new types of vehicles ... at this complex recently. 2. The KAMAZ plant has occupied
    a huge territory of almost 1,000 hectares. A huge territory of almost 1,000 hectares ... by the KAMAZ plant. 3. After the

    engineer has
    finally checked
    the drawings and found them satisfactory, materials are ordered. After the drawings... finally and found satisfactory, materials are ordered. 4. The scientists have proved that materials may exist whose properties are as superior to those of diamond as diamond is superior to carbon. It ... by scientists that materials may exist whose properties are as superior to those of diamond as diamond is superior to carbon. 5. Our specialists and representatives of the Renault Company of France have worked out the technological processes of manufacturing the engines. Technological processes of manufacturing the engines ... by our specialists and representatives of the Renault Company of France.
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